Is it normal i am triggered by reality shows?

They're so trashy and more often than not scripted but still. I know those people aren't me and don't represent me but also they kind of do by association. Just using 90 Day Fiance as an example, the Americans on there are terrible. To outsiders who see us, that's how they think we are and it's so embarrassing and shameful.

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89% Normal
Based on 9 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    anyone who thinks some shitshow like that represents an entire nation is makin an even bigger spectacle of themselves than the show by takin it seriously

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    • I suppose, but it doesn't help that we also have a bunch of other shows highlighting the trash of our nation too.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        its the entertainment capitala the world

        theres plentya shitty shows from the world but they cant pass muster in the usa

        youve never watched japanese game shows?

        and thats a serious prosperous nation

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        • Curiouskitten444

          That is an excellent point

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Reality TV is one of the worst things to happen to mankind.

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  • Boojum

    I never watch these crappy programmes, but the latest series of Love Island has recently started in the UK, and earlier today I read a review of it in on a newspaper's website. This line made me laugh:

    "This year’s unmotley crew of buff, bronzed beauties, each burnished outwardly to a high shine by sun tan oil, and inwardly by moderate-to-severe narcissism, have all been ordered straight from the Instagram shop."

    I've never been clear on why people watch these shows. Is it sorta like soap operas, where people watch because they have boring, tedious lives and they enjoy vicariously living the dramatic lives of the show's characters? Do people watch because they enjoy laughing at air-heads who are utterly lacking in self-awareness and are willing to make utter fools of themselves in search of a few minutes of fame? In the case of Love Island and similar, I'm sure some people watch simply because they like looking at pretty twenty-somethings whose toned, tanned bodies are barely covered.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Then why do you waste your precious time watching that inane garbage? We are only on this planet for a short time, why not dedicate that time to meaningful things that uplift you instead of wasting it on bullshit?

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    • I don't watch them but I've been exposed to them. I don't like the fact that they exist and don't get why people love to watch them. They exist only to exploit and uphold stereotypes.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I don't disagree with you, and additionally I think another reason why reality shows are so popular is because sedentary people who mostly do nothing, but consume can choose to live vicariously through watching this garbage rather than choosing to be active participants in their own lives.

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  • Somenormie

    Most of them are faked anyways, but I watch them for my entertainment.

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