Is it normal i’m a guy and pee sitting down?

I’m a guy and I pee sitting down when I’m at home or at someone’s house. When I’m out, I use the urinal. It all started when my wife and I split up household chores. She chose cleaning the bathrooms if i would do all the vacuuming. After a while she asked if I would pee sitting down, because when standing it splatters on the toilet rim, floor and nearby wall. No, I’m not a bad aim, it just splatters off the toilet water. She was right. It does splatter and makes for a gross mess over time. Guys, just think about the urinal stalls - wet floors and corrosion on the divider wall from splatter. Anyway, I just got in the habit of sitting to pee if in a home. Normal?

Voting Results
74% Normal
Based on 19 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Tato

    Some men can only urinate sitting, and that can be a red flag. In your case, you just do it cause it's more sanitary. Normal.

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  • dundrel_steve

    I do this sometimes as well, my pee tends to spray and I don't know why. Very useful for keeping the toilet clean

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  • rivalnegro97

    I have no problems with my dick or anything but I like to pee sit down, I don't need to worry about splitting up and I can check Instagram

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  • buddyroowho

    Wow, some out there answers, I just sit at home going number 1, or number 2, or both, cause most times it might be the only alone quiet time I get all day

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  • EnglishLad

    I do the same, but for a different reason.

    I often don't know if I only need to pee or if I need to poop as well. My poop is so soft, I rarely ever feel it building up inside me until I either need to fart, or I'm sat on the toilet after emptying my bladder.

    It's gross.

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  • IrishPotato

    So do I. I prefer being comfortable. I only stand when I'm in the middle of something and I want to get back to it.

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  • DoujinMySchool101

    Aiming is annoying lol

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Cute. Your wife likes to show her friends your little testicles she keeps in her purse. I actually pee standing up sometimes after taking a shit sitting down.

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  • raisinbran

    Aim better, pee on the ceramic, not in the water. Sitting means you can't shake effectively. You stand up, the base of your dick unfolds because you had it tucked into the bowl, now you're pissing all over the floor or in your boxers. There's a reason we don't sit.

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    • nikkiclaire

      Dicks fold??

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