Is it normal for the doorbell to give me anxiety?

I have no debts and no person who I am fearing ringing the doorbell ...but when it rings I have an anxiety that its not good and sometimes wont even answer.

Is this normal?

Voting Results
68% Normal
Based on 53 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Ipooprainbows

    same! except i don't get anxiety over that, just fear who might be at the door for no reason lol

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  • Jessicaahhhh

    I'm the same with the phone. Even when someone I know is calling I freak out

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    • rks182

      Yes. I get it with the phone too. I used to always want to answer the phone but now I look at it with intrepidation and dotn even answer it. I normaly wait a day or two then text back.."who's this?"

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      • Jessicaahhhh

        We suck

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  • howaminotmyself

    I always preferred knocking over doorbells. It is easier to tell who it is.

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  • charli.m

    I do this, too. I pretend I'm not home. Which is pathetic in a small apartment, when they've already fuckin heard that I'm home :-S

    It's an anxiety thing. If you find it's interfering with your life, it's worth looking into some cognitive behavioural therapy. If it's not, then just keep doing whatever you're doing.

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    • rks182

      I might get rid of the bell. :-)

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