Is it normal i absolutely hate islam?

OK, I know that the vast majority of Muslims are good people (I know many), but does that AUTOMATICALLY make Islam ITSELF a good religion? I don't fucking think so. Apparently, it's a HUGE revelation that good people can follow EVIL things too. For example, do you think EVERY single German who voted for Hitler was evil? Of course not. Still, it wasn't such a great idea to vote for this cunt.

Islam sucks balls and seriously needs to be the FUCK destroyed (just talking about the belief system itself of course and NOT the people, many of whom no doubt are DEEPLY misguided). The Qur'an is an EVIL book and Muhammmad was a PEDOPHILE (he fucked a 9-year old girl when he was 56). I'm sure politically correct (but not factually correct) weasels will whine about what a naughty bigot I supposedly am, but facts are just facts.

You shouldn't even be REMOTELY tolerant of Islam. Really think Islam would be tolerant of you (if you're a non-Muslim, that is)? The word "Islam" means "submission" and sure as shit NOT peace. See for yourself:

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64% Normal
Based on 45 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • VioletTrees

    Islam's got some problems (like any religion, really), but it seems like the way you're singling out Islam is a little unfortunate.

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    • BLAh81

      I know most religions indeed have problems, but it's not as if they all have the same amount. Ever heard of Buddhist suicide-bombers for example? Islam is BY FAR the most problematic religion in the world. It's also quite immoral. For instance, according to the "Holy" Qur'an, Allah makes it so non-Muslims CAN'T believe. After this, he sends them to Hell for not believing! What a jerk! Sound like a religion of peace to you? Really?

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      • VioletTrees

        I've heard of Christian suicide bombers.

        I agree with you that there are a lot of problems with Islam, but you should know that most Muslims are much more moderate than what you're talking about. The thing is, we could spend all day picking out really awful, violent parts of the bible, too. We could spend all day talking about atrocities that have been committed in the name of Christianity. I don't think Judaism, Christianity, or Islam can be rightfully called religions of peace if we're going by their holy books, and we're not willing to cherry pick the best parts.

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        • BLAh81

          ´´I've heard of Christian suicide bombers.´´

          Yes, those indeed exist. But BUDDHIST suicide-bombers, ever heard of those? Most likely not and this little fact implies some religions are indeed more problematic than others.

          ´´most Muslims are much more moderate than what you're talking about.´´

          True. I´ve stated that I think most Muslims are NOT the problem (just the extreme, violent ones) and Islam ITSELF. However, it´s the extreme, violent Muslims that TRULY follow their book. If you believe your God/Allah is PERFECT, you CANNOT throw out some of the rules, simply because you don´t like them. Sure, we should absolutely cherry-pick the good things in ALL books, but that does NOT make calling yourself a Muslim sensible. The Qur´an (or the Bible for that matter) contain WAY too much immorality for that. Shouldnt supposedly devine books ONLY contain good stuff?

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          • VioletTrees

            I agree with that, actually.

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            • BLAh81

              Glad to hear that!

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        I don't think every German wanted to follow Hitler. Though if you think about it he was taking over most of Europe. Meaning most of the world at that point hated Germany and I think most Germans and people in general were scared to cross him.

        Also going against Hitler means you went against your country as a German since he gave everything to his country. Granted helping his country was bad for most of Europe but it did help his people. In fact there was 0 percent unemployment when Hitler was in charge of Germany.

        Anyone not agreeing with him from Germany would have been in a very compromising position. If a German said "no I don't believe in the war" they could be asked "Well do you love your country"? Hitler did help his country but it destroyed a lot of other countries doing so.

        Here is a good example of this even though its from anime. In Avatar the last air bender Zuko the banished fire prince does not believe in the war. However by refusing to be part of it and trying to stop it he became a traitor. So if the fire nation believed in the war or not they had to support it. If they did not they were traitors of that country.

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  • Mato

    you're absolutely correct. I think Muslims are the least likable people in the world. I cringe everytime i see one and try my best to avoid them

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  • Dad

    Usually Islamic spiritual belief system is not spoken about much as the Muslims usually state they will kill anyone against the pathetic Prophet Muhammad. This was especially made clear when many cartoon illustrators posted pics of Muhammad with a bomb on his head (a classic funny pic) Basically there were death threats left right and center!

    This belief system in my view is far worse than Christianity. Generally the law is have faith or die! Whereas 'Christians' state god will deal with you after death with an eternity of hell fire (not so bad, since there is no afterlife!)

    'Hitler' was voted in because he promised JOBS. Since it was a hard time for everyone, the promise of work and money would allow anyone to vote him in. Actually he stayed true to his word too. There were quite a lot of war victims paid well (when alive!)
    His other stuff, came later. Kind of when you get into power you decide on lots of ridiculous things.

    The Qur'an at least had stories following on from eachother like in a novel. The last parts are nothing like the first bit, its a progression throughout this fairytale book.
    The 'Bible' is just stupid from START to end.

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  • wisdomseeker

    You need to go on youtube and search for: legacy of a prophet

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    • BLAh81

      You need to go on youtube and search for: Pat Condell on Islam.

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  • Dude97

    What its ur religion ?

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    • BLAh81


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  • kelili


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    • BLAh81

      Great argument!

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  • Hussainthemvp

    Ummmm provactive much calm the fuck down

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    • BLAh81

      Why? Isn't it correct?

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