Is it normal for straight men to enjoy the thought of kissing other men?

I'm a bi man who's heard from a lot of straight guys that they'd thought about kissing and doing other things with men they find attractive, but not anything sexual. Is this a normal thing that straight people do or are a lot of my male friends bi and don't know it?

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39% Normal
Based on 57 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • Tato

    No. A straight male would be repulsed by the idea.

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  • JD777

    What I've heard is just the opposite, if I'm reading this right. My understanding is that the "line" between bi and gay is wanting to do romantic things with a guy, like kiss. Want to kiss a guy and you're officially "gay." Wanting to just do a sex act (like a blowjob) without any kissing or romantic stuff like that, and you're sexually "bi" (assuming you also like women). Either way, you're not "straight."

    This labeling thing is getting confusing! How 'bout we just don't give a crap what other people do sexually?

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    • FeralDefiance

      Lol, nah, you're making it more convoluted than it is. Bi means a dude is attracted to both men and women on some form or fashion, gay means just other men. That's all. The particular activities they're interested in are irrelevant.

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  • nikkiclaire

    Seriously, what is so hard to understand about the gay vs straight male? It's really very simple.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I think it's just that this particular type of troll is in season right now.

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      • Doxiedog

        Why do people here that do not agree or are repulsed by something posted on this site, call out Troll? I am wondering are you trying to MAGA and own a Red Baseball Hat? LOL, sorry, I don't really mean that, but it just makes me wonder about your motive to point a finger and call out troll! Does Gay and Bi bother you? The question is just that.

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        • RoseIsabella

          It's because this place is crawling with trolls.

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          • leggs91200

            Strangely enough though -
            Even though there are a lot of trolls, assholes, cunts, and every manner of pricks...

            the arguing here is typically more tame than on other forums or social media.

            If you want to see trolling, go to youtube and look up videos about cars or martial arts. Holy shit do people get worked up!

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            • RoseIsabella

              That's why I like it here.

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  • CDmale4fem

    To the point of the post, NO ,a straight man would not be getting all aroused or hard or stupid goofy over the thoughts of kissing another man. I can do it try to do a lot of things, however that is not in my bucket list. Along with cuddling, hugging, or making out in any way. I will again someday maybe be in a situation of sucking another guys cock or whatever at that time. But if a "straight" guy gets wet or all excited to kiss another guy, then he's most likely not straight, at least in my definition of straight vs bi or gay.

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    • leggs91200

      hey where you been lately?

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  • Queer69

    The thought gets me aroused.

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  • Biman458

    I used to think it was gross to kiss another man. But I am open minded. I am also bisexual, so I had the opportunity to kiss a guy I was playing with. Well I found out I actually liked it, it's really no different then kissing a woman. I made out with him for several minutes before I went down on him. I would definitely do I again too.

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  • Rabbit8999

    That makes him bi-curious (if not bisexual ) , and definitely its not same as being straight .

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  • leggs91200

    Straight men have NO desire to kiss other men.
    No, a straight man wants to feel a soft face and lips against his own face and lips. To feel the feminine touch.

    What he does NOT want is to feel a rough beard.

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    • Doxiedog

      How do you know? Done empirical research? Guessing? Maybe you know from experience?

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      • leggs91200

        Well, here are my credentials -

        (stands tall and says in a Shakesperian voice) - I have done vast amounts of EMPIRICAL research!

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  • raisinbran

    These questions are always the same. Is the color red, blue? No it's not fucking blue, it's red.

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  • IShaveMyBallsWithALawnmower

    No, it's not normal. At least not if you're straight. Kissing is a sexual activity so if you're fantasizing about kissing another guy you're either gay or bisexual. Your friends might be patronizing you for being bi. Either that or they are lying or are gay/bisexual themselves.

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    • MaybeSiMaybeNo

      I don't think kissing is inherently sexual, is the thing.

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  • paracetamol

    Ur friends are bi.

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