Is it normal for people to scream at their pets?

Whether it's behind closed doors or all the time, is it normal for people to scream at their pets?? I don't mean a quick loud "NO!!" or "BAD!!", I mean going on rants at the top of their lungs!!

My neighbor is always screaming at her dog, while outside and inside. When outside, she just does the quick yell of "hey!! no!!" or the like (EXCESSIVELY!!!!!), and I think she's a bad dog owner just for that alone because she goes straight to yelling/screaming, no wonder the dog doesn't listen!! When she's at home inside I guess she thinks no one can hear her, but you can totally hear her from all the way outside, you hear her just going off on the dog. A few times I've heard a loud rumbling, thumping and thudding around in there, I think she was wrestling and beating the dog. She lives alone, so I know it wasn't another person she was rumbling with or yelling at. Plus you can tell that she's yelling at the dog for sure because of WHAT she's saying. It's not stuff you'd ever say to a human.

Is this normal? Do you do this, or do you know people who do??

Voting Results
20% Normal
Based on 50 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • Hahaha

    Man; "what is your problem?"

    Dog; "........"

    Man; "Answer me you asshole!"

    Dog "........"

    Man "oh you're giving me the silent treatment, real mature"

    Dog; ".........."

    Man; "You just go round acting however you want don't you jerk!"

    Dog; "........."

    Man; "I'm so sick of you!"

    Dog; ".........."

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  • dappled

    No, it's not normal. Good owners can communicate with their pets using simple, firm, vocal commands. There's no need to terrify a dog when all you want to do is to tell it it's behaviour isn't acceptable.

    If you have to terrify an animal, you shouldn't have animals. Or kids, come to that.

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  • Avant-Garde

    If it's not normal to do that to kids than it shouldn't be normal to do that to a pet.
    I've gotten frustrated with my pets, but I've never gone on rampages. A simple "No" or saying their name should suffice. If abuse is going on, you'd have to have enough evidence to properly report her.

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    • NeuroNeptunian


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  • BlueAlice

    Not at all if they're a decent pet owner.

    I just hope that the dog can find a good loving home if it gets taken away from her.

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  • shes an idiot the dog wont understand anyhow

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  • howaminotmyself

    I had a roommate that was always yelling at her dog. She was trying to train him but it just came out as, "stop being an asshole." Or "sorry, my asshole dog has no manners." I think she got a dog just to have something to bully. She was always angry with the dog. I'd have to tell her his hyperactivity was was my fault because I was playing with him. It was so sad, he just wanted to play and got yelled at everytime he did so.

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  • zchristian

    Someone doesnt watch The Dog Whispere :P

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  • westoptic

    No, she's being verbally abusive. Animals respond to your tone of voice just as much as they do to your movements and body language, and that shit isn't right for her to do. I don't yell at my dog, if she barks a lot I just say "Shut your fucking pie hole, Bella" in a threatening tone and she gets all mopey and goes and lays down.

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  • hibbz

    This woman has problems by the sound of it, if she's wrestling her dog...

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  • AAbatteries

    I yell at my dog. Not hysterically or anything, but if she's doing something wrong I say "NO!" and she stops. I don't wail on her or anything like that.

    I've done it in public and I've gotten looks. It's annoying that people assume I'm abusing her. My dog is trained to sit, stay, drop it, down, high five, fetch, heel, just off the top of my head. She's a good dog and I tell her that all the time. I give her treats, and attention, and pet her.

    But she's also just barely over a year old. She's still in the puppy mindset, and a small breed, hyper, stubborn dog. Honestly, sometimes she needs to be yelled at to listen. I'm a positive reinforcement trainer, but sometimes sweet talking isn't enough. She still gets into things like my shoes and I refuse to be soft on her when she does something she knows she isn't supposed to after a year of training.

    Just my 2 cents. Take it or leave it.

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  • Ibelievethis

    No it's not normal it's down right cruel. People shouldn't adopt animals if they've got a short fuse. It's that simple! Pets need and deserve to be loved cared for nurtured and protected and they need lots of patience and understanding. I'd go beserk if anyone shouted at their pet or any defencless animal in my presence. I am a total animal lover. xx

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    Call the police.

    first of all it's a noise disturbance, but second of all... it could be a warning sign of animal abuse.

    especially the thumping.

    and if this is an apartment, contact your landlord/landlady as well

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    Bad pet owners don't deserve to have dogs. The dog will get nothing out of being screamed at, because they don't comprehend complex spoken language! Besides a dog will respond much better to short, controlled commands anyways. This neighbor of yours is a moron who shouldn't be allowed to have pets, or children!

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  • alv1592

    Wow, what a bitch! If you think she's beating the dog, you should report her. That dog deserves better.

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  • Boo!

    That totally not normal! report her!! She's a horrible bitch who is venting her anger out on her dog for her misserable lonesome life!! She should get a cat. I'm sorry you have to bear living by a crazy lonesome lady like her.

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  • Zippy

    It's not normal at all. You may want to report this, actually.

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  • smartpatrol11

    Its probably because they dont have to kids to scream at

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