Is it normal for your not so odd-looking art to be praised?

Isn't it brilliant? If it wasn't even trying to be different people love my art! This is artistry of myself holding a gun (which I got away with), wearing a bicorn and blue clothing, supposed to be of the civil war. I admit it's an individual work of art (which I tried making as individual as possible) but it's a normal work of art. I was smiling, there was nothing creepy, no nudity, no smoking, no violence (but a war theme, it's not pornographic). And it got laminated and stayed on the office fridge for months. They said it was beautiful, it was great. The idea was to combine the Romanticist style with the aestheticist style, and it has black all around it to make it stand out. It's not so exquisite, it does have its own beauty, the beauty is it's blue, and the gun looks like that rifle being held down on the floor, it's as if I won the war (and it's set in the olden days), perhaps this was set in Europe by the time of Napoleon. Isn't it great? Is that normal?

Voting Results
67% Normal
Based on 3 votes (2 yes)
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  • Gland


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