Is it normal for your dad wanting to kiss u?

So my dad once tried to kiss me. We were in the kitchen and he was putting some cream on my lips since i had a cold sore. Then he leaned in and told me he wanted to taste the cream. I pulled away and he didn't force it too much. I said it was ok and left. I was twelve but now im sixteen. I want to know why he did that and if it is normal. He has always loved me very much, maybe he wanted to get closer to me. Maybe it was a dream bc I've never thought about it too much. What do u think?(since then he has not done anything to me)

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Boojum

    If he did do that in reality, that would be very weird.

    Our daughter is now nine. She's convinced that when she was four or so, I once told her to pee in the snow and then rubbed it in her face. Nothing like that EVER happened, but she's absolutely convinced that it did.

    Human memory is not like a recording made by a machine. Memories have been proven to be very unreliable and flexible. Twelve is also an age when kids are trying to figure out what sex and sexual attraction means to them. If you and your father have always been close, it's not too surprising that you might have a vaguely sexual dream about the most important male in your life while all that stuff is going on in your head.

    If, apart from that one _possible_ event, your father has never done or said anything that makes you uncomfortable, then I suggest you just file the memory away.

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  • Nickvey

    dont even sound hot with a nasty cold sore , nasty herpes lesion your dad sucks.

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  • amg1028


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