Is it normal i am pissed people don't recognize erotica as true art form
This has gone TOO far. I have made SO many sacrifices when moving back in with my parents after I got dropped from my street-perf* (i.g. 'Street Performance') gig back in April due to "COVID." But THIS IS the CROSSING of THE LINE. For my Mother and Dada I have sacrificed my car insurance, I have sold my rasta record collection, and I have stopped it with my PHOne SEX because quote: 'She sounds like a hyena in heat over the tele boy!' [Actual fucking quote that my 'Father' ustered!] Am I not allowed to feed?? Huh?? So I go and gave up these things for them because I already have to pay them in fucking Monopoly Money for their 'rent' that they are imposing on me like the entitled, wannabee landlords they are, and then I happen to have my kindle open. Because I like to read as it gives my education. And I am full of that as always. And my mom stumbles on by, pretending like she didn't make her honeycomb hairnest hairdo [shit! btw] three days ago (she is pretending that she made it that morning which was a lie) and looks into my PERSonLA Kindlee!!
Transgression 2.
And waht does she see? She sees, of course, my copy of Eric Filler's Transformed into a Bimbo, and she says: [anbd I am quioting here,,] She says "This is the shit!" [and she says shit in a bad, derogutory way! Not GOOD!] she says: 'This is why I left your real father, the shit like this, I bet that HEE was the one that told you about THIS!!" she says, after I insist: "This is not art, this is the shit!!" [Again, shit in a BAD way!]
Now I am foming and so mad I am so mad, I REFusE to have ART PLASTERED IN MY PRESCIENCE!!! Erotica, for those who don't in the know, IS TRUE ART!! nOTHING MAKES ME FEEL LIKE HOW EEROTICCA DOES!!!
Point 3, A defense for erOTICA!:
Erotica is art because of its appeal to not just the haertt, but also becauase of its appeal to sthe body!! The body is my fallus? and I am never WRONG to love that! That is why the PHone SEX is not BAD DADA!! Because of my arcane knowledge of how to read from the erotica, I can FEEL the words on the receptor of my fallus. I can feel the cosmos flinging through my lions, and I am embued with the magic that is art and all things. BUT MOM DOESN't aunderstand!!!!!! ! ! !
So many do not understand.,
I am sorry for taking my anger out here on this post. I wrote very quickly and I don't remember all that I said, so forgive my grammer where there aren't mistakes. I just, I just need someone to hear what I am going through, this COVId-time, and you all have been great to me so far. Thank you.