Is it normal i am paranoid of past mistakes repeating?

I am always paranoid that things I've done in the past will repeat itself. For example, once I was at school and a friend pointed out I had a booger in my nose. It was very visible and I was very embarrassed. This was 4-5 years ago and even now I can't go anywhere without checking and sometimes double checking that a booger is not sticking out of my nose. Or once I went into the bathroom to change and without me realizing my dads girlfriend was in the laundry room which is directly connected to the bathroom. This was also multiple years ago but to this day I have to check and double check every time I go into that bathroom that no one is in the laundry room. There are a LOT of other examples I could give but that would take all day. So, is it normal?

Voting Results
73% Normal
Based on 45 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • loonylightsgood

    I think its normal. Unless its like every single mistake you made. Like maybe it could be an OCD thing? Or maybe you made a mistake in your past that was traumatizing and humiliating. And now you get paranoid. Maybe your past mistakes sound small but you felt so embarrassed about it that it seems like this big thing you you. You get me? This sounds similar to what I do a lot.

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  • Desdemona

    You felt embarrassed and now it causes you to feel anxious that it will happen again. Sounds perfectly normal. Be kind to yourself and try to let it go.

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