Is it normal for people to be so ignorant about islam?

Why most people are ignorants about the religion of Islam? Why they choose to believe all the hate and made up stories by the haters rather than looking up the true facts about the religion and the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)?

It's the fastest growing religion in the world. And that's mostly because those people have read the Koran ( themselves and made their own research from authentic Islamic sources rather than believing the misconceptions and the hate propaganda against Islam.

So is it normal for them to be so ignorant yet so opposing Islam?

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70% Normal
Based on 77 votes (54 yes)
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Comments ( 125 )
  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    "And that's mostly because those people have read the Koran themselves and made their own research"

    I read the Quran and it's because I did research that I won't convert lol. It's hopeless, gullible people who would just read it and convert. No individual with a sound knowledge of physics and chemistry would believe such primitive rhetoric.

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    • changes123

      Not questioning your intelligence , but your opinions are not facts. Your opinion that the Quran is bullshit does not make it bullshit.

      Honestly, if you want to really understand something, then you should be able to speak the language it was originally in. For instance, if you want to read a book in Spanish to understand it in its entirety without the translators adding their own bias to it... then wouldn't you want to learn Spanish?

      I don't think anyone can call bullshit on anything until they understand it. Hence, you speak classic Arabic right?

      Such ignorance on the internet towards other peoples beliefs is really irritating. What's sad is that you probably consider yourself educated and open-minded... Sometimes it's best to keep your own ignorance to yourself. Not saying that you can't speak your mind... just don't write it and stamp it off as the truth.

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      • SuperBenzid

        Actually no one can properly read the classic Arabic of the Quran. There are things like Muqatta'at (That no one knows the meaning of) and there are intelligible bits of the Quran that require commentaries to understand.

        Also Classical Arabic used cultural context for meaning in a way that is different to most modern languages. Considering that cultural context is lost in time, the interpreted meaning of a modern classical Arabic reader would be different anyway. Basically even if you knew classical Arabic you are still just reading your own modern translation.

        Essentially you asked him to do something that is impossible. There is no one alive that can read the full Quran and know the meaning of each part of it.

        Of course that fact alone proves the Quran is bullshit. Why would a God not use a better language than that? Why would their be errors of grammar and unintelligible writing?

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        • changes123

          Ah, so that means then that people could never truly understand old english, or even Latin right? Because the language has died out, and the culture doesn't exist anymore. It's not like anyone chose to preserve it, or that people can write down textbooks so that others can study from them in the future.

          Why would an educated civilization ever think of doing that?

          The Quran, like most other bibles is very ambiguous to begin with. Never did I claim that someone can understand the meaning to every part of the Quran. But it would help before you start slandering something to have a basic understanding of the language, and the culture. I wonder how you know there are grammatical errors and "unintelligible writing" then? You speak and understand Arabic right?

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          • SuperBenzid

            Old English and Latin don't depend on context for meaning like Classical Arabic, those languages are nothing alike. You've really proved you don't know what you are talking about at all. Words are very dependent on context in languages like Hebrew and Classical Arabic. You probably won't be able to understand that unless you know a contextual language. It's genuinely funny to see someone so out of their depth.

            It's not my job to educate you on the very basics. My advice is that you stick to things you know something about, you have made it very obvious you know absolutely nothing about the subject matter here.

            It is obvious you just want to believe that Islam is not so bad. Can I ask why this is so important for you? Why not take some of your own advice and read through the Quran and some well regarded hadith like Buhkari? At least then you would be interesting to argue with.

            .مخه جزمة changes123

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            • changes123

              Earlier you said that you weren't bashing on the Quran. but...

              "Of course that fact alone proves the Quran is bullshit. Why would a God not use a better language than that? Why would their be errors of grammar and unintelligible writing?"

              Then you claimed that the classical Arabic used in writing the Quran was full of Grammatical errors and unintelligible writing. But you have no idea how to read Classical Arabic, let alone even modern Arabic at all. Everything you say speaks for itself.


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  • iheartu2013

    Unfortunately the Muslim religion is a violent one. They don't want anyone to live without converting or paying a tax. A tax to stay alive! Also women are property to them, nothing else.

    As to the Bible being violent, yes the Old Testiment is violent, but still, where does it say that only Jews can be allowed to live?

    Also I do not follow a lot of the Old Testiment. God gave us a New Testiment for a reason, and I follow that one. Where is the violence in the New Testiment? Cause I don't remember any. I do remember Jesus saying "Love thy Neighbor," as well as "If someone hits you on your cheek, turn your cheek." Seems pretty passive and non-violent to me. Which is the opposite of islam.

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  • sahtiwaari

    Oh well, if people from said religion keep being violent and exploding themselves, you shouldn't expect the other people to want to know more about their religion...

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Oh you're just being intolerant or a racist haha...famous liberal go-to to cut off debate

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      • Nehvshtan

        Islam is totally a race lol.
        Where's the Islam gene again?

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      • sahtiwaari

        I'm not saying I don't want to know more, actually I have read a lot of stuff about it. I'm just saying that there's no reason for the regular people become interested... It is not like its the general public's fault, those fundamentalists are the ones creating the bad image of their own religion.

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        • robbieforgotpw

          I agree completely. My comment is how they respond using the same plays out of the liberal play book... You cant debate with them without being a racist or islamaphobe, it's how they silence opposing opinions you know? But people badmouth Jesus as much as they want, its a shame.
          Remember this line from our leader? "The future does not belong to those who would slander the Prophet." What a joke! When has the Lord Jesus ever received reverence even close to that?

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          • sahtiwaari

            Oh, OK. People should be able to criticize everything, without having to fear for their lives... Actually the bible can be quite violent, and that's one of the reasons that made me abandon christianity. Since then , I have read about various religions, but I understand the average person doesn't feel the need to do such a research. I think that christianity isn't as bad because they have been through cultural revolutions such asthe Age of Reason... And Islam still needs a revolution like this. I hope they can have one soon, for our own sake...

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            • robbieforgotpw

              Christianity is not on a quest to convert the world by force...convert or die

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  • anti-hero

    It is just as stupid as any other religion. No better, no worse. Well, maybe a little worse. You know with Muhammad (anal rape be upon him) being a child molester and all that jazz. So yeah, fuck Islam and everything else. It is bullshit.

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    • SuperBenzid

      Don't forget a slaver. He raided Jewish tribes such as in Banu Qurayza, murdered those he didn't want and then enslaved the rest. He later said that Arabia was only for Muslims and that other religions had to be expelled. Makes it pretty hilarious that Muslims today ask for tolerance when their prophet showed none for other religions.

      Hmmm I wonder who else in history killed a lot of Jews, enslaved them, tried to rid his country of them even though they had lived there for centuries and started many wars. It seems like their might be another person similar to Mohammed in European history...

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      • anti-hero

        He sounds like a real gem. Say what you will about Jesus, but I have never read about him getting freaky with little girls or enslaving people. At least he was a peaceful guy. Which is more than I can say for some of his followers.

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      • suckonthis9

        Why are you creating divisions in society?

        Four times.

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    • suckonthis9

      Why are you creating division in society, again?

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      • anti-hero

        I hope you fall ass first onto a foot long dildo.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Yeah they're peaceful and really don't want to force it on the whole world..right

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  • Mr.Dongle

    Muslims are more ignorant than anyone else.

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    • suckonthis9

      Why are you creating division in society?

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    • changes123

      I think your comment was more ignorant than anything else.

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  • Theman32

    Almost everybody is ininformed about Islam, because when I tell someone about Islam they always say that it is a religion of peace. If you think that you are dumb and most likely young. You can't really know what Islam is just by hear information from the news or someone you know. You have to read the Quran. If you read it most people will be surprised, and the Muslim that are terrorists do not twist the religion because Muhammad the Muslims prophet terrorized everybody who was not a true Muslim.

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  • davesumba

    It's not that people are ignorant about Islam. It's that like any religion based off of a book written over a thousand years ago, there is going to be different people who interpret it different ways, since no one is still around to tell us what the Prophet truly meant. And the fact is, that half of the Muslims are all for violence and ridding the world of unbelievers and such. While the other half, is indeed, a very peaceful people, who don't wish violence on anybody.

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  • americanhoney

    Why you talk like this

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  • GuessWho

    (to OP)
    Because it's all bullshit and people generally steer clear of bullshit.

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  • Couman

    It wouldn't hurt if you guys wrote an English translation that actually made some sense instead of being all weirdly disjointed with parenthetical words and junk.

    Admittedly as an atheist my only interest in reading holy books is to mock some of the sillier aspects and be able to call believers on their hypocrisy when they break their own rules. But with the Koran I can't even be bothered. I've looked at a couple translations and they're all terrible.

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    • Nehvshtan

      The problem is that the Qur'an is poetry filled with weird, and vague symbolism. Even if it was true, its kinda God's fault for writing it like that!

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  • SuperBenzid

    Can you tell me why Mohammed said that Arabia should only be for Muslims? If that is so how can you worship such a man and yet ask for tolerance?

    Are you one of the greatest hypocrites to ever exist?

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    • changes123

      Can you give a reference, meaning a particular page and sentence citing the Quran? Thank you. :)

      It's really annoying when people act like they know it all, but instead are talking out of the ass. It's a little something also known as self-righteous bullshit. This hate on Islam is completely ridiculous.

      You have your opinions, though I agree completely ignorant and limited. It becomes a problem when you try to pass it off as the truth.

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      • SuperBenzid

        There is more to the Islamic faith then the Quran. All major sects of Islam recognize aHadith.

        Sahih Muslim Book 019, Hadith Number 4366:
        It has been narrated by 'Umar b. al-Khattib that he heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) say: I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim.

        Al-Muwatta Hadith Hadith 45.18:
        Yahya related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Two deens shall not co-exist in the Arabian Peninsula."

        Malik said that Ibn Shihab said, ''Umar ibn al-Khattab searched for information about that until he was absolutely convinced that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, had said, 'Two deens shall not co-exist in the Arabian Peninsula,' and he therefore expelled the jews from Khaybar."

        Also in the Quran there is:
        O ye who believe! Surely, the idolaters are unclean. So they shall not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year of theirs. (9:28)
        Just to back up Mohammed's views of non-believers and why he later in life called for their expulsion.

        I expect an apology from you, you have accused me of many things and I have shown that I know what I am talking about. Thanks.

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        • robbieforgotpw

          Those pushing islam here completely ignore passages about killing the infidel and martyrdom insisting it's a peaceful religion.

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          • SuperBenzid

            It's true. The one of the worst parts of the Quran to me are (4:24; 23:1-6; 33:50; 70:22-30) as they say it is okay to rape your slaves.

            A slave cannot possibly consent to sex with her master, since the master has all power over her, the idea of consent is absurd. So it combines slavery with rape all with the apparent blessing of God. What a religion...

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            • robbieforgotpw

              Even though you have the supporting passages you've listed you will still be called ignorant in order to cut off debate. Its their best way to handle opposing opinions.

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            • changes123

              Just to save the readers headaches from these senseless arguments, I will correct you one more time.

              I picked up a copy of the Quran and 4:24 doesn't say it's okay to rape your slaves.

              Remember that out of context thing I mentioned earlier? Keep reading that verse and you will see that it says you cannot have intercourse with any women until you are married to them. War captives included.

              And you wanted to quote Hadith's earlier right? Well here's one for you.

              "In our view the man who rapes a woman, regardless of whether she is a virgin or not, if she is a free woman he must pay a "dowry" like that of her peers, and if she is a slave he must pay whatever has been detracted from her value. The punishment is to be carried out on the rapist and there is no punishment for the woman who has been raped, whatever the case." (Imam Maalik, Al-Muwatta', Volume 2, page 734)

              Have a nice day y'all ^.^

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        • changes123

          To those of you who believe in Islam, or any religion, I'm saddened that you have to see such righteous ignorance. Just know that not everyone online, or on this website is like this XD.

          @Super What you choose to believe is your choice. You can take a sentence out of context from anything... I can take "kill" out of, "I would kill to see my mother one more time" and make it look bad.

          I believe religion can be a beautiful thing if you use a little bit of common sense.

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          • SuperBenzid

            It is not my choice. It is my obligation and duty to oppose movements that put down women, homosexual people, apostates and non-believers. It is my obligation and duty as a human being with the fortunate luck to be born in a relatively free society to protect reason and to do my best to protect those harmed by the enemies of reason.

            While I don't necessarily have a problem with individual Muslims as they can be good people in spite of their Islamic beliefs and I have known Muslims that were good people. It is my obligation to challenge what I believe to be bad ideas as it is the obligation of every thinking person that cares about the improvement of humanity.

            It is people like you that are far more dangerous than Islam could ever be though. You value tolerance over truth and sensitivity over reason. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and people like you are building that road.

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        • changes123

          You do understand that Hadith's are written by scholars, and are not in the Quran right?

          There are hundreds, even thousands of Hadith books and the majority are known to be false and misleading by many muslims.

          It's like you quoting a pastor in some small southern state and then saying that's why the Bible, and Christianity is wrong.

          You're quoting people, but you're trying to bash on the Quran... Does that make sense?

          All you have shown me is that you can google "misleading things about the quran" and plagiarize other peoples ignorant findings. Good job :)

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          • SuperBenzid

            I am quoted from two of the most highly regarded collections of Hadiths in Muslim theology. These are aHadiths that are used as the basis for religious law that hand out death sentences. Yet you pass it off as some unimportant document when it is a major part of Islamic jurisprudence and belief.
            It seems like you know nothing about Islam.

            "You're quoting people, but you're trying to bash on the Quran... "
            I did quote the Quran as well. Try reading.
            Also I never said I was bashing the Quran, my criticism is of Islam. You're the one that made it all about the Quran only. As if Sunni's don't have the Sunnah and Shia don't have the four books. Is your mind really so dim that you forgot about that? I didn't even mention the Quran until you brought it up? Have you got brain damage or similar?
            Again it is as if you know nothing about Islam. It's like you think Islam is exactly like Christianity in that there is just one "Bible" and that is it, you are wrong.

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            • changes123

              First and foremost, the two most highly regarded collections of Hadiths are Sahih Muslim, and Sahih Al-Bukhari.

              Al-Muttawa is also considered credible but not so much as the others. I did not say that those two Hadith books that you quoted are not credible.

              My point is that to the Muslims, Allah (Swt) said that the Quran is the one true book.

              You practically quoted several misleading verses from the Quran and twisted it into a complete different meaning. There is nothing wrong with questioning something, but don't spread hate about it because of your own personal bias and lack of finding politically unmotivated teachings of Islam.

              This "Sunni" and "Shia" concept is not mentioned in the Quran at all. It is merely something that has happened because of the people, and human division. For Muslims, there is Just one god, and One holy book, which is the Quran.

              That is what they truly believe in.

              P.S: If you want to be as educated as you claim to be, then when you reference their god, and prophets, include their titles and acknowledgements for respect.

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    • suckonthis9

      Why are you creating division in society?

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      • SuperBenzid

        If the truth is divisive then so be it.

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        • changes123

          Suckonthis9 is a troll. He does this on every post so he's not particularly speaking of this post.

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      • dom180

        Asking people to question their faith is not "creating divisions", you generic insult.

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  • dom180

    I don't know, but it frustrates me. I've seen a lot of Islamophobia recently especially after the US ambassador in Libya was killed last year, including some on this site which surprised me. There's a huge amount of anti-Islam propaganda, and a lot of people generalise the extreme Islamists they see on TV to all Muslims (which is as ridiculous as generalising the Westboro Bapists to all Christians). I suspect there's a lot of anti-Western propaganda in Islamic countries too.

    I'll admit I'm ignorant about Islam. I don't know a huge amount about it. I certainly don't hate it though.

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    • suckonthis9

      Eight divisions in society.

      Why are you creating divisions in society?

      Please do not use -ists or -isms.

      Please take your divisive language, and shove it!

      Thank you.

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      • amaterasu

        OK, since you basically spammed at every comment, I guess I should just ask... why is there such a big deal about the -ist and -ism suffix?

        There is no other way to call atheists or to say atheism. It is not divisive, it would only be if we used those particles in other words... like "christianist" or something like that.

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        • suckonthis9


          Oll Korrect, isn't.
          Please refrain from using Old Dreadful.
          Thank you.

          I have already answered, on numerous previous occasions, in many different ways, why the -ist and -ism suffixes are a problem.
          All that you need to do, is to read the daily news. It's usually one -ist or -ism, or another, that is always causing trouble in this world. If we all simply stop using these, many of our troubles will go away.

          How about 'not religious', or 'non-religious'?
          How about '... don't believe [in the existence of] a deity'?

          Please do not use -ists or -isms.
          Thank you.

          You have used a term which divides people from one branch of a religion that believes in the teachings of Abraham from other people who also believe in the teachings of Abraham. This term also divides these people from people who have other religious beliefs, as well as from people who are not religious. The use of this term might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious, or whether they are not religious.

          Why are you creating division in society?

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Yeah, it's normal.
    I'm not Muslim myself but all things considered, it's not the worst religion out there. It's just easier to believe what we see on TV and on those cute little Facebook pictures we like to share than to understand the religion, do the research and acknowledge the human side of it all. Open mindedness and tolerance isn't true unless it applies across the board.

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    • suckonthis9

      Why are you creating division in society?

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  • 2_damgud_4

    if anything "religion" seems to be the one true "conductor" of more hate , war & indifference among the masses worldwide than any other force on the earth alone !

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  • 2_damgud_4

    The most interesting thing i find with religion of any kind .. Is the ability it has to divide people & provoke arguments & wars alike - this should be enough to raise one very logical & important question alone - if religion is si great & mighty then .. How come it invokes such things ?

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  • SuperBenzid

    Help me be less ignorant. Tell me where the wall of Gog and Magog is as mentioned in the Quran Al Kahf Surah and I will convert.
    If you cannot tell me where this miraculous wall is or if the wall you mention doesn't fit the construction details clearly outlined in the Quran then tell me why you worship a false prophet that lied to you?

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  • sanan22

    Islam is not alone about this...
    there is a growing wave of fear and intolerance spreading networks. there isn't a single day where you won't find "news" like "there is poison in vaccines", "there is poison in drinking water" etc...most of them as you know are not true or solved.
    why? ratings! they feed on people's fear. there won't be any news without drama,tension, suspense etc

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    • suckonthis9

      Why are you creating division in society?

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  • whatdoyoumeannormal

    Where do you live? If you live in the states, I would understand the misconception about Islam. America has a lot of propaganda against muslims or arabs. Media like newscast and even movies portray it terribly. And of course people are going to take what they hear as truth, cause not everybody is interested in learning and not everyone understand structures. I think it is easy to be fooled and have something to blame, when you feel like There's a we and them situation, people tend to keep bashing.
    I dont have any issues with religion, as long as it not opresses people within it. Sometime religion is not a choice and it shouldnt mean that you deserve less if your a woman, homosexual etc etc. And I prefer it if religion would keep out of politics, that combination has proven to be dangerous numerous of times.
    Education is the only key to make individuals understand differences in culture and religion.

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  • q25t

    The Qur'an is a rather hateful book. It's also a quite beautiful book. It's very similar to the Bible in those respects.

    In the places where other religions have dominated so utterly as Islam has been allowed to in some areas, the results have been the same, violence and intolerance.

    In Africa, 'witches' are burned in the name of Jesus. In Asia, the Muslims are attacked by Buddhists. It happens everywhere.

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    • lufa

      The Quran is a retarded book, it is not even in the right order. Plus it was largely plagiarized from Judaism and Christianity, actually more of a bastardization of those former religions.

      Most of the Quran is dedicated for incitement of violence, hatred, mass murder and enslavement of unbelievers/infidels/non-muslims.

      It is deceitful of you to claim that it the Quran is like the Bible. I'm an atheist and although the Bible has violent passages, Christians reject those teachings. Also there is no central tenet to conquer or kill unbelievers as there is in the Quran.

      If you want to see the real Islam unleashed, look at what muslims are doing to Christians, Buddhists, Atheists and other non-muslims today in Egypt, Pakistan, Myanmar (Burma), Africa and so on. Massacres, torching of homes, churches, rioting, beatings, gang-rapes, that's the real Islam, coming to a town near you when muslims become numerous enough.

      Islam is like the AIDS virus-when muslims are a tiny minority, they act like innocent little church mice, once they hit 20-50%, then they go into jihad (holy war) mode and start destroying their host nation and mass murdering the population to establish Islamic rule. You'll see that happening in Europe soon as their population grows. Islam needs to be eradicated.

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      • q25t

        "The Quran is a retarded book, it is not even in the right order." I haven't read the whole thing so I can't judge much about it. I can only talk about what I know with confidence and it has hateful and beautiful portions like the bible does. I can't say which one has more although you seem to be saying the Qur'an is more heavily focused in that direction, which would seem to be true based upon current events.

        " although the Bible has violent passages, Christians reject those teachings."

        Most Christians reject those teachings. There are still a few, especially in the 3rd world countries, who still adhere to the more insane teachings of the bible. It looks to me like Christianity has become tamed while Islam still seems to be a wild beast. It may need to be stopped but if we can, we should attempt to mitigate the issues rather than opt for the simple solution. I would prefer to see more acts like Draw Muhammad Day and those types of things as they may draw violent reactions initially, but I doubt they would draw full-scale war as the attempted eradication of Islam most likely would.

        "Also there is no central tenet to conquer or kill unbelievers as there is in the Quran."

        It may not be central, but it's still there. Deuteronomy 13: 6-10. It also espouses killing people for a great deal more than just non belief. It just so happens that Christianity has been dragged out of the Iron Age morality into the modern age. Islam hasn't had this happen yet.

        I'm well aware of what Islam is capable of when it is given free reign. I don't like the idea of any ideology having too much power in a country, especially one that encourages blind devotion. The problem is, all religions that I know of encourage this kind of faith in some way or another. I'm right with you in that matter. I'm all for the destruction of religion as a whole. I just won't advocate any way to accomplish this that violates free choice.

        All forceful ideologies suck. I suppose that's all I'm saying.

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        • lufa

          <"It looks to me like Christianity has become tamed while Islam still seems to be a wild beast...I would prefer to see more acts like Draw Muhammad Day and those types of things as they may draw violent reactions initially, but I doubt they would draw full-scale war as the attempted eradication of Islam most likely would.">

          Believe me I have no fondness for Christianity though I'm an ex-Christian and I agree that it has become more civilized, otherwise it'd be on my radar as well as Islam.

          Any campaign or form of criticism or mocking Islam would offend muslims and their reaction would be the same, rioting, violence, demonstrations, demands that we restrict our free speech or else.

          The fact is that they are already at war against us, whether we accept it or not. What I'm arguing for is fighting back and winning this war that they started.

          It will take a multi-pronged attack-the biggest handicap we infidels/non-muslims have is a lack of understanding of Islam, so we don't realize it's a threat and secondly a lack of unity/organization among us to mount an effective counter-offensive.

          Muslims might be a bunch of moronic foaming-at-the-mouth bloodthirsty 7th century barbarians, but what they do understand from 1400 years of invading, enslaving, conquering us non-muslims is how to defeat us since that's all they focus on. So we all need to up our game.

          <"I'm right with you in that matter. I'm all for the destruction of religion as a whole. I just won't advocate any way to accomplish this that violates free choice.">

          Islam was spread by force and it will take force to defeat it. The best you can hope for is Islam being peacefully banned and muslims deported from the West.

          However humans being as stupid as they are and slow to react to threats, we'll probably end up having civil wars to defeat Islam before muslims can take over. Muslims have a doctrine of al-hijra, which is mass immigration and breeding like rats, so they can out-number us and win that way.

          This strategy has been extremely successful in places like Sudan, where they used to only be 5% of the population then when they hit 20% or so, they voted themselves into power, established an Islamic state and began genociding and ethnically cleansing the non-muslims. People have no inkling of what we're really up against, hopefully they'll wake up in time.

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          • q25t

            I've been doing a bit of research on the subject along with listening to some people who are actually witnessing the problems firsthand in Europe. I have to say I'm considerably more inclined to agree with you now.

            I live in America and probably am not exposed to the problems Islam actually causes. I stand corrected on this matter.

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            • lufa

              Glad to hear we're on the same page. America is also under intense attack by the Muslim Brotherhood. Even an Egyptian newspaper boasted that we went from opposing Islam (under Bush) to enabling it (under Obama).

              Muslims have little chance of conquering the US since eventually they won't be able to hide their plans from so many people and the backlash will be very severe.

              Europe on the other hand is loaded with leftist idiots and it might not be able to save itself unless they get a powerful group fighting back-but hopefully not another fascist/nazi type group. Things are going to get very ugly in the next 10-20 years.

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    • suckonthis9

      Three divisions.

      Why are you creating divisions in society?

      Please do not use -ists or isms.

      Thank you.

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      • q25t

        Oh hush. I'm one of the people trying to correct these divisions.

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        • lufa

          You won't correct these divisions since religions are divisive to their core, which is why they should be abandoned and left in the Bronze age where they belong.

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          • q25t

            I agree. suckonthis9 just seems determined to ignore the fact that there already are divisions. I on the other hand recognize the problems and want to fix them.

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            • lufa

              I hear you, suckonthis9 is some mentally retarded troll, best to just ignore him and thumbs-down his comments so they disappear.

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  • wisdomseeker

    You need to go on youtube and search for: legacy of a prophet

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  • jabrogallo

    What a bullshit question. It's phrased in a way that OP wins regardless of the answer. Answer yes and you're an ignorant hate monger. Answer no and you're implying that muslims are in the right.
    OP just wants to back up another batshit crazy religion that the person was born into...

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  • DandyElfman

    Refuse to comment

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  • q1w2e3

    A tip; they were discussing if women has a soul..let's not talk about rape, as it was too common occurrence for the Europeans then..

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    • q25t

      "as it was too common occurrence for the Europeans then.."

      That's an argument against Europeans from that time, not an argument in favor of your religion. Islam may have been a good thing during the Dark Ages, but it now seems to have lost its utility and become wholly destructive. It espouses Iron Age morality and justifies it with a book supposedly written by a pedophile and slaver. Not exactly the pinnacle of human morality.

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  • q1w2e3

    SuperBenzid, can you now tell me what Europeans were doing to women 1400 years ago? While Islam was giving them rights, rights to inheritance, rights to choose and not choose to marry, rights to divorce... Please enlighten us with your deep research!

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    • Theman32

      During the crusades the Christian lead 16 offensive military campaigns over a 200 year period and it all started beacause Islam kept attacking Spain, anyway Islam lead 497 offensive military period over a 1300 year period and raped over 200 women every time they lead a campaign 150 less than the crusaders per campaign.

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    • SuperBenzid

      So what? Islam was supposedly better than Europe 600 years ago. Who cares? That doesn't help the women of today. In 600 years Europe has progressed.

      But still prove one thing from your Quran to me and I will convert. Tell me where the wall that holds back Gog and Magog is, as mentioned at the end of the Al Kahf Surah of the Quran. If you can tell where to find it and it is constructed as described in the Quran, I will convert. Is that not fair? Prove that one part of your religion true.

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  • Nehvshtan

    This makes me so sad. An ex-girlfriend thought Muslims were a kind of Catholic, and that they came from a place called "Muslim". I'm glad to be rid of her lol.

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  • GODofGod

    Yep, ignorant people don't know that if you suicide bomb to kill the infidels you get 72 virgins!

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  • flowergirl87

    I really hate how some people are so ignorant and assume all Muslims are 'the same' - as in out to cause trouble. Personally, I don't follow any religion and honestly think it all does the world too much harm and has, over time, created too much hate. I believe we can live in a moral and responsible way without religion altogether. But I really dislike it when people unfairly judge Islam and see all Muslims as potential terrorists. It's shocking how some people are so ignorant. For every person who thinks that way, though, there are a few who don't. It's just that bigots like to take to the internet to air their often ridiculous views that are based on hate, racism, prejudice, ignorance... the list goes on.

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  • i'm not wearing a hat for no one

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    • anti-hero

      Reminds me of George Carlin.

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  • lufa

    People are ignorant of Islam because they'd rather watch sports, play video games, do drugs than rather read about Islam which is an ideology more evil and dangerous than Nazism.

    If non-muslims really knew what Islam stood for, they'd be out in droves to have Islam banned and muslims deported.

    In a nutshell, Islam is a 7th century fascist genocidal mafia death cult that seeks the forced conversion, subjugation or genocide of non-muslims.

    Your fake prophet was a proud terrorist, pedophile, rapist, mass murderer, thief, psychopath and all around scumbag.

    The retarded death cult he spawned is based on muslim men acting in fidelity to their icon Mohammad, which is why you see muslim men honor killing their wives/daughters, stoning girls for being raped, stoning/hanging gays for being gay and massacring non-muslims like Christians, burning their houses and so on.

    Most muslims became muslim because their ancestors were forced to convert with a sword and their throat or their children's. All you're spewing is a white-washed lie/propaganda. Once people find out the truth, it will mean the end of Islam inshallah.

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  • q1w2e3

    I guess the comments speak for themselves, this is what I was talking about. I'm not even going to argue, because you can't have an intelligent discourse when a person is filled with hatred and clouded judgement.. Peace to you all. May Allah guide you.

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    • q25t

      When your religion justifies murder, we have every right to hate it. Actually, it's more of an obligation.

      How exactly can you tell that we are the ones with clouded judgment? How do you know that you are not the deluded one, and we see things clearly?

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  • Theadage

    It's sad that some people are this hateful of others beliefs.

    @Superbenzid, and @Robbieforgotpaw... sheesh get a life... you sound so ignorant commenting on this post like this.

    Don't make a fool of yourself even more.

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    • SuperBenzid

      Please try and add to the conversation in some way and don't use your comments to just insult people. Insulting people proves nothing but your own lack of maturity.

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      • Theadage

        This is almost comical coming from you. :)

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        • SuperBenzid

          Please try and add to the conversation in some way and don't use your comments to just insult people. Insulting people proves nothing but your own lack of maturity.

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          • Theadage

            I did, check one of the prior comments I made to you. It's hidden somewhere in the long comment replies. Unless you did read it and choose to purposely ignore it.

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            • SuperBenzid

              I found it and I replied to it a month ago. When you make a real content containing reply to my comments I will reply to you.

              If just insult me, then I will politely ask you to behave in a better manner.

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  • suckonthis9

    You have, five times, used a term which divides people who believe in the teachings of Abraham, from other people who also believe in the teachings of Abraham. You have also incited others to do similarly. This term also divides the aforementioned people from people who have other religious beliefs, as well as from people who are not religious. The use of this terminology might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious, or whether they are not religious.

    Why are you creating division in society?

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