Is it normal i am having this problem ?

Ok please anyone who can help , I need serioues help . I came from a middle class family but my parents ran up massive debt overtime I know this may sound common for alot of poeple . Do to this I am not elligibe for alot of opputunitys or aid , I graduated highscool with mediocher grades and I am not elligible for most the scholorships I found cuase my parents make to much money I am living with freinds right now but they are feeling the stress of money too I have no job and everywere I go they dont need workers . I have no acclipable skills except the fact I type really fast and I am a excellent artist.I also have a business certificate from business class I took . Most my freinds only have jobs becuase thier parents or family has private businesses and hooked them up however nobody is ever generoues to offer me any of that good fortune . my family is not poor but they are losing thier stuff and going bankrupt becuase debt I am absoulutly doomed I do not know what to do even if I find money for collage I have no way to get thier and I need find a new place to stay I need serioues help . I dont know were to go and I am running outve option they siad you need be old enough go bars or have some kindve liscense for all the jobs I could getthat pay a livable wage please someone what would any of you sugget becuase my future is plain nothingless and everyone keeps telling me its fine itll be ok when I know it wont I am becoming very disrot . I do not know what to do no one is hiring and everywere needs schooling but niether of those are available thanks to the fucked up economy I am very despreate and running outve time I do not want to do something illegel but I dont know what else thier is to do . I need serioues help . HELP PLEASE ANYONE

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Comments ( 19 )
  • Darkoil

    Learn to fucking spell before thinking about college.

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    • flutterhigh

      "I graduated highscool with mediocher grades"
      "I have no acclipable skills except the fact I type really fast"


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      • disthing

        I think typing really fast ceases to become a skill when 9/10 words are spelt incorrectly.

        jdsfhosdfhdjfskdfjksdfhjsdkhfskjdhfkjsdhfksdjf <- I typed that in 3 seconds. Now, to college! :P

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      • Darkoil

        My personal favourites are 'poeple' 'nothingless' and 'disrot'.

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        • flutterhigh

          DISROT! That's genius.

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          • plum6

            this made my day :)

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  • Derek12.0

    Maybe learn to spell and speak English properly before going to a college?

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    There is always the job that I do. The hours suck, the work is stressful as shit, and you get bitched at constantly. But financial gains at this job are absolutely amazing if you can hack it. Plus every car dealership is hiring, always, because the stress of the job is so much so that most people are not desperate enough to take the stress.

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    • Allistalla

      However car sales are going down so isnt a car dealership bad ? I may try that I auctully am a good sales men even if it was only selling baked goods and candy for school funriasing .

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      • Captain_Kegstand

        Who ever told you car sales are going down, were behind a little bit. They went down before the economy went down, and came right back up, outpacing the economy by a lot. 2011 was the biggest car sales year in history actually. Now do your market research and see which brands are selling the most right now because that will affect your income! Used cars is a little harder and faster paced, but even more money.

        Good luck, the jobs are there, the pay is there, but the job frieking blows in my opinion. I hate it, but have to pay the bills somehow!

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        • Allistalla

          If It is a job , its not against the law, makes you money I would take it and I like selling things anyways so .Also I mean becuase poeple are losing thier jobs and money they dont have time to buy extra things they dont need so they are keeping cars longer . I cant even get a car I dont have the money niether does anyone I know .

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          • Captain_Kegstand

            Hell, at my dealership, if you sell 12 a month, they make your damn car payment for you!

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            • Allistalla

              Are you serioues ? Well I have basic math skills I do not know abstract math like trig or anything but i know how to make a finance and I had a business class I do not know if Id be qiulified to sell one but I would if they give me a job .

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  • pinkpetunia

    If your parents do apply for bankruptcy then you are eligible for student funding through the government. You can get a job, you just have to suck up your pride and apply to customer service jobs such as McD's and A&W or you can be a dishwasher at a restaurant. There are a lot of jobs out there and it seems like you want to start at the top (that is not realistic). If you have never had a job before and you have already graduated high school you seem pretty privileged to me.

    Suck it up cupcake and get through this. There's always a way if you're willing to find it.

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    • Allistalla

      Also I never said I wanted start at the top as you may assume I stated that everyone I ask says they do not need more workers whicch means I applied to mcdonolds and all the fastfood resturaunts just becuase I can not get a job does not mean it becuase I am prideful it becuase no one needs more workers so I cant get a interview .I cant find any ways either I keep trying no one wants me I already stated this I went to minumum wage jobs they siad they are booked and do not need poeple I wouldnt have post this if I did not already try about 13 times . As I also stated all my freinds that have work were given it by thier family and they are not gonna help becuase no one really cares how krap anyone elses luck is they just like to rub it in your face they got a job from thier family and that you are a complete ass becuase somehow you cant find a job . That you dont know anyone who owns a business that your family isnt that well off like everyone else that you do not have connections to the manager at mcdonolds or owner of a skateing shop .

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    • Allistalla

      I dont know if I stated but I have applied 13 times they said they have to many poeple and they have no openings I tryed and I cant even get a interview .

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  • Justsomejerk

    I can type really fast but my accuracy kind of tapers off.

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  • ygrowup

    First calm down, their are options, seek a professional job placement, that will get you skills, work history and references. You will not make a lot of money, but it's a start. Unless you have some sort of sugar daddy you can turn too. LOL

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