Is it normal for people to scream at their pets?
Whether it's behind closed doors or all the time, is it normal for people to scream at their pets?? I don't mean a quick loud "NO!!" or "BAD!!", I mean going on rants at the top of their lungs!!
My neighbor is always screaming at her dog, while outside and inside. When outside, she just does the quick yell of "hey!! no!!" or the like (EXCESSIVELY!!!!!), and I think she's a bad dog owner just for that alone because she goes straight to yelling/screaming, no wonder the dog doesn't listen!! When she's at home inside I guess she thinks no one can hear her, but you can totally hear her from all the way outside, you hear her just going off on the dog. A few times I've heard a loud rumbling, thumping and thudding around in there, I think she was wrestling and beating the dog. She lives alone, so I know it wasn't another person she was rumbling with or yelling at. Plus you can tell that she's yelling at the dog for sure because of WHAT she's saying. It's not stuff you'd ever say to a human.
Is this normal? Do you do this, or do you know people who do??