Is it normal i am curious to see which animals drown?

I know elephants, cats and dogs all doggy paddle. However recently I been thinking about bats. I was curious to see if a bat could swim. They are clearly not made for swimming and I am not sure if they could adapt. It seems that maybe they could flap away with the wings but I am really curious to see how this would all play out. Am I a horrible person? I don't have any bats so I cant try it but would it be horribly inhumane to try if I did? I wouldn't let it drown I would just drop it in a shallow container and see if it swam. If not than I would know if it could swim or not.

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Comments ( 19 )
  • RoseIsabella

    How would you like it if a much larger and stronger animal experimented on you because it was curious?

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    • My dad made me learn to swim. Why is that different than seeing if animals can?

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      • RoseIsabella

        It's not the same, you know it's not the same.

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        • Why is it not the same?

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          • Blackwood

            Because humans can learn how to swim, are more intelligent, can have stuff explained to them and basically need to know how to swim at some point.

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            • So you are saying no animal in the world other than humans can swim? Wow you are so ignorant. You know dogs and elephants can swim right? All fish swim.

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    • green_boogers

      Better than getting eaten.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Most things are better than being eaten.

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        • not always ;)

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  • I can understand where your curiosity comes from but not if it causes undue stress to any animal in order for you to find out.

    I was surprised to learn that pigs can swim, well in fact.

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  • iEatZombies_

    This isn't necessary. Just look it up.

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  • alextsang08

    It would definitely drown. It's wings would get soaked up with water, and it would go underwater and die. I hope this helps.

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  • Yoinks

    I think it's ok so long as the animal that you're trialing doesn't freak out and so long as it is done quickly otherwise it would be considered inhumane.

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  • Gspyder

    How bout I try and see if you drown. Leave animals alone, I don't care if you wouldn't let it actually drown. What if someone held your head underwater without warning and then said oh sorry, just wanted to see what you would do.

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    • Im not going to dunk its entire head and body in water. I was going to put it in shallow container and sees if it swims. If it sinks than I will take it out.

      I never said anything about shoving it under water. That for sure would kill it or possibly do some internal damage. Unlike you I do not want to go around murdering animals for the bloody fun of it you fucking idiot.

      What use would shoving it under water and letting it choke do? Did your mother drop you on your head as a child? The point is to see if they can swim not pointless killing and torment. You know you should consult a shrink you psychopath.

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      • Gspyder

        Well, you did use the word "drown" in your post instead of "swim" so I'm sure you can understand the confusion. Don't worry, the only kind of animal I would kill for fun is someone who torments others out of curiosity and enjoyment.

        I'm glad you wouldn't harm an animal, good for you! And almost all animals can swim because like us, they are mostly made up of water and are neutrally buoyant. Pretty much the only ones that can't are ones with thick fur or wool that weigh them down. Birds can swim, I would guess that bats can too.

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