Is it normal friend sufferer
Hello My IIN'ers i was talking to my friend on here in member chat and well...she has bulimia im afraid for her...what should i tell her? Also i will not share here username.
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Hello My IIN'ers i was talking to my friend on here in member chat and well...she has bulimia im afraid for her...what should i tell her? Also i will not share here username.
Be there for her and tell her that she can always count on you as an ear. Honestly just try to be as caring and understanding as you can. It may seem kind of difficult since you two can't really see each other, but I think she will at least appreciate having someone who cares about her and wants to help her.
Pray; ask God for guidance as to how to talk to your friend. It doesn't matter what religion you are or if you're not sure if there is a God. All the best to you.
My sister used to harm herself. When we talked about it, we fought. So i had to put that argument away for the bigger picture. I honestly don't know what i would do if i were you, i do however hope you two are close enough to even touch the subject.
Bulimia is straight up unhealthy. So is obesity. Aim for the middle, and you might get the highest score