Is it normal for my mom to force religion on me

My mom is a Jehovah's witness. And she wants me to study the Bible.

Up until 3 or 4 years ago, I was also christian, but I stopped believing in that stuff. So when she tells me "oh, you'll see how great it is" I tell her I already know what it was like.
Now all of a sudden she's forcing me to study the Bible with strangers and I told her I don't care about religion and I'm not interested, and she's like "You're MY daughter so you have to".
I get kinda pissed off and the Bible studies last for hours at a time. It's terrible.

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31% Normal
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Comments ( 13 )
  • Ellenna

    Normal for religious control freaks to do this: I had parents like that too and they turned me off anything spiritual for decades.

    Stand your ground or if you can't do that, go along with them until you're old enough to leave home and then don't look back

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  • In my experiences Jehovah Witnesses are always the pushiest when it comes to that stuff. I dated a guy whose Mom is a Jehovah Witness and that is all she would ever talk about. She was always preaching to me

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  • nobody13

    I had the same problem growing up, only my folks were Southern Baptists. I can only tell you that it doesn't always get better with time; sometimes they'll cool their shit and back off for a second or two, other times they'll turn the heat up and insist that you go back to church or whatever, especially if they see something on the news that convinces them that the end is near.

    You probably won't be able to reason with her. Most of the time, they have to find out the hard way that their efforts to instill fundamentalist beliefs into their children backfire and result in further animosity towards the religion before they will finally calm down a bit (at least, that's the way it was in my experience).

    A fun thing to do is to read books about the Bible and the many different ways that it can be interpreted; it seems innocuous enough, but it's always fun to throw out an interpretation that differs from everyone else's and see what kind of response you'll get.

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  • Short4Words

    If she only knew she was driving you away more.. Maybe you should say that. Or not. Your mother doesn't sound like she's easy to reason with.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I'm sorry your mother is such a nut job. I feel your pain. Too bad you can't have her committed for this insanity.
    My second wife's sister was a 7dac nut job too. Her children were ostracized and teased all through school and made to feel 'different' and inferior because they were not allowed to celebrate any of the normal holidays.
    They couldn't even make up Valentines for their classmates, dress up for Halloween, exchange gifts, etc. Nothing that the rest of the kids did for fun was acceptable to these insane religious zealots.
    Both her children died on the streets as drugged out whores before they were 20, all because their nut job mother loved gawd's word more than her children.
    Save yourself, stand up to the crazy woman and 'just say no'!

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  • The_zoo_keeper

    I'm sorry. This can't be fixed. Passive aggressive will be the outcome.

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  • lordofopinions

    Move out or be such a bitch that your parents will give you up to foster home.

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  • Stamex

    Parent's do that, and it's absurdly grotesque for them to impose their own beliefs onto another human being by force.
    Persevere, be who you are.

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  • bucho's_butt

    Oh it's completely normal for a family member who subscribes to an absolute bogus religious belief to force it on another family member. Just don't succumb to it. She will put as much pressure as she can on you up to and including disowning you if you don't go along with her utter bullshit belief system. Hey, I've got an idea..tell her that you're going to join a 7th Day Adventist church. That ought to raise her ire.

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  • Stand2260by

    Just read it and then piss at it

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  • RoseIsabella

    Jehovah's Witnesses fuck up their kids! It's not your fault. Technically Jehovah's Witnesses aren't even real Christians, because they don't believe in the Trinity. Regardless about how you feel about religion and spirituality get away from them as soon as you're old enough.

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  • kradmelder

    Any real Christian knows forced practice is against the principles of Christianity, where you must willingly accept Christ yourself. If you are Baptist, this principle is taken further to the extent that a baptism at birth is not accepted and only a baptism later in life when you willingly accept Jesus is valid.

    All your mum will achieve is to drive you further from your faith. My kids go to church. I don't make them. if they don't want to go, they don't have to. Sooner or later they will make up their own mind. Personally, I accept God, but a lot of what goes on in churches I don't. Christianity says God gave you Free Will, which you can use to accept or deny God.

    In practice, as you journey through life, you will come closer and more distant to God at various times. The number of times your bum is in a pew means nothing. It is not a measure of faith. Nor is studying with strangers. Faith is between you and God. Groups, sitting in a building on Sunday with a man with a collar or whatever are not a measure of your faith. Their is nothing in the bible about having your bum in a pew on Sunday in your best clothes.

    Ask God yourself for guidance and you will find your way along your own personal journey with God. You will fall off, at times rejecting. But rejecting church practice does not mean rejecting God. 2 different things.

    Be blessed.

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  • shuggy-chan

    Lame, yes
    normal yeah kind of normal

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