Is it normal for my pet's fur to be everywhere all the time?

On a daily basis, I deal with pet fur everywhere. I find it in between my teeth, I'm always picking it off my tongue.
After a shower, I find that there is a gob of fur in the drain stop.
It's everywhere, all the time.
I can understand it being on the furniture/the floor etc... and it's easy enough to get rid of by vacuuming, but I'm wondering if other pet owners also live their daily lives being covered head to toe, inside and out, with a fine layer of gross fur that never really seems to go away?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • pancakesorwaffles


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  • Owly

    I get it everywhere... two each, cats and dogs. Get used to it. I even find it in my college stuff, which is sealed whenever I'm home with them!!

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  • flightlesskiwi

    My cat is very fluffy. I brush her every day at least once but she still sheds a lot. There's only so much you can do.

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    Brush your pet. There will still be hair on your furniture but not as much if you brush it out.

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    • I brush all the ones who will sit still and let me. The cats aren't having that, though. I noticed a marked increase in this fur problem after we got our black lab/mutt about 2 years or so ago.
      Everyone else here has fairly short fur and doesn't seem to shed quite as much as the lab-mutt.
      He's the one I brush the most. He'll let me brush him out for hours at a time.
      I just wish there was some viable solution, because it really is exasperating to live in such an innocuously furry world.
      Not to mention that it seriously grosses me out.
      I mean, when I clean out my comb or brush, probably a good 20% of the hair I clean out of it isn't my own. It's black fur.

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  • curiousstrangeme

    Do you regularly bath your cat and brush it?

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  • Firejade

    My cats leave tumbleweeds of fur flying everywhere and it's impossible to keep clean. I knew that when I got them, so it's something I'm willing to live with. I love the little buggers. If someone is completely intolerant of fur or messes, they probably don't need to have an animal or a kid, because you got to take the good with the bad, but the good outweighs the bad many times over. I like my furry babies.

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