Is it normal for petite women to feel vulnerable

I'm a very small woman. I'm 4'10 95 lbs. I'm actually a very confident woman. I just feel vulnerable at times. For example, me and my husband just hired his moms maid. This woman is 6'0 tall and a strong looking woman. Seems like she played sports. I have this feeling inside me that won't go away in that when I'm home alone with her I feel that I'm in a house with a woman I don't even know and just met who is substantially bigger and stronger and it makes me feel very vulnerable. The feeling of knowing I'm at her mercy and if she wanted to she can break me in half is scary. I know it's silly as I know the maid won't hurt me but I can't help feeling vulnerable. A while ago my car was in shop and I took train to work. Just waiting for it I feel like if anybody wanted to hurt or rob me they csn very easily so I'd be a good target. I've done self defense, karate, and it gives me no extra confidence. I tried doing a few moves on husband could not budge him. So I then tried his sister as i pretend she was robbing me and I tried some moved and she just laughed and easily overpowered me. I'm so confident, I'm smart, executive job, its just this area. Is this nornal for a petite woman to go through this?

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90% Normal
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Avant-Garde

    4. Why don't you try getting to know your Amazonian maid better? Getting to know her more my help to quell some of your fears.

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  • Avant-Garde

    1. Don't send out the vibe that you feel weak and like a victim.

    2. Work on your body language. (There's a tedxtalks on this subject, which I'll come back to link.)

    3. Karate is pretty much a joke. I took it for a relatively short span of time as a kid, I didn't learn anything that could be applied in a real world situation. You should learn a real marital art. Wing Chung was created by a woman specially for women. Wushu and Shaolin Kung fu are also good. Shaolin Kung Fu is absolutely amazing.

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  • nkon

    i am a tall guy, (2 meters tall) and not too skinny. So i have to add that i cannot imagine someone a lot shorter than me overpowering me but if you learn a martial art that was applied in combat (Krav Maga, Kung Fu)or something like that, you will at least feel that if it comes to that, you wont be powerless! However, as a tall guy, I feel bad if a shorter person is intimidated or doesn't want to be compared with me and my height and sometimes it hurts even.. like forcing me to keep a distance..

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  • LaBellesima

    I feel like that when im in close proximity to TALL people.

    I get the same "out of place" sense when im lifting weights at the gym, and when buff guys stare then i really began to get slightly intimidated, but dont dare show it. Usually wearing a baseball hat somehow gives me confidence

    Feeling vulnerable is something that always has been and will continue to be in the back of my mind when im around certain situations or people, but i try to ignore it or talk myself into confidence

    So yeah, normal:)

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  • My02cents

    I absolutely adore petite females...i always feel so protective towards them...and most guys do too,but i can understand your concern.

    Your husband is very lucky to have you !

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Karate is a joke in terms of self defense. Take jiu jitsu.

    I'm not petite but I'm fairly thin and I get the feeling sometimes. I am fairly strong, however, and I do strength train. I wouldn't worry, there's always a bigger dog around the corner.

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  • howaminotmyself

    From what I understand it is. However I don't agree with it. I get really frustrated with petite women who play the victim and use their size as a reason to be weak. I'm a petite women but no one ever guesses it. And sure, some people can overpower me, but I never assume they want to.

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  • RoseIsabella

    C'est la vie.

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  • seekelp

    Buy a gun. Also see a therapist because you've got some weird self-image problems.

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