Is it normal, i believe a bull talked to me!?!?!
When I was in highschool I had to walk through this field, this field was next to a field full of cows. One day when I was 17 the field with the cows in must've been randomly opened... The cows were flocking over where I normally walked, I got scared and decided to walk around them. When I went to walk around them they were there aswell... Then I made a rash decision. I ran for my life through a group of the cows. These cows all formed a wall and barged into me as I was trying to get past (I believe they broke 7-8 ribs just from that). I then ran for my life through the 50 cows getting barged into by every one. And then it happened. A bull was stood at the top of the hill, his writhing red ballsack staring me in the eye. I'll admit, I got sort of hard when I saw how big his bull-dick was but I decided to SPRINT past him. He roundhouse kicked me to the ground and his ballsack was right above me. He then puffed "yo nigz, that what you get when you mess wiv ma homiez". I screamed and ran for my life, not sure what to believe. Did a bull just talk to me? And were his balls real? did he have plastic surgery on them!?
Thanks for reading, please... No haters!