Is it normal for panic attacks to be triggered by bright lights?

So on more than one occasion I have gotten a random panic attack in public. I have been diagnosed with general anxiety and I am on medicine. The first time was at night near a beach,I had already been stressed out and when I saw the bright lights of the beach cleaning trucks in my eyes I got panicky,couldn't breathe,and started crying hysterically. The second time I was leaving a movie theater with friends,again I was already stressed out, suddenly I felt like I was high or drunk and could not tell reality from a dream.I started crying and hyperventilating and seemed to be having an out-of-body experience-We sat near the front during the movie and I noticed during that particular night the lights of the screen really bothered me. The other day at school I had been sitting in class,stressed out again, and as soon as I looked at the lights I started getting panicky and was unable to breathe,but I knew where I was. It is not caused by florescent or strobe lights and is completely random,I look at lights all the time with no problem. Is this normal?Help!

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46% Normal
Based on 111 votes (51 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • wiseoldlady

    No, it's not unusual or abnormal. Think about it. Your moods come from your mind and your eyes connect to significant parts of the brain. If you are already stressed out and your eyes are stimulated by bright lights, it can produce a reaction. Some people are sensitive to lights and they can trigger epileptic attacks and headaches.
    Carry sunglasses with you as a prevention. Wear them when you feel vulnerable in these situations, especially at night when you are tired.Tell your counselor or prescribing doctor about these episodes. It might be significant and they can tell you what to do.

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  • kelili


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    • gotogirl118

      idt,I've never been diagnosed and I usually do not have problems with lights

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  • Alquen

    I have problems with bright lights too, but it's more the afterimage than the light itself. It makes me feel like my vision is messed up and/or that I'm going blind, which makes me panic.

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  • Lonely2

    Yes different people can have different triggers

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  • Foreverdecay

    Completely normal. Ive had panic attacks my whole life and both me and my mom know that brighter lighting, especially in stores makes us more nervous. Not everyone with panic attacks are going to have that problem though. Like i get nervous with brighter indoor lighting, but im fine if its really bright outside. I hope that helped.

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    • gotogirl118

      thanks so much for this!I though I was the only one! Well on a plus note...I went to the movies today for the first time since and was fine.

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  • SkullsNBones

    I cry and hyperventilate over My Chemical Romance, not bright lights though...

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