Is it normal for my testicles to move around during night sleep?

Hello everyone can some of you males please give me some answer to see weather if its normal when i sit down i feel very unconformable and can't sleep at night also due to my testicle problem like is it normal for it to move to one side when i sleep on my right side because it feels weird also no i don;t have any pain when i sit down or lay down or sleep but it feels very unconformable and it is starting to worry me? i have never experiences this before

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Sperm_Dog

    Balls, balls said the queen. If I had two, I'd be king.

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  • you_go_glen_coco

    There's this thing called a cremaster muscle that expands and retracts. This muscle causes to testicles to move around. It's only a temperature thing. It's important to keep the sperm at a certain temperature. You should not be concerned about the moving. You should be concerned if it doesn't move

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  • bicoastal65

    there can be some orgnic supports (don't ask me the med terms) that can be less than optimum, and will let the cords twist over night, and kill the testicle affected, lack of blood flow. And then removal of one or both. Doctors can tie them up in place with cord, requiring a harsh needle thru the balls. Experience counts here.

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  • xfg23

    Prostate cancer. You have a couple
    months to live.

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