Is it normal? gp said 'find a male doctor who is more sympathetic'?

Hi, is it normal for a GP (female) to say this to me? I'm 22 and male and I just went there for the first time, it was the first time I had met her and I felt she ignored me completely and blamed what I was feeling on my mental health (I've been saying someones been drugging me because I wake up feeling drugged, I went A&E a few days ago for a drug screening and they found opiates, I don't use drugs or take any medication).

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31% Normal
Based on 13 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • xxLucifer

    If you really feel like you were mistreated and/or misdiagnosed then you need to file a complaint with the doctor's office and find a new doctor. Before you file a complaint though think about how hard it is for a doctor to believe someone is drugging you with no evidence. If you live in a place where drugs are a problem that doctor has probably had many patients who lied to them about drug use.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    maybe focus on whos givin yall food or drink or pills before bedtime?

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  • Boojum

    You say she "ignored [you] completely", and yet she apparently listened to you long enough to come to some conclusions. Drama much?

    And why exactly should a male doctor be more sympathetic? Something that's literally never been said is that men are more empathetic than women.

    You referring to A&E rather than ER leads me to believe you're in the UK. That makes me question your whole post, since I've never heard that one can walk in off the street to an NHS A&E department and ask for a drug screening blood test. But maybe you can, maybe it did show there were opiates in your blood, and maybe they aren't there by your choice. Rather than moaning about a GP who hasn't a clue about who you are and your medical history not taking whatever you say at face value, maybe a more positive thing for you to do would be to figure out how precisely you are being drugged, and either get the perpetrators to stop doing it or go to the police with some solid evidence.

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    • Clunk42

      Many women (it seems, at least) say that in general, male OB/GYNs tend to be better than females.

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      • charli.m

        Uh, no they don't. Where'd you pull that "fact" from?

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        • Clunk42

          I didn't pretend it was a fact. I just said that, from my very limit experience, it seems that many women think this way. My very limited experience consists only of this YouTube video (whether looking for where I got my idea or watching for fun, I recommend it):

          At least, I'm pretty sure it's that one.

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          • charli.m

            Yeah, youtube videos are great sources...

            And you're not even sure it's the video or not. Wow.

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            • Clunk42

              I watched four of those and I just don't feel like rewatching them. Anyway, it's not like the video's a scientific study or anything. It's just a video of an actual OB/GYN reacting to a tv show birth scene. It's just something that she brings up about the surprising number of people who have told her about their experiences with male OB/GYNs versus female OB/GYNs.

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  • dimwitted

    How can a doctor help find who had been drugging you?

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  • RoseIsabella

    A&E, the Arts & Entertainment channel?

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    • Boojum

      British term for ER: Accident and Emergency.

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      • RoseIsabella


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    • xxLucifer

      A&E stands for accident and emergency. It's basically the UK equivalent of an ER.

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      • RoseIsabella


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