Is it normal for women to be pedophiles?

I know the title makes this sound like a troll post, but I actually have a legit reason to think this. Hear me out.

You know how there's all these young boys becoming pop celebrities nowadays? To name a few, there's Jacob Sartorius, Matty B, and Justin Bieber(when he was younger). There's a TON of girls in their late teens, and even full on adults, posting on the fan websites, twitter pages, and facebook pages, of these young child pop stars. They say shit like "OMG JACOB SARTORIUS YOU'RE SO HOT". Full grown and late teen women are publicly stating that they think a 10-12 yr old boy is hot. This is apparently socially acceptable.

Then, look at the other side of the fence. Do you know of any little girl pop celebrities that are widely popular in America? I'm sure there's a few, but they're certainly not nearly as popular as all these young boy pop celebrities we've been seeing in recent years. Imagine, however, if there was a young girl pop celebrity, who was say, 12 years old, and hordes of grown men were writing shit online, saying "OMG MARRY ME". PEOPLE WOULD FLIP OUT IF A GROWN MAN SAID THAT SHIT TO A LITTLE GIRL. There's an obvious double standard going on here, where it's socially acceptable for women to say pedoish stuff online, but not ok for guys.

What do you think?

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29% Normal
Based on 69 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 52 )
  • foods-dangerous-to-dogs

    I dont think I have seen grown women hitting on pre-teens. But I believe it happens and I think it's very creepy.

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    Guys wanted to fuck Miley Cyrus when she was Hanna Montana at 12 and 13 years old.
    Now there is Jackie Evancho who is HOT at 16 years old.
    She was on America's Got Talent in 2010 when she was 10 years old and she was HOT then.
    She sure didnt look like she was 10 years old , 6 years ago.
    Did I mention that she can sing too ?

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    • wigz

      exactly. OP is a tryhard wannabe victim. Reverse the genders...hurrr man ever said an underage female was hot or if he did he surely got arrested by da FBI just for saying it! Yeah, right.

      Miley Cyrus was actually one of the most pimped out underage girls, tons of sites for men...grown fucking MEN... dedicated to her, had the ol clock counting down, all that.

      Selena Gomez? her too. Bitch still looks 12.

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        Today , Cyrus is posing nude for photos and magazines.
        There are nude pics of her on ebay.
        She is one of the biggest whores in the world.
        She already has had more cocks in her than a police station.
        She probably already has HPV and warts.
        I wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot pole.
        When all is said and done , she will have had sex with more men than Wilt Chamberlain had sex with 3,000 different women.
        She will beat his record by thousands.
        I think she swings from both sides of the plate.

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        • wigz

          yep. what a turnaround. she went from hot jailbait to skank in no time. I think I heard she's pregnant now too.

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          • PENISBRAIN

            She can go on Maury and they will have to test hundreds , if not thousands of dudes to find out who the Daddy is.
            I am willing to bet that she doesn't know who the Father is.

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            • wigz

              muuuurry, I am 1,000% sure he da baby daddy.

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      • Accelerated-Reader

        Hey, i just wanted to let you know that i think you're a spoiled little boy acting smart online all day to get attention. i know your whole life story and i saw what you did.

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        • wigz

          Oh no! Please don't tell my parents. Also they'd be pretty shocked to find out I am a boy now.

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  • helpful_demon

    pedophilia is not normal. it doesn't matter who you are, how you identify, what sex you were assigned at birth, because it's damaging, it's terrifying, and it's harmful to so many people. so no, it is not normal for women to be pedophiles, because it is not normal (and should never be CONSIDERED normal) to be a pedophile.

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    • meeka22

      didn't mean to like this LOL

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  • mysistersshadow

    Its not normal for anyone to be a pedophile.

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    • IMissMary

      But it is normal for women to get a lighter sentence or even not go to jail for being a pedophile. It's also normal for women to speak of pedophilia and not look bad.

      Of course not ALL women get off light or don't get into trouble but it's not uncommon for it to happen

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      • wigz

        Do you have any proof of what you claim? It gets repeated and accepted as fact over and over but never seen any proof attached.

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      • mysistersshadow

        If you say so. Its not a subject I'm concerned about so I've never researched it to see if the facts support my agenda.

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        • IMissMary

          If you are not interested then why post?

          Didn't you want someone to care when you were molested as a child by your uncle?

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          • mysistersshadow

            I'm not sure where you got the idea that what topics I choose to post in is any if your concern but for what its worth I post when I feel like it.

            I was never molested by any one I don't know where you get that idea either.

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            • IMissMary

              Do you think your sexual orientation is due to the fact that you were molested when you were 13?

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            • IMissMary

              You were never molested by anyone you didn't know? Yeah most people are molested by people they do know like uncles. So you didn't know your uncle I guess,.... Then what family member was it?

              If you post in a topic that you don't care about your post should get deleted.

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    • Caps90


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  • Of course some pedophiles are women. Why would anyone think otherwise?

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    • The question is whether it's normal for women to be pedos, not whether they exist. The point is nobody seems to care about all the adult women grooming kid celebs on twitter.

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      • What's your definition of normal? If it's synonymous with being of the majority, then my answer to your question is no.

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        • None of the dictionary definitions say normal has to = >50%. It's an ambiguous word, but from the context I provided, I meant that it's widely considered socially normal for women to write pedo shit on twitter, but if a guy writes pedo shit on twitter, he could risk getting reported to the fbi or something.

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          • wigz

            you're being willfully ignorant. Google it, there was and are still sites, twitters and facebooks and all that counting down when an underage female celeb becomes 18. As far as I know no guy got arrested nor any sites shut down. I've not seen the reverse happen...women counting down male celebs turning 18. I read a lot of magazines and have never once seen a countdown to 18 for a male but have seen several for females in men's magazines.

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      • RoseIsabella

        It's not normal for anyone to be a pedophile! All pedophiles are wretched losers.

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        • The_Creep_is_here

          Know what else? These pedo women turn little boys into future misogynistic monsters, incapable of caring feelings, or respectful partnerships.

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          • RoseIsabella

            All pedophiles are wrong and bad.

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            • The_Creep_is_here


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          • wigz

            hmmm....what do the pedo men do to them? There's a lot more of those out there. Society must be fucked.

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            • The_Creep_is_here

              Fucked indeed.

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      • wigz

        You must be severely retarded. I mean, grooming? Do you even know what that means? A woman saying a kid is cute and would make a good husband one day as a one-off comment is not grooming nor is she even talking/thinking about herself being the wife most of the time.

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        • Ok, but they don't just say they're cute. What happens is these little boy pop stars tweet out a bunch of stuff like "No matter what anybody says, just remember you're beautiful", then multiple grown women respond telling him he's sexy, that they want to fuck him, that they want to marry him, etcetera. It's a whole business built off of women fangirling over young boys.

          You don't see the same thing happening when the genders are reversed. You don't see 10 year old girls tweeting out "I need somebody to call mine", and thousands of grown men replying "I want to fuck you in the ass right now". I mean sure there's a lot of male pedophiles, but there's not a huge industry created to profit off them like there is with all these little boy pop stars. If there was a 10 year old girl putting out the same types of tweets, and a bunch of grown men responding the same way, people would say it's creepy and immoral, but it's commonplace for little boy pop stars and grown women.

          You didn't even know who Jacob Sartorius or Matty B are, and they're A list celebrities, so I can only assume you're out of touch and don't know what you're talking about.

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          • wigz

            Right, I'm so out of touch especially since I was a 10 yr old girl once myself and I have 2 daughters, 8 and 11. I have nooooooo clue what I'm talking about!

            Names and faces change but the reality of sexualization of boys and girls reallly doesn't. Tryharder. I could bring up names of my generation that you never heard of but would that alone discredit your entire position? No? OK shut up then.

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  • IMissMary

    There has always been a double standard

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  • _Mehhh_

    Am I the only one who doesn't see these predatory female pedophiles? Maybe I'm just not looking

    Most of the females I see screaming over Justin Bieber, One Direction and other twinky male celebs are typically 13 year old girls, or the same age as the male celebrity at the very oldest.

    At any rate, if it does happen then no, it's not fucking normal.

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    Guys wanted Miley Cyrus when she was Hanna Montana at 12 and 13 years old.
    Now there is Jackie Evancho who is HOT at 16 years old.
    She was on America's Got Talent in 2010 when she was 10 years old and she was HOT then.
    She sure didnt look like she was 10 years old , 6 years ago.

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  • Mnda1996

    there's definitely something wrong those women for thinking a young boy is hot. But I'm pretty sure pedophiles are people who like little children. So I don't think finding a young celebrity attractive makes you a pedophile.

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  • wigz

    Are you fucking stupid? There are actual websites, and these have existed for a long time, dedicated to underage celeb girls with countdown clocks "x days/hrs/mins till she turns 18". Before the websites there were men's magazines that did this.

    Male or female, it's not pedophilia if the person you're attracted to is post-pubescent. Creepy, sure can be, but not pedo.

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    • Matty B and Jacob Sartorius aren't post-pubescent

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      • Couman

        OK, now point us to an example of adult women posting inappropriate things about one of those two and you'll be getting somewhere.

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        • wigz

          sounds more like a professional victim, an mra maybe? and any proof he can provide has tenfold impact on females.

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      • wigz

        I don't know who they are.

        edit: googled one. yeah that's a kid. He's cute...gonna be handsome one day, obvs. Big deal.

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  • finn

    I thought the definition of a pedophile was an adult sexually abusing (either physically or mentally) a child. If an adult goes onto a child's website and says "I love you", that does not qualify. This applies to ALL adults regardless of gender. Now do I think it's strange for an adult to give a child that much attention? Yuppers.

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  • finn

    I thought the definition of a pedophile is a grown person sexually damaging an underage person physically or emotionally. Going on a website and saying "I love you" or other phrases does not fall into the definition. Now do I think it's disturbing that a grown person would shower an underage person with that much adoration and attention...yuppers.

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  • _Jesus_

    There's a show on Disney channel called Girl Meets World. It's about a brunette girl and her blonde haired friend, Maya.
    I think Maya is absolutely gorgeous. Not because she's young but because I can see that she will grow up to become an absolutely beautiful woman

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    • matthewkoehler

      I love that show. The blonde girl is hot and the brunette girl has really nice breasts.

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      • foods-dangerous-to-dogs

        They are little girls. Wtf.

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        • matthewkoehler

          um, no. the blonde girl is 17 and the brunette girl is almost 15 so they are young ladies and lovely teenage girls but not little kids like you say...

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          • foods-dangerous-to-dogs

            well if you are around that age, its okay to be attracted to them. but if you're too old then its creepy af.

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