Is it normal for women to be pedophiles?
I know the title makes this sound like a troll post, but I actually have a legit reason to think this. Hear me out.
You know how there's all these young boys becoming pop celebrities nowadays? To name a few, there's Jacob Sartorius, Matty B, and Justin Bieber(when he was younger). There's a TON of girls in their late teens, and even full on adults, posting on the fan websites, twitter pages, and facebook pages, of these young child pop stars. They say shit like "OMG JACOB SARTORIUS YOU'RE SO HOT". Full grown and late teen women are publicly stating that they think a 10-12 yr old boy is hot. This is apparently socially acceptable.
Then, look at the other side of the fence. Do you know of any little girl pop celebrities that are widely popular in America? I'm sure there's a few, but they're certainly not nearly as popular as all these young boy pop celebrities we've been seeing in recent years. Imagine, however, if there was a young girl pop celebrity, who was say, 12 years old, and hordes of grown men were writing shit online, saying "OMG MARRY ME". PEOPLE WOULD FLIP OUT IF A GROWN MAN SAID THAT SHIT TO A LITTLE GIRL. There's an obvious double standard going on here, where it's socially acceptable for women to say pedoish stuff online, but not ok for guys.
What do you think?