Is it normal i am antitheist?

For as long as I can remember I've disliked religion, but I used to fake being a ' believer'. I have gradually come dislike it more and more. I started as a ' catholic' later my family got baptised as 'mormon' . After becoming Mormon , I hit a point where I couldn't take the bs any longer and became agnostic , then atheist, and now that I am 18 I am an anti-theist. I have very little tolerance for the religious especially when they try to get involved in my personal life.

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74% Normal
Based on 73 votes (54 yes)
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Comments ( 25 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    That's cool and all, I deal with people like this all of the time. Just don't go too extreme with it. I was once asked if I had a religion and I said that I was Mormon and I was immediately interrogated concerning the finer details of my religion and then penalized for pushing my religion on them when I answered their questions. In fact, this has happened way more then once and it is always those folks that bring it up...

    Or better, when the subject of religion comes up around people that are my friends but don't know of my religious preferences (once someone says that they are an atheist I just don't talk about religion with them) and they sh*t talk Christians like there is no tomorrow. I then tell them that I am a Mormon and seeing as how I live in California where most people I meet are basically antitheists and I make friends very easily... this is how I get my lulz now. True story.

    Anywho, TL;DR there are a lot of things to hate about organized religion, just don't fire away at folks like me that are just trying to live their lives.

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    • Ono

      I find I tend to agree with you a lot or otherwise respect where you're coming from.

      But :) Not all atheists want to avoid discussion of religion or are offended by them. I love discussing them with people because, despite the stereotypes, I find everyone has slight differences in the way they interpret their faith. Atheists are as curious, or more curious even, than theists can be.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        I understand that, but considering that I am from a more controversial sect of Christianity, I tend to just not bring it up. Many atheists do have harsh criticisms that they are willing to belt out on any unwitting Christian that crosses their path, and while I know as a fact that not all are like this (most of my friends are atheists), I've found it much safer to just let them bring it up should they wish. In my experience, talking to someone about religion, especially mine, is much easier to do when you've already won them over.

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        • Ono

          Fair enough.

          I'd imagine the 'special underpants' question gets a bit annoying after a while.

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  • oleo

    welcome to the club, religions are nothing more than mythologies and fairy tales.

    the religious cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction

    so those dumbasses will continue to grope each other in the dark looking for their imaginary god who doesn't exist.

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    • JustCHELlin246

      I'd beg to differ. How could the world just suddenly happen? That violates the scientific principle that something cannot come from nothing. Also, if the world were millions of years old, that would not jive with the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics; that the earth's core has been losing heat ever since existence. The earth would not be able to last millions of years. There are also many other scientific proofs for a creator. For example all of the intricasies of the human body, and that the earth is the perfect axis and distance from the son. How could this all have been random?

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      • oleo

        the world didn't just "suddenly happen," it's over 5 billion years old and the universe is 13 billion. How do we know this? Carbon dating and understanding that our universe is expanding-all based on verifiable scientific research.

        Our universe did come from something, an energy field which predated it. Look up virtual particles and you'll understand how a universe/the big bang could happen.

        What you theists have offered is little more than a hunch, an idea (god) which you then began to treat as something that has been already proven. Your evidence? None-it's blind, unquestioning belief and dogma. Throw in some magic and superstition for the stuff that doesn't make any sense.

        Theists have no business delving into scientific debates since all you offer is your beliefs and nothing more.

        Plus your god-hypothesis isn't really an answer. All it does is replace one mystery-the universe, with another mystery-god, that we obviously invented.

        Did your god come from nothing? Who created him? a supergod? it leads to infinite regression.

        No one knows how the universe came to exist since we were not there at the beginning. However science-based on evidence has given us the best answer so far.

        Religion gave us a theory which has zero evidence to support it. Conjure up your god and then you'll have an argument-till then, it's no different than saying Santa Claus made the universe.

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        • guacadoggie

          How could you not freak out when they wrote that?!?! I wanted to chime in to JustCHELlin246's ignorance, but you did it quite well.

          But just so you know for future reference, the earth is about 4.5 billion years old and the universe is 14 billion years old. Not that those extra few million years make it any more impressive.

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        • JustCHELlin246

          Upon researching virtual particles, I do understand their significance in explaining models and the significance of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. However, during my research I read an article by a seemingly legitimate scholar Mark I. Vuletic. Here is the link.
          In this article Mark attempts to prove that an atheist view of the world is possible. While reading the article in its entirety, his arguments started to unravel as he says, "If one does count facts as things, then nothingness is a logical impossibility: if nothing existed, then it would be a fact that nothing existed, meaning that at least one thing (the fact that nothing exists) exists, which would, in turn, contradict the original hypothesis. Consequently, if one counts facts as things, then some fact must obtain; but, if at least one fact must obtain, why should it not be the fact that quantum mechanics applies?" To prove virtual particles based on circular reasoning and "why shouldn't you believe this?" logic did not have me convinced. That is why I was reading this, I want to know why I should believe it.
          His article boiled down to illogical conclusions that "nothingness" and "nothing" are different things and that the "nothing" of physics does not truly mean "nothing." How is anything supposed to make sense if we make a proof by bending the "true" meanings of things?
          And you said it yourself, all that theists and atheists have are theories and hypotheses. However, I should hope that you would be willing to research my side of things, and then compare the different evidences. Look at the accuracy of the Bible, written from eye-witnesses, precise even hundreds of years after from the finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls. This side of things may be a bit premature in our debate, so I would like to leave you with a final notion for this time.
          As humans we want to discover and know everything. It is our nature to explore and conquer. It is hard to admit that we do not know everything about how we came to be and why we are here. But this is why we have faith in God. If we truly take our pride out of the picture, and trust that there are things only a divine creator could know and understand, then it becomes a lot easier to believe in God who will love you. Not scientific theories that cannot completely prove the unknown or love us at all.
          Please do not take offense to anything I have said. Like I said before, we are in a respectful debate and would be much obliged with you if it stayed that way. Thank you.

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  • poof!gone122

    I'm kind of the same way. But I'm mostly against Christianity.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I was slightly religious as a child but i think it was because i thought it was expected of me. As i grew older i began questioning thing and i'm now 20 and have been an athiest most of my life. As the years have gone by i have become less and less tolerant of the religious people i have met. However I believe it's been just. I have been looked down on for being an athiest and on numerous times have had people try to convert me, the last of which was my ex. She was against gay and lesbian relationships and believed that everyone who didn't belive in God was dirty and filled with sin and that it was her duty to show people the way. I know many christians aren't like that but those who closely follow the bible tend to be in my experience

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  • ganesha

    There is no problem with that, but please do not hurt others feelings. Religion is a sensitive subject!

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  • Hussainthemvp

    It fine unless you start acting like a bitch

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  • pisspotpeehole

    "Anti-theist"? You're just making up words. Who cares what the brand name is, do whatever you want and stop trying to build an audience for your bullshit self-discovery drama.

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  • Missaye

    I'm a Christian but I can completely understand where you are coming from. Both mormonism and Catholicism can be very strict and, well, too religiousy! What you are experiencing my friend, is a religion over load, people have beat things into your head and tried to force you to believe things that you weren't ready to believe in yet. God does not condone such behavior by his people, yet there are still some who claim to be his followers that try and force religion on people and harshly judge people who don't. Truth is, God doesn't want anyone to be forced to love and follow him. He wants you to willingly come to him. In fact, the bible tells about "the age if accountability." This is the time inna person's life where God reveals himself to you and you are presented with a choice... Follow Him and accept his free gift, or don't and suffer an eternity of consequences. Don't think that it is an act of evil that people who reject his son don't go to heaven. God physically cannot be around sin, which is why he sent his pure son Jesus to die in debt of our sins. Those who do not repent through Christ will be in a place where God's wrath will constantly remind them of their choices. It says in the bible that God weeps for each person sent to hell. So he wants you to go yo heaven, trust me, but on your own terms!

    Let's not forget why we are here in the first place, God needs to be loved, he made us to share a loving relationship with Him. However, he gave us free will, he wants us to choose him over our desire for sin and other worldly temptations. What good would our love be to Him if He forced us to love Him? That's why we have free will! So clearly He doesn't want anyone forced into a "religion."
    I don't believe in religion, God wants us to have a PERSONAL relationship with him, not go through a whole bunch of crap just to show everyone else that you're a Christian. That's not at all what it's about. Anything sounds bad if you make it sound judgmental and strict. See for yourself, don't conform with the crowd, look into it and make your own decision don't let anyone make it for you!

    If this all sounds ridiculous to you, let me suggest a book written by a once avid atheist! This man is now a Christian, he proved Christianity to himself through science! The book is called "The Case for Christ" by Lee Stroble. Prove it to yourself, you be the judge and decide where you will spend an eternity.

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    • JustCHELlin246

      This is incredibly passionate and inspiring :) I share these exact truths with you!! Blessings on you and your fearless witnessing <3

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  • power3r3

    I belive alliens had something to do with religon but with the mind control shit ur just sayin crazy shit dude lol. I think religon mainly comes from acient people being greedy and some people just wanting hope that they wont just dissapear.

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  • SEWnanist23

    All of the worlds religions are influenced by Extra Terrestrials. Humans reinterpret the influence to look like something tottaly unreal and try to make it real for the sake of mass mind control, which somehow a real ET can do to any of us humans telepathicaly. Were not as superior as we think we are but once we broke free from the lies religion tells us just to control our lives to enslave us, then we become better than we were before the dark aged fears. You should watch Ancient Aliens on the History channel or look it up online.

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  • nAt2017

    That's fine. But, just like religion, lack of religion has to be respectful as well. Don't hate on religious people and expect for them not to hate back at you. Honestly, the world would be a better place if people could just learn to live and let live.

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  • Neon.s

    I am Buddhist and I also used to be Mormon. At first I am Buddhist and then I join Mormon. I feel like no.... I can't believe in god because I ever been Buddhist they're always teach me you must do the right things because what you did, it will return to you sooner or later then I decided to out from Mormon and back to Buddhist and I always believe in teachings that What you did to another, no matter human or animal you will get what you did even you are alive or died ( when you was died you will come back to born again and get what you ever did. it's endless ) Sorry for my English : )

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    • JustCHELlin246

      I am super curious about buddhism :) I have a dumb question though, who decides what is good or bad karma? I have also wondered when and who started the reincarnation cycle if anyone? It would really help me for this to be explained if you feel like it. If you do not want to I completely understand! Thank you!

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      • Neon.s

        Yes, reincarnations are for everyone. And it would be easier if you search ''Reincarnations Buddhism'' in Google. And if you have something that you do not understand, send message to me okay ? good luck : )

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        • JustCHELlin246

          Ok good idea, thanks so much!!

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  • porsublue

    I wonder why people are against Christianity? Oh well. This is not normal.

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    • NocturnePonyFan

      Could it be that Christianity promotes hatred based on someone's sexual preference, skin colour, or desire to choose what happens to their own body?

      I'm against most religions, but Christianity in general because of the things I noted above.

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