Is it normal i am sick of nice guys always complaining about dating?

Alright so what is it with this nonsense? "Wah Wah Wah I am a nice guy and I still dont get any girls Boo Hoo" I mean what does that even mean? What do you expect from the girl? "Oh wow shit you are so nice, let me just take my cloths off for you" Girls dont want that, they want a man, a real man. With self confidence. Not some spineless, "selfless", whining pussy. You want that girl go out and get her, dont expect her to make the first move, because she wont, especially, if she is hot. She probably has another 3 guys (or more) chasing after her anyway.

Is it normal I am sick of guys who cry about this shit? Is it normal I think people who are "selfless" have no self-esteem?

Voting Results
66% Normal
Based on 38 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 49 )
  • dom180


    "Girls don't want that, they want a man, a real man. With self confidence."

    You might think that, but not everyone has the same taste as you. Some girls like a manly man, some girls like a pretty boy, in the same way that some guys like a stereotypical hot girl and some guys like a tomboy. Everyone has different tastes, wants and needs, so don't generalise. With that in mind:

    "You want that girl go out and get her, don't expect her to make the first move, because she won't"

    Again, wrong. There are some girls who actually like to be proactive in a courtship instead of being some weak, passive object hoping for men to chase after her. Not all girls are like that, not even most, but some. Some girls are proactive. Believe it or not, a lot of guys find that attractive.

    If you like a guy, do you chase him? Thought not, so don't get up on your high horse if a guy won't do the same for you.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd often take your side in this and say that there are a lot of guys who play the nice guy card but are actually liars, because it's true. Most self-proclaimed "nice guys" aren't nice. But I won't take your side, because of this:

    It's fine for you to want a self-confident and dominant guy. It really is. That's your preference and you're more than entitled to that. But to say that all girls want the same as you is wrong. It's also wrong to say that a guy isn't a "real man" or is a "pussy" because he's shy or awkward or lacking in false confidence or is anything other than your personal taste is insulting not only to those guys, but to every girl who has different tastes to you and actually does like those guys you hate.

    "Oh wow shit you are so nice, let me just take my cloths off for you" - I think this is the issue. The sort of guys who you don't like aren't usually the sort of guys who WANT a girl who'd get naked just because a guy has a little self-confidence. They call that sort of girl "easy", and to most of them being easy is not attractive. They really don't care if you don't like them. They're not your type, but you're not their type either.


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    • bananaface

      Weak, passive objects? Wow, that's a bit harsh:O. Or did I do that thing I always do and read it the wrong way?:P

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      • dom180

        I am being very harsh, but reading the OP got be pretty riled up (probably more than it should have done). If a guy is a "pussy" not to make the first move, a girl who doesn't make the first move is *no better*. I have a problem with the OP for insulting guys who won't make the first move but saying girls should not make that move. If the OP hates guys who do one thing, but simultaneously supports girls doing the same thing, I will have a serious bone to pick with him/her.

        I think people who expect potential partners to just fall from the sky without working for it *are* passive. That's not necessarily a *bad* thing, but it is the exact definition of the word "passive": standing still, doing nothing and letting things come to you.

        As I say, it's absolutely fine to to like making the first move, but to EXPECT (not merely to hope, but to actively EXPECT) a relationship without bothering to work for one comes across to me as lazy and weak. I hate making the first move, but because of that I've learned not to expect anyone to make that move for me.

        Expecting someone to do something you refuse to do comes across as arrogant and snobbish. Hoping for them to do it is okay, but to expect it is on a different level.

        To be clear: in the real world - not the OPs world - I don't have any problem whatsoever with people who don't like making the first move (I'd be one hell of a hypocrite if I did). I only have a problem with people who expect other people to do things they would never do themselves.

        Maybe I'm just in an angry mood tonight :/ I've been ranting all day :/

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        • bananaface

          Oh, I definitely agree with using the word passive, because that's what they are. Just the word object seemed harsh, and weak isn't very nice either.

          I understand why you reacted the way you did and I agree with you (especially with your first paragraph (of the comment I'm replying to, not the orginal comment. Although, that too!:P)). I disagree with the OP as well. And I find the whole "girls don't want that" thing really annoying. Yeah, because we all like the same thing.

          And I think I did end up doing that thing I always do and read your words the wrong way.:P Still not sure. At first I thought you were calling them objects but now I'm thinking your saying that's what they're making themselves...? Blah! I give up on trying to work out what people here are talking about, I always get it wrong. Blah!:P

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          • dom180

            Indeed, that's what I think they're making themselves :) And it's better to ask than to misunderstand ^_^

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        • WordWizard

          I do not think any of us could have said it better ourselves.

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          • dom180

            Even a Word WIZARD? :O

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  • IrishPotato

    I never complain about this because I never have any problems concerning dating, but I sure know that you're quite the bitch.

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    • awesometodd

      Nice username

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      • IrishPotato


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      • WordWizard

        It is not nice it is AWESOME. Your user is AWESOME TOO.

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    • Sure you never did, you probably are exactly like the guy I described in my story. Enjoy dating fat self-conscious women.

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      • IrishPotato

        Actually, I've never dated a fat woman, and I'm not a "nice guy". I can be blunt and honest when needed, and well, I have no trouble dating pretty people.

        You however, deserve douchebags.

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        • Sure thing, enjoy your "hoggin" adventures you chubby chaser.

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          • IrishPotato

            You amuse me darlin' <3.

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          • WordWizard

            Ok what you got against chubby chasers? I am sure it makes the fat women less lonely and I know many of them are since no one wants a fat women.

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  • FocoUS

    But is it as annoying as the "friendzone" whiners?

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    • VioletTrees

      Oh, god. I will murder Reddit.

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      • Devyn

        Please do that, it would be amusing to watch.

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  • Gelmurag

    The OP is a girl?

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  • Mmmpfh

    Normal that you're sick of guys complaining about never getting women? Ya, totally normal. I hate that too and I never get women. But it doesn't bother me. I'm nice but I'm not exactly attractive so it's expected!
    But being selfless does not mean lack of self esteem. And I do not say this for myself, not in the slightest (I am a very insecure man), but I know some amazingly nice guys who are totally confident in themselves and any woman would be lucky to have.

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  • Allistalla

    I dated guys that I thought were nice till they left me for someone thought was a prettier or richer girl. Go figure.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    You go girl!

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Lot of moral fags here....

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  • AssBurgers

    Hey OP, vas te faire foutre.

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  • Hamid37USA

    hello my name is hamid. i am working much hard to come to your country of usa. i have problem though of getting plane tickets. if you can help me you can give me you money card number for help. yes. when i come usa we can have sex to for promise. thank you for helping me please.

    Comment Hidden ( show )
    • Yes I love much help you out. Would like me to give credit card # or should give you access to bank accounts?

      How big penis? I dont like no small penis.

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  • WordWizard

    To be fair a lot of people in this world who pretend to be nice are only nice till they get what they want. A lot of guys who are nice and complain are either lying, wimps, or perceive everyone as bad everyone beside themselves as bad for not wanting to cater to them.

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  • nAt2017

    I agree. I have to say, I don't want a "nice guy." I was a good guy, a guy who knows how to be a douche, but doesn't, because he knows that it's wrong. lol, I've noticed that a lot of men who think that they're "nice" are actually just jerks in disguise.

    That being said, there are still a lot of great men out there. I don't like girls who claim that there are no good men left, because it's simply not true.

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  • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

    In all honesty, today I was getting quite annoyed about how much girls (I am a girl too) moan about men.
    I past three women in pairs in a very quiet street today. ALL of them were saying things like "He hasn't called me", "Why hasn't he called me?", "Maybe he just needs time" etc etc. Why do women never stop to think that just maybe, he is far from interested? That he couldn't give a shit about you?
    When me and my girls get together we hardly talk about men/dating anymore. We have much more entertaining and intelligent topics of conversation.
    But anyway, I do agree with you. I don't think this thing is determined by sex though. I think it's just determined by low self esteem, desperation for love and just a whiney personality.
    Personally, nothing turns me off more than a desperate man!
    By the way, I make the first move. Just because I'm female doesn't mean I shouldn't. It's 2012. We are allowed to make the first move.

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    • IrishPotato

      Low self-esteem and socially awkward doesn't necessarily mean desperete, although I'm not one of those people though.

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      • What the hell else would it mean?

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        • IrishPotato

          Shush, simple woman.

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          • My story must have really hit home for you. Sorry about the no confidence thing.

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      • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

        I didn't mean that. I meant a combination of low self esteem, desperation and a whiney personality makes you like this. Not just one of these traits.

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        • IrishPotato

          Aah, I see.

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