Is it normal gold?

Do you think users should have the option to not accept the gift of Gold. Not to sound ungrateful, it's a very nice gesture, but it's not always convenient. In those cases, I feel like the other user will waste their money, but staying on the site just so it doesn't go to waste doesn't seem like a great alternative either. Do you think users should have an option to not receive it?

No 3
I agree 22
Stop being ungrateful 19
Other 5
I disagree 2
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Comments ( 4 )
  • dappled

    I'm in quite a good position to answer this because I often said I didn't want anybody to buy it for me and yesterday, for the first time as dappled, somebody bought it for me.

    Because of who bought it and that I know their personality and motives, I was actually very touched and it never crossed my mind to want to reject it.

    But what if it was someone who'd only been on the site a week or two and didn't really know me but had liked a few of my comments? I'd be embarrassed to accept that. Although I didn't particularly want to say this publicly, what I'd resolved to do (if that happens) is graciously accept it but then buy Gold for someone I like. Not like passing the gift on, but more sharing it with someone else.

    I'm not going to do it this time because I felt surprisingly comfortable receiving it and I like that it's a genuine gift from someone (don't ask who, by the way - it'll become apparent eventually because I wanted to work it into my next profile).

    I don't think Gold should be able to be rejected. Even if the recipient doesn't use it, the thought was still there, and the money still goes to paying for the website. Plus, receiving a gift is only part of the deal. You can't underestimate how much people also enjoy the giving part.

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  • kelili

    A gift should be accepted whether you'll use it or not.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    I would love gold. I usually buy it for my self though. This was actually a way to track how old my profile is. There was a time I did not have it. After which someone bought two months for me. This shocked me and I appreciated it very much.

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  • cigs

    i don't know thats up to you to decide on. this website won't ever go down because thats why theirs always newer users that join it and if you spread the url to people you trust it'll keep the site going is how i see it.

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