Is it normal for red liquid to come from vagina

So last week I woke up, undressed, and got into the shower, I washed my penis but when I got to my vagina, I noticed red liquid dripped from my vagina. It kept on coming, down my leg and down the drain. But, I did remember in science class we learned about animals adapting and cavemen how their bodies adapted to things like dehydration and starvation.

I wondered that if my body is just producing some sort of edible 100% natural pure juice that was what cavewomen would feed their children back in the day. I was really curious so I plugged the shower drain and then allowed me to collect the liquid. After, I tried a bit, because it really reminded me of some sort of tropical fruit punch. It tasted almost like when I would suck on pennies as a child. Very weird.

Although, I have been drinking it for the past week as it keeps on continuing. I am unaware of this and am afraid my parents are stupid mother f*ckers for not letting me learn health and I am afraid that I am not learning how to properly digest this liquid and that maybe my body is adapting because I have malnutrition :( . Please no mean answers. Thanks.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • SpookyPancake

    It's called menstruation, look it up. Don't drink it, it's pretty much waste products.

    If it's going on for more than a week, go see a doctor, it's far too long.

    Also, are you intersex? You described having a penis and a vagina.

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  • dung

    It could be one of these two: either that's actually adaptation or that's menstruation. But I guess you should do more research about it. :)

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