Is it normal for your penis to shrink 3 inches from age 11 to 27?

I measured my penis for the first time when I was 11. I was 6 inches. It has steadily shrank until I was the size that I am now. I am approximately 3 and a half inches now. I am 39 now but it got down to this size around age 27.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • CozmoWank

    Didi you wash or dry it with high heat?

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  • CountessDouche

    Did you gain any weight?

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    • Fatty40

      I have gained weight, but it I was built and at my fittest when the shrinkage first started happening.

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  • Depends on lots of things. Really cold an my dick shrivels, flop it around a bit an its bigger (not erect), after a hot shower it hangs a inch or 2 longer... I have average to over average size boner but I remember after swimming one day at the beach it was so small I couldn't believe it, I couldn't even piss out of it, I had to play with it a bit and warm it up to get my knob out past the skin...

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Actually you do lose an inch of length for every 30 lbs. It gets lost in that fatty pouch you smash down when taking dick picks lol

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