Is it normal for someone to freak out and hate receiving presents?

My old friend said that she freaked out when I gave her some christmas presents after I got back to school from winter break. She doesn't have Aspergers which I know can sometimes cause people to not like receiving presents. She is also very materialistic and likes presents so for christmas I figured I would give her lots of presents to let her know how much she meant to me because she was one of my best friends at the time. However we got in a fight later on and she cyber bullied me and didn't want to be my friend anymore. Over the summer she told me that the fact that I gave her presents made her think I was being clingy when really I was just trying to be a good friend because I do that sort of thing to people I care about. I'm just a really nice person. I don't understand why she would think this especially since she hardly got any presents for christmas. Is it normal for someone to flip out over getting presents and bitch about it to the giver?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • kait_dona_who

    i didnt know there was a rule on how many gifts to give a best friend or that giving more than one gift is considered inappropriate. Like I really was just trying to be a good friend. And plus it really wasn't that many presents to begin with. I mean it may have been more than most people get but i am a nice person and we were really close at the time so i didnt think it would be a problem.

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    • I wish I had friends like you, you seem like the best kind of friend to have. You are very special and don't change for anyone. But yes, gift-giving is a sensitive thing for a lot of people. I have two close friends that feel really uncomfortable about receiving gifts and I like giving gifts, so I understand your situation.

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  • I understand you did it to make her happy, but that was a little over-the-top, for ANY friend. It still doesn't excuse her reaction, but maybe it does explain why it upset her.

    Next time, lavish someone with an inappropriate amount of gifts at Christmas when they are your long-term partner or spouse and keep the friendship gifts down to a single item.

    I hope you've worked this out with her. If not apologize for not being inappropriate with your gift-giving (you were, even if it was with positive intent) and explain the reason why you did it. If she thinks you mean it, she might apologize for her nasty reaction to it.

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    • LillyPop19

      What? Me and my best friend last year gave each other like 10 things each?? Why should you limit it to one? :D

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I think she was just saying those things through anger. I don't think she really meant them.

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