Is it normal i am afraid of death?

I am Athiest and dont believe in any religion. I don't think I am going to die soon, but when I do...

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97% Normal
Based on 32 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • shade_ilmaendu

    Everyone does it. I won't waste fear on something inevitable. I will however take steps to ensure my survival for whatever period I am here.

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  • I don't like the idea of dying either because it's a one way ticket, no one knows what happens. Make the most of every little tiny thing in life no mater how small, and at least when it comes and it's over you'll no longer be afraid

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  • JustDave

    Don't be afraid of death.
    Death's not afraid of you.

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  • Vanguard

    Shit happens. Every one dies, instead of worrying about death spend more time enjoying life.

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    • Justsomejerk

      ^ this.

      Don't fear dying, fear not living.

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  • suckonthis9

    Yes, it's normal to be afraid of death, but you should be more afraid if your behaviour is not Ethical and you do not strive for Enlightenment.
    We all need to do much more to improve our after-death experience.

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    • lufa

      lol @ 'after-death experience.'

      Silly monkey there is no life after death and I demand you offer solid proof if you feel otherwise.

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      • suckonthis9

        That's what I prefer (After-Death), since I already died. At first, I didn't believe it either and questioned my own sanity, but they gave me the 'solid proof', as you describe it. I had committed suicide, but my Sentience was preserved in another Universe and subsequent Universes, including this one. You are most welcome to watch, if you still don't believe me. Some of your replicants, will witness me dying, however, but one will witness my survival.
        This is not a guarantee for everyone. A creature must act Ethically and strive for Enlightenment for a chance of their Sentience being preserved.

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        • lufa

          Watch what? Your soul transcend other universes? Bro you're a nutcase or you're trolling either way you have nothing-just chatter.

          Until someone can provide irrefutable evidence (not just words) of another dimension, then maybe you have a case.

          However I have a science education and I know for a fact that we have never discovered any alternate dimension so people like you are completely full of shit.

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          • suckonthis9

            Watch me commit suicide. Most of your replicants will see me die, but one will see me survive what should be impossible.
            There is no such thing as a "soul" and we do not transcend other Universes, but are merely replicated. Why do people continually make things more complex than they need to be?
            It is not an alternate dimension, but simply another (replicated) Universe.

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  • InfiniteShadows

    I'm sorry if I freak anyone out, but death can come at any time. Just enjoy life and be happy.

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  • awwwtiger

    I've got the same:( I am atheist and I am afraid of death.

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  • Severus'sDaughter19


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  • capcrunch6

    Fearing your death is irrelevant and illogical, but it is also keeping you alive.

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  • WeirdoEstella


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  • pipefan413

    Life is certainly a train ride, giving you ups and downs, swirls and curves, but you have to live on, live by your best, have children, a wife, a family, grand children, what ever makes you happy go for it. Just as long as it's legal, if you were to go to jail your loved ones would miss you.

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  • lufa

    I'm atheist also, but I think whatever one's beliefs it is natural to be afraid of death.

    It's not so much the being dead, but the process of dying is what I fear.

    I've had a few near death experiences-they happened in unbelievable mundane situations. One time I nearly choked to death on some food and I was home alone so I had to give myself a Heimlich manoeuvre to breathe again.

    I didn't panic that much, I just found the method of dying embarrassing, particularly with someone of my intelligence.

    There were car crashes I avoided by the skin of my teeth. Other situations as well.

    When I die I prefer it to be on my own terms-but then that could be pretty scary too. Perhaps an accidental choking is the easiest way to go, aside from dying in one's sleep or from an overdose.

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