Is it normal i believe and i hate overly religious people?

I believe in god. I believe that is entirely possible that he does not exists but I hope he does and I hope heaven does. However I hate very spiritual religious people who think god will fix everything for them. That act like if they walk into traffic thinking god will save them. I mean yes maybe praying when your son is sick makes sense but why push your luck? I believe science will answer everything in the end. I don't believe in mocking someone for religion anymore then it is to laugh at someone for being gay. is it normal to have a religion but hate overly religious/spiritual people?

Voting Results
88% Normal
Based on 72 votes (63 yes)
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Comments ( 38 )
  • evilduckling

    100% normal.

    i think its not normal to be such a fanatic that you condemn people

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    • suckonthis9


      Please do not use the euphemized Archaic term relating to a fictitious nether world.

      Thank you.

      Origin: Latin fanaticus inspired by a deity, frenzied, from fanum temple — more at feast.
      First use: 1550

      Origin: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French inspirer, from Latin inspirare, from in- + spirare to breathe.
      First use: 14th century

      You have said absolutely nothing to the world.

      Which deity?

      Which temple?

      Yes, they are still breathing!!!

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      • I never understood why there are people here that are so smart.

        Why be here?

        Why not go out and win a nobel prize, or something?

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        • suckonthis9

          That's what I thought, at first.

          But when I phoned Professor Farhi, at MIT, he, and everyone else there, were "too busy" to meet with me, so that I could explain the actual nature of the Universe. Instead, he asked me to write a letter (which I started, but was unable to finish, because it is very difficult to explain in that way AND the VHATC-L2 won't let me).
          When I wrote thoughtful letters to the President, I only received meaningless propaganda back.
          When I write e-mails to other important individuals, I don't receive a response, or receive only junk form letters.
          Maybe the VHATC-L2 know something.

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          • Are you being serious or trolling?

            This could go either way.

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      • Skitzo1

        Lol wtf.

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        • suckonthis9

          Please do not use textese, where it does not belong.

          Thank you.

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          • lukeuser

            Calm down dear!

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  • 2_damgud_4

    Totally normal .. I'm of the same opinion .. I call that sort of thing "blind faith" .. it's kind of like tempting fate by swimming with a bull shark & it attacks & tears of several limbs .. then going back for seconds just to prove to yourself you can do it again .. that's just whats called -

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  • Eveyana

    OP, you just described me! That is exactly how I feel! I'm an agnostic with faith in God and that God is good but my family tend to be overly religious folk who believe that God will work take care of everything, sometimes without even trying to do anything to solve their problems themselves. They think that prayer is the answer to everything. There is nothing wrong with praying when things go bad but they seem to expect God to work miracles for them instead of taking a more logical approach.

    I have anxiety attacks and psychosomatic conditions, and instead of them suggesting treatment, they stress on my relationship with God. Mind you, they are all doctors, engineers and accountants so these aren't stupid or deficient people we're talking about but when it comes to religion and their expectations of God, they can be a bit too superstitious, deluded and heavily reliant on miracles.

    I will be meeting up with my uncle later on in the week and I'm trying to find a tactful way of explaining to him the importance of science when it comes to tackling illness and conditions as well as applying logic and reason when it comes to dealing with various aspects of life and that, while prayer may perhaps tilt things in your favor, it doesn't fix things by itself.

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  • flowergirl87

    I think hate is a strong word, but I see what you're saying. It disturbs me that some people believe that everything in their life is working out in line with 'God's plan' for them. It isn't. A. Life is a mixture of good luck, bad luck and decisions (by yourself and others) and thus consequences. Good luck and bad luck can have an influence on decisions of course, and other people's decisions and behaviour can have a good or bad influence on our lives. It's naive to think we are all absolutely in control of our own destiny. Alongside the good stuff, s*** happens, unfortunately. I believe that when a person says God will show them/has a plan for them etc., they're actually afraid of having the responsibility themselves, so they're delegating. And also I think they find comfort in the idea that a higher being is working behind the scenes, so say if something bad happens, it's as though there's a reason for it and it's some kind of test from God. No, it's just that life's rubbish sometimes!

    And B. (finally) what makes an individual so special...? There are billions of people on this planet and an individual thinks that God has a plan for them? Sorry but... nah. It's actually a very big headed way of looking at life. Many people don't like the idea of just being a tiny drop in the ocean and have a desire to feel like more than what they really are (and that's not to say we all shouldn't be valued). Anyway, we're all ultimately responsible for ourselves and we respond ourselves to things that happen. We are the 'planners' to an extent (although, not sure a set plan is a good thing!) Scary, isn't it?! Hence why people like the reassurance and comfort of 'God's plan'. Simple psychology of - feel threatened, look for comfort (IMO).

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  • Fuck religious people and fuck the people that hate religion, they're both equally stupid kinds of people when you meet them.

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    • iEatZombies_

      I just shed a small tear..
      That was beautiful...

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  • 2_damgud_4

    "stupidity" god saved your ass the first time they tempted fate .. why push your luck lol !

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    • suckonthis9

      Which "stupidity" deity saved my ass?


      In Greek mythology, Koalemos is the god of stupidity,mentioned once by Aristophanes.The word κοάλεμος was otherwise used in the sense "stupid person".

      An ancient false etymology derives κοάλεμος from κοέω (koeō) "perceive" and ἡλεός (ēleos) "distraught, crazed".Its actual etymology is not established.

      I do not own an ass.

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  • q1w2e3

    As prophet Muhammad said "tie your camel and then rely on Allah" in other words do your part, instead of just relying God to do it for you.

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    • lufa

      Mohammad also married and raped a 9yr old child, personally beheaded 700 people, killed men and raped their women right after, created a religion that incites hate, violence warfare and genocide against non-muslims and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

      You might've looked better quoting Hitler in a positive way.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I couldn't agree more!

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        • lufa

          Thanks, good to see there are at least a few enlightened people here, unlike the dhimmis stooges falling over themselves to bow down to their future terrorist muslim overlords.

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  • EccentricWeird

    That's offensive. I'm reporting you to the ADL!

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    • lufa

      Unfortunately the ADL loves IslamoNazis

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  • Rick_Bawls

    It is only normal to the extent that you hate religious Muslims, as those people are often terrorists/murderers.

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  • Pwnfacertwn

    "Hate" might be a strong word. I hate religion - some more than others. Religious people who keep it positive are tolerable until they start asking people to join them in prayer, as if it's fair to assume everyone believes in the same mumbo jumbo they do. Religious people who judge, discriminate and try to force their cherry-picked religious doctrine down our throats via laws can eat a dick. But I don't hate. That gives them too much power inside my head.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Are they forcing you to be this way.

    If not just let them do what ever i don't see how it affects your life just do what you do and let them do what they do.

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  • Caitlynnlifee21

    OH MY GOD YES PLEASE. When i was younger, and i fought with my brother, my mom would say "Thats not what jesus wants you to do" And i would say you mean thats what YOU don't want us to do. I would tell her to stop forcing her religon in these
    conversations and down my throat.

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  • gins2

    Yes. Overly religious people and also, over atheistic people. I have an atheist teacher and he just keeps talking about it all the time and he's the most annoying person I know.

    It's like, (works for both parts) having your beliefs and you know, talking to people who want to hear is ok. But to people who haven't asked about it, if you keep pushing it too much it becomes super annoying.

    My teacher keeps saying atheist things in class and teaching by his POV which is totally unethical since a teacher should be impartial about this kind of thing. Everybody thinks he's an ass.

    It is normal. I believe in God as well (I do not believe science will have all the answers though) and I can understand how you feel. Everything that's too much becomes annoying after some time. The subject can be religion or any other thing.


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  • MarieDerson

    I totally agree with you. And when you say "overly-religious" it's always Islam that comes in to my mind. I have a friend who won't TOUCH the bible because the Quran apparently says so! Gosh.

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  • Barabus

    Religion has been a proven control mechanism all through human history. It's not going away, anytime soon !
    Unfortunately religion does effect us all in one way or another and it is not just those who are followers who get the fallout caused by fanatical retards who some how equate a faith with terror and murder, or the oxymoron of having a ( religious war ) on others.

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  • 2_damgud_4

    @ suckonthis .. who gives lol !

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  • Elyod88

    God is the Creator of all things - including science.
    I have experienced first hand the effectiveness of prayer - Seek and you shall find, ask and you shall receive.

    I hope you find clarity in it all. Faith is a wonderful thing.

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  • suckonthis9

    It is not 'politically correct' to hate anyone.

    Which deity do you believe in?

    How are you certain that this deity is, in fact, a 'male'? Did you look? Did you ask?

    Hope no longer. 'Heaven' does exist. We prefer to term this as 'outer space', in the modern world. In the future, please try to use the modern terminology, rather than the Ancient.
    Now that you know that outer space does, in fact, exist; what is it that you hope for?


    'Spirits' do not exist in this Universe, or in any other Universe. There can not be therefore, "very spiritual religious people", only 'very religious people', and you are one of them.
    Everything in this Universe, and in every other Universe, including space, has Physical properties.
    Should you wish to refute the aforementioned, then please describe ANY Physical property of a 'spirit'.

    "Praying" does nothing, except in some circumstances, motivating oneself to accomplish tasks, or triggering the now well known 'placebo effect'.
    To 'pray', means 'to ask'. Who are you asking?
    It is a ceremony.

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  • lufa

    It's fun to believe in god when he doesn't really have to do anything serious, useful or would put his existence to the test.

    My god is real but it is forbidden to ask him to perform miracles. How convenient.

    My god is real but the genocide of millions of innocent people like the Jews, Armenians, etc was all a part of his plan.

    My god is real because he cured my headache. He let's 6 yr old Rakim in African starve to death because he'll be rewarded in a magical afterlife. What a great god.

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