Is it normal i am really bad at internet speak?
I am really bad at internet speak. I have picked up a few things but overall some people know a lot more and I just never get it. IS it normal I am so bad at internet abbreviations like TBH and BBL.
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I am really bad at internet speak. I have picked up a few things but overall some people know a lot more and I just never get it. IS it normal I am so bad at internet abbreviations like TBH and BBL.
ilc = i like chocolate
ilm = i like movies
dylm? = do you like movies?
wyfm? = what's your favorite movie?
wacd! = what a cute dog!
itoy = i'm thinking of you
te = the end
Reminds me of a song:
I got an SMS
It said "OMG IDK WTF"
Oh my god, I don't know, what the fuck
OMG, IDK or WTF mean
I'm not great at it either, I'm old. These kids and their new fangled language :(
But I spend too much time online and I've picked up a lot.
Most people I speak with don't use much internet speak, save for the basics. I wouldn't worry unless it really prevents you from effectively communicating or understanding what your friends are saying.
Is it normal that I just had to urban dictionary TBH and BBL?
Yeah, you're not alone...
Yeah normal. I feel like I'm witnessing the death of the English language sometimes.
I used to think that it stood for "Fuck The Way". O_0 How do you fuck the way?!
I always saw FTW as fuck the world until finding out gamers using for the win.
Completely normal. I'm twenty, but I'd like to consider myself a bit of an old soul. I like spelling my words out, only abbreviating sometimes. I've mastered the basics but there are some newer ones that I'm starting to see and I have no idea what they mean.
I used to like internet speak but then I started prefering normal grammar. I still use tumblr words though.
I know your pain. When I first started texting and interacting on the internet, I was assaulted with this "slang" that I wasn't familiar with. I'm sure my friends thought there was something wrong with me when I asked them what so and so meant. With time I learned but there are still some forms of lingo that confuse me.
If you need any help with slang you could always go on Urban Dictionary:)
Just make up your own and dont tell anyone what it means like if someone pisses you off just tell them fymfff-fuck you motherfucking fuck face.They'll never know.