Is it normal i act like anime characters? expecially boys?

This story will make much more sense if you have read my previous story here:

Anyway, read that. So, you know I can start to behave like anime characters I watch?

Well lately I have noticed that I much prefer male characters to female in the genre of anime I watch.

In all of the animes I have watched (and that's a lot) the main character has been a male. And when the main character is my favourite character of the series, or just one of my favourites in general, I will start behaving a bit like them. You know, same characteristics and thoughts about things etc. So if the character is male (which it has always been) I will act a bit like a male.

I am a 19 year old girl.

I quite like those guys in animes that are all mysterious and stuff, or pretend they aren't in pain when they really are, I guess I think it would be cool to be like that sometimes.. I have never thought about having a sex change at all. I like being a girl.

I want to know if this is normal and if this will lead to me wanting to be male.. Thanks in advance.

Please post either helpful comments or no comment at all. No insulting stuff please.

Voting Results
63% Normal
Based on 129 votes (81 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • under1

    NONONONONONONONONOOOOO! This will gain you A LOT of hate and disrepect. It is called being a WEEABOO or WAPANESE. Please stop it. Anime is not at all an accurate depiction of life for ANYONE, especially not Japanese.
    Please, Please realise it is time to grow out of this. I am begging you.

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  • Dizzee

    I'm the same way. THE EXACT SAME WAY. However, I tend to act like my own characters more often than I do with anime characters. I've also noticed that I tend to act more like the males then the females too, even though I'm female. We're even the same age. This is really starting to creep me out.

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    • You shouldn't get creeped out. We're both normal.. at least I hope. Thanks for the comment. Haha, my comments are worded differently lately, I guess you would know why :) excuse me if I sound a little weird.

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      • Dizzee

        To be completely honest, I don't really care if I'm fully normal or not. Everyone is going to be different in a way. I see it sort of as the 'define normal' concept (if that makes any sense). Everybody's opinions and such will be different, but over all our morals are very similar.
        And it took me awhile to figure out why your comments are worded differently, but when I figured it out I was like... I'm the same way sometimes. I'm so glad I commented and so glad you responded (it's rare for someone to actually reply to me).
        And sorry for my somewhat long response. I can literally write an essay off of one small topic. It comes in handy during English class.

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        • I wish I could create such long comments, well I can sometimes, but you are lucky to be able to do that. To be perfectly honest, I'm not bothered about not being normal either. You have a good way of looking at things, I like your concept a lot.
          No need to be glad for a reply. I would feel ignorant for not answering back to such an interesting comment.
          I'm the one to be glad for the fact I am not alone.
          You know, I actually feel better about myself and my surroundings when I start to behave like a character. I'm watching an anime right now called Fullmetal Alchemist. If you have seen it you know about the character Ed. He is my favourite character of the series, and lately I have been acting like him, as per usual, and it has made me more energetic and lively than ever in a while.
          Ah, look at that. I managed an essay, and Ed isn't even that talkative. Haha :)

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          • Dizzee

            I almost always write long comments. It's nice and all, but I've known people who hate it. It actually bothers me more when people reply with an "Okay." then with a long paragraph. I guess I just love getting to know people. And thank you for the complement. I tend to reflect a lot about things which I've noticed tends to help others understand a little better when I tell them how I feel on a subject. And it makes me happy helping people. I'm usually really bad at talking to people, but I've noticed that when I have deep conversations about feelings and what not, I have a lot to say.
            And I feel so loved that you think my comments are interesting. I find myself to be boring at times.
            You should know that you're never alone about how you feel. It's fascinating to think about this (and I don't know for sure if it's true), but there is always at least one person in this world that's going through the same things as you are. That's how I see it anyways.
            I'm a really shy person in real life and in a way my own characters help me through stuff as well.
            I've heard of Fullmetal Alchemist and I've also watched a few episodes. Not my type of anime, but it's a good one I'd say. So I know who you're talking about.
            Right now it's me mainly talking, but the character that I've been acting as recently is mainly Dante right now. It's my own character I made him about a year ago and I find him to be extremely awesome.
            And yet again, I've wrote an essay. Sorry if my comments are taking too much time out of your day, but I find this conversation to be really great and I just can't reply with something short.

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            • I'm glad that even though people sometimes do not appreciate longer comments you continue to do so. And yes the animes I watch are not to everyone's taste, but I am happy to know that you know what I'm talking about. I'm sure Dante is a fantastic character, and you are lucky to be able to create something like that. I can't even write a simple story for 5 year olds.
              I am also shy in real life, I suffer anxiety when going to places I dislike for one reason or another. The way I react to watching animes really helps me a lot, glad it does for you too.
              Sorry that at the moment I am talking to you from a character, that's what I call it when I behave like them, but I guess it's a good thing, I'm much less talkative when I'm back to my normal self. Which won't happen for a while I think.
              Your comments could never take too much time out of my day for me to not be able to find enough to read them. It's incredibly annoying to recieve a reply like "K" after putting effort into writing so much. I know how you feel about that.

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  • I think it's normal. When I watch a TV series long enough, I tend to act like a character I like -whether they be male or female. I love anime also and I can see why you would want to act like the male leads rather then the female leads. They're usually strong, considerate and independent while the girl always ends up needing to be saved by them somehow. As for the sex change thing no idea.

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    • Thanks for the comment, glad to know I'm not alone with the behaviour thing.

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  • dazjman

    I am the opposite!
    I am 21, and even though I am a man, I end up acting like anime girls.
    In the anime I watch, the girls are cheeky and outgoing in a cute way...
    And I tend to act like that :/ people say I'm like a "house-husband" or "cute".
    But it feels unnatural when they say that.

    It shouldn't lead you to being a male!
    I don't want to BE a female because I want to be WITH a female.
    But sometimes I think I'm a lesbian in a man's body xD

    Just be who you are :) even if that includes traits you got from anime!
    As long as they are not bad traits, you'll be fine :)

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    • Skywalker841

      I am exactly the same, In the anime I watch, the characters I like are female, and I want to act like them and be them, but I don't want to BE a female, I want to be like and be the characters.

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  • myweirdself16

    yeah, i feel like the boys in anime have so much more than the girls do. im actually practicing being a character because im going to a con. ^^

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    • Ah I'd love to go to a con at some point, but I live in the UK and most are in the US :(

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  • purplemonkeys

    Idc. Why do the two ppl that like anime sooo nuts about it???

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    • I'm sorry I don't quite understand the wording of your comment. Are you saying that you want to know how can I go nuts over anime? Please explain to me.

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  • NothingxCrazy

    Maybe there is a male you look up to irl that you see has a lot in common with the anime characters? Just a thought.

    Plus men are portrayed as a lot more bad ass in those kind of shows.. I would rather be some bad ass guy than some wimpy and whiny chick. :P

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  • Ozzy

    normal nnormal its more of ur opinion wether its normal or not imo its not normal to act like an anime character its cause i dislike ppl who doesnt act like themselves and that u watch anime maybe to much?

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    • I must admit whe I watch an anime series I do become a little addicted to seeing what comes next. But please don't dislike people for how they behave. They may not be able to stop it. Like me for instance.

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  • humage

    it is normal. I try to behave like naruto all d time :p

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    • I think every anime fan has once in their life, hahaha :D

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