Is it normal i am having this problem ?
Ok please anyone who can help , I need serioues help . I came from a middle class family but my parents ran up massive debt overtime I know this may sound common for alot of poeple . Do to this I am not elligibe for alot of opputunitys or aid , I graduated highscool with mediocher grades and I am not elligible for most the scholorships I found cuase my parents make to much money I am living with freinds right now but they are feeling the stress of money too I have no job and everywere I go they dont need workers . I have no acclipable skills except the fact I type really fast and I am a excellent artist.I also have a business certificate from business class I took . Most my freinds only have jobs becuase thier parents or family has private businesses and hooked them up however nobody is ever generoues to offer me any of that good fortune . my family is not poor but they are losing thier stuff and going bankrupt becuase debt I am absoulutly doomed I do not know what to do even if I find money for collage I have no way to get thier and I need find a new place to stay I need serioues help . I dont know were to go and I am running outve option they siad you need be old enough go bars or have some kindve liscense for all the jobs I could getthat pay a livable wage please someone what would any of you sugget becuase my future is plain nothingless and everyone keeps telling me its fine itll be ok when I know it wont I am becoming very disrot . I do not know what to do no one is hiring and everywere needs schooling but niether of those are available thanks to the fucked up economy I am very despreate and running outve time I do not want to do something illegel but I dont know what else thier is to do . I need serioues help . HELP PLEASE ANYONE