Is it normal for someone to want to live forever?

There's this guy in our school. He's the top student, incredibly smart, won awards in many national science competitions and maths olympics. The class hates him because they think he's weird and crazy. He is anti religion and has offended many students by making his views public. He says even if there's hell, he won't find out because he intends to live forever and he's going to become a scientist and find a way. What do you think? Is he insane or is our class not open to possibilities?

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67% Normal
Based on 52 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • GuessWho

    The human body was designed to only be able to renew itself a limited amount of times. That's what ageing is. As you get older, your body gets less efficient at replacing continuously dying cells, until it eventually just can't keep up.
    If he were, by some means, able to achieve this goal, then surely he'd no longer be human...

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  • Glass

    Someone with different views being called weird and crazy. How typical...
    Why society has to have this self destructive thinking is beyond me.

    On to the main point, I sincerely wish him luck. If only I could have that kind brainpower, I would actually be able to do something with my life.

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  • Anime7

    First of all, just because someone has a different opinion than the mass, doesn't make him crazy. He's a smart guy so who knows, he could possibly achieve the elixir of immortality. I don't think he's crazy, just determined to do something with his life, which is something that you can't really say about most people nowadays.

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  • Darkoil

    Tell your friend that there is already a lot of research going on in this field, a cancer cell is immortal because it has an active enzyme inside it called telomerase, if the gene which codes for telomerase could be switched on in every cell then in theory a person could live for ever, it's been tested in fruit flies and it works but they only live for about 400% longer.

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  • oceankittie

    YES it's normal, people who think differently are the ones who end up changing the world. I myself follow transhumanist beliefs, and believe humans will be able to improve their bodies with advancements in science and technology. And if we lived longer, the world WOULDN'T overpopulate as people would be choosing to have kids later with there being less pressure to reproduce. We as humans should aim to achieve godly powers someday... and where there's a will, there's a way. Of course, if you want to let nature take its course, nothing wrong with that either.

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  • blaster

    If he hates religion so what each to their own but I can't stand it when people force their views on everyone else.
    But with his ambition , to dream of living forever I mean that's a good thing really I reckon. There's a heap going on behind the scenes in labs with all that and who knows he might go on to discover something huge .
    I reckon they'll get us to 200 yrs old in our life time m but we'd be old by the time they have it. Forever , maybe in another 100yrs or so if we haven't blown ourselves to kingdom come by then I reckon they'll be able to add another 100 or two.
    Sometimes I think if they could get me to 150 in good shape I'd be happy .

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  • MRmr

    Why would anyone want to live forever? It would be incredibly boring and sad having to watch everyone close to you die and you continue to live in this already shithole of a planet.

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  • dappled

    I intend to live forever. I'm going completely the wrong way about it, of course, and doing very little of the things people should do to even live longer, let alone forever.

    I just always imagine that the devil is going to offer me a deal one day. Hmm, or maybe he already has. Muhahaha!

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  • flax


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  • zchristian

    Hmm would be slightly nice if just about everyone lived forever sadly that would cause massive over population...

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  • Shackleford96

    I don't agree with his views, but what is life without high aspirations? Who knows, he could be the one that proves everyone wrong. Haters become motivators or something like that...

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  • DannyKanes

    Tell you what, if he does find out, let me know. I wouldn't mind living forever :)

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    Living forever would suck. Watching everyone you love die, and the slow decay of humanity, to eventually be stuck all alone? I would like to live a long time, but forever? Not for me.

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