Is it normal having need to equalize things?

Well, this is my story.
I don't know when it started, but it happens often that I HAVE to do something continuously, like if I press door bell 2 times with left thumb, I have to do the same with the right thumb. I don't say I am forced to do so, but I just have to do it, my organism asks me to do it. If I for example scratch my right leg, I must do that the same way to another (left) leg.
There are countless things related to this, but I just mentioned the equalizing thing. The first action just has to be equilazed with the same action of the oposite body side, i don't know why.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Neapolitana

    I used to do this when I was kid. It started to bother me when I was an older kid, so I told myself it was time to stop. Little by little I stopped, and now I don't do any equalizing things. I have some other ocd-ish traits though:p (I just really dislike germs lol)

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  • TheWonderer

    Me too!

    Lol everytime I walk in snow and one boot has more snow then the other i get so amgry and i have to make it so the snow is equally distrubuted, as well i cut my gum in half with my teeth then chew it so each side has equal amounts ://

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  • bigguy2010

    Isn't this also a trait of Aspergers Syndrome, which is a form of autism?

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  • floodimoo123

    I have to do the same thing. I think everyone has a little OCD in them.

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