Is it normal for panic attacks to be triggered by bright lights?
So on more than one occasion I have gotten a random panic attack in public. I have been diagnosed with general anxiety and I am on medicine. The first time was at night near a beach,I had already been stressed out and when I saw the bright lights of the beach cleaning trucks in my eyes I got panicky,couldn't breathe,and started crying hysterically. The second time I was leaving a movie theater with friends,again I was already stressed out, suddenly I felt like I was high or drunk and could not tell reality from a dream.I started crying and hyperventilating and seemed to be having an out-of-body experience-We sat near the front during the movie and I noticed during that particular night the lights of the screen really bothered me. The other day at school I had been sitting in class,stressed out again, and as soon as I looked at the lights I started getting panicky and was unable to breathe,but I knew where I was. It is not caused by florescent or strobe lights and is completely random,I look at lights all the time with no problem. Is this normal?Help!