Is it normal i believe i know about the afterlife?

Is it normal that I know what happens after death? I spent days working out several scientific and mathematical formulas but only one would work. Please tell me if this is normal and if I am the only one who did this.

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37% Normal
Based on 92 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • Ono

    Get your 'scientific' and 'mathematical' research published and peer reviewed and maybe there's a chance it will be taken seriously.

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  • Glass

    I like how you say you know about afterlife, but elaborate on nothing.

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  • Dozis

    "I reccomend the Qran"

    For crying out loud.

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  • MissClaire

    Take your formulas to a scientist and have them examined... this might help you out a bit more as we do not seem to have privy to your formulas.

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  • Dozis

    That's some serious grandiosity. This happens after you die: The heat from your body is released in the environment for the last time, the molecules from which your body is made out of, and the cells, start breaking down, basically rotting, and the atoms become available for the formation of new molecules, which are going to become a part of a plant, of the air, of another human being or any other object made out of organic matter.
    Your brain activity ceases, so you are no more.
    Different kinds of researches have been carried out to determine whether a cell is capable of retaining some memory of what we are and eventually carry it from person to person, but the only outcome of this research so far, has lead to the conclusion that, there is no afterlife. There is a certain amount of exchange of genes carried out by microbes and bacteria and viruses who are capable of overwriting extisting genetic informations with their own, but I wouldn't call it an afterlife. It is just copies of a few genes, becoming a part of the virus. There are several theories about he afterlife. All of them based on nothing but pure speculation. There is someone who believes we are reborn on another planet, someone else saying in other dimension, someone else in a parallel universe.Hindus simply elaborated this beliefs in reincarnation. But of course it's just theology. There are no proofs whatsoever of any of these claims. Personally I believe The only form of true afterlife would be: the use of some yet to be discovered technology meant to regenerate our bodies. I don't believe in any spiritualistic nonsense. I don't believe in the existence of a "soul" I believe all we are is this flesh. These bones. This
    blood. Probably if somebody took my head and deep freezed and sewed it back on a cloned body after regenerating most of the brain tissue I would get back to life. That could be considered an afterlife. But I seriously doubt it is going to be a possibility any time soon. Even if somebody experimented on total body transplants. Trouble is reconnecting all the wires.
    And then there is what I call "psychological immortality"
    which consists in basically programming somebody to be just like you. But it wouldn't be a real resurrection. Just the whole old Jesus christ scam. There is no paradise, no hell, no purgatory, We don't go any other place. There is no easy way out of this shitball. And I find the belief in the afterlife to be extremely dangerous, especially for depressed people. Like: I can kill myself, I go to another place. I get Reincarned. Bullshit. You rot and nobody is ever going to put you back together again.

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  • rawrinator

    Don't let anyone tell you you are wrong, you have a right to believe whatever you choose to.
    Personally I think we all choose our own afterlives...
    So congratulations! I think if you share it with people they will call you crazy, but don't worry, millions of people claim to to know of where they are going (heaven, blahblahblah)

    So I think it's normal!

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    • Ono

      Having an opinion doesn't mean you're right either. Any infantile fantasist can state they have proof of the afterlife, but if you don't share your 'proof' so it can scrutinized then it's meaningless.

      In short, Hitchens' razor: What is asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

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      • rawrinator

        I didn't say it meant they were right, but you cannot disprove it, either.. so what's the point in the debate?
        People try to claim they have proof of God by using the bible...
        but we can't prove or disprove that, because it's just a book and we weren't there to experience the events. We can either accept the knowledge or bitch about it and shoot it down, or say, "I respect your beliefs, but I believe something different" and leave it at that.

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  • Anime7

    You sound like Issac Newton. He pretty much made formulas for reality in his Principia Mathematica. I would honestly be interested in seeing your formula and all the variables you've put in. Anyways, I wouldn't this is normal but, if you're not trolling, it sounds like you have a high intellect.

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  • ineida

    Please tell me this isn't one of those pseudoscientific answers to life, universe, everything.

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    • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

      It's 42. Just so you know.

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  • REvEnGE

    I don't believe afterlife.

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  • bananaface

    ooooooo, what did you find:O!?!

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  • Avant-Garde

    You should write about this!

    It could be a manifesto!

    I would love to read it:)

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  • ayawa_97

    yes dear.

    basically everyone is going to die and come back from life and then the good will go to paradis ( in this case the believers ) and the bad.. well, you will figure it out if u read the Quran.. or the bible if u prefer but i recommend the Quran, all of the answers are there and it. You spent hours trying to figur you're problem out, just take my advise and just read the quran and analys it.

    it worked for me-

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