Is it normal for two male rabbits to be best friends?

I had someone come over to groom both of my rabbits. They are 4 year old mini lop x rex cross rabbits that came from the same litter. They are both male. The groomer commented on how strange it is to have two male rabbits living together who get along so well. They sleep in the same hutch at night and are always grooming each other. If one goes somewhere the other is never far behind, and they have only ever had one fight (and that was before they were neutered). Is this normal?

Voting Results
84% Normal
Based on 19 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • CozmoWank

    It's a bunny bromance.

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  • My grandfather used to raise them and always had a ton and would usually keep siblings together according to gender and most times they all seemed great. I ended up getting a few off of him over the years and one was a light brown rex and was always so friendly and around his brothers until I took him away but then he just bonded with me. It seems normal to me especially if they’ve always been together.

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  • Vvaas

    making me hungry for rabbit stew

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  • ricoadoro

    Sweet love Bunnies so adorable.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I used a have two male rats who were best buddies. They were über sweet.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I once had a cat who was very good friends with a rat. He also helped me train a dog. He was a good kitty.

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    • ricoadoro

      Awww I luv u Como la flor. mi amor.

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  • BlindSpot

    Cats and dogs do the same - for warmth, comfort, companionship. It's brotherly love. And they only have each other.

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  • Columbusbiguy

    No it is not normal in this dimension, you must have warped to another dimension where it is totally possible. But wait if you are in another dimension how are you communicating with us.......?

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  • curious-bunny

    They must have bonded. Bucks tend to fight when sharing a home free roam. Neauting tends to help but its also possible they bonded. So not normal but probs not to uncommon

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