Is it normal for my macbook pro to seriously overheat?
Just got it a few months back and it really overheats! Especially when its running on A/C power instead of battery? Is there a fan available for Macs?
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Just got it a few months back and it really overheats! Especially when its running on A/C power instead of battery? Is there a fan available for Macs?
It shouldn't be doing that. Do you have apple care? Take it back to the store to get it fixed.
Yes there is a fan available. Its inside the MacBook!
Since your computer is still quite new, you may want to contact customer support. Sometimes these brand new hardwares have issues, of which there may be a fix already. Plus it helps you to create a history, in case it gets worse further down the line.
Over heating can be subjective depending upon what you mean. Generally if you can still touch the case then its not over heating (officially)
But this also depends on your use of it.
Have you got it sitting on a flat hard surface? Are you away from direct sunlight? Is it warm or even summer where you are?
Are you an intense gamer? I mean is the game running for hours and then you notice the computer is hot? This may mean your processor is just not as fast as the game requires for extensive long playing.
You can also purchase one of those mini benches that have sometimes up to 3 fans in them (actually they are not that expensive) It usually plugs directly into one of the USB outlets, and your your MacBook sits directly on top of it.
I hope that helps. I know more about computers/software/networking and you name it, than anything else.
@Dad, lol yes i know there is a fan inside the MacBook i was referring to the USB mini bench thing you suggested..think I'll start shopping for it! I was about to download software that would be able to increase the fan speed but read on a couple of forums that this would reduce the life-span of the fan so I chose not to. When working with the laptop i place it on a flat hard surface, but when on my lap it gets too hot! About the climate, here in Kenya right now its the short rains season and we average HI's of 22 degrees Celsius so not yet into the "summer weather yet"
I got the iSat Nano widget that shows the temp and sometimes it reaches 36 degrees Celsius, feels abit too warm for my liking..errm no, getting Apple Care here in Kenya is a bit tricky because the hardware is sold by retailers and i have had friends who've had difficulty trying to get there hardware sorted out but i'll take it back and have it checked!
Thanks for the advice mates!