Is it normal he demanded to see my privates
Well to begin with. This might be a little private. but i need to know if this is considered normal. I was over at my recent boyfriend's and were getting ready to go out to a doctors appt he had. Everything was normal. UNTIL. before i opened the door, he shut it. I turned around. He gave me that look. I knew that look I knew what it would lead to. Before i could react he began to inch closer, standing over me, dominating. normally i would respond but i got this sixth sense and backed away. He says let me kiss your lips. so i kissed him a peck. then he gives a devilish grin and says "not those lips"
from then on the interchange of words was a mix of coyly flirting but nonetheless makikng it clear; refusing to allow him to give me head. i just wasnt in the mood. but he kept on insisting that it began to REALLY not make me in the mood. But he would not take no for an answer. He then says "well at least show me your *%$#@, let me see it." What? No i dont want to, come on lets go." Is this a normal request?
Then he lashes out LET ME SEE IT!! i saw the look in his eyes it was a look of sexual rage and frustration that i was saying no. Eventually i gave in because that was the only way he would leave me alone. So there we were. He laid me out on top of the coffee table in the living room pinned me down and licked me out. I remember looking at the ceiling blankly and wanting to run away all the while it was happening. Is it normal i felt raped?
After he seemed satisfied and his anger seemed to have subsided
But was his reaction normal? Hes older (27) than me (22) and more experienced and im new to relationships so i dont know how "boyfriends and girflriends act". Do you readily show your private parts to each other? Do you spontaneously just demand to see it? and get upset if your partner doesnt give in?
From those reading this and from your experience, what do you make of this guy? Is his behavior normal?
My instinct tells me to not be with this kind of guy if he is aggressive (he has also shown subtle but firm red flags)
but theres another voice telling me to grow up and not be so shy about my sexuality and explore it..etc.
Help! Im so confused:(