Is it normal i believe this about certain people?

I believe that people having children is the most selfish thing to do. These are my reasons for believing this:

1) You're forcing a person into existance against their will and that will only beget a child suffering and eventually death.
2) You feel as if your genes are superior for breeding.
3) You want that child to take care of you in old age.
4) You want a child to look like you (AKA "Mini Me").
5) 7.2 BILLION people on Earth and rapidly increasing (We're projected to be at 8 Billion in 2015).
6) There's many kids that are already here in need of adoption.
7) You want tax breaks.
8) You want to try saving a relationship.
9) You believe your parents deserve grandbabies and your siblings nieces/nephews.
10) Having children leaves a horrible impact on the environment.
11) You just feel like it.
12) You think that childbearing/rearing is your only purpose in life.
13) You believe the love of a child is unconditional (It's not). Not even close (Want unconditional love? Get a dog).
14) You can't see yourself loving a child not of your DNA.
15) The world has finite resources and the more kids people have, the less resources will be had in the upcoming years.
16) Global Warming, Deforestation, Desertification, Crowded living conditions, More endangered/going extinct species, and Unemployment.

These are the reasons why I find breeding the most selfish thing one can do. Please. If you want more than 1 child, adopt. Don't be part of the overpopulation problem by having 2+ kids and get sterilized after you have a baby if you must have one so badly. Alot more people should support Zero Population Growth and be more willing on getting the gov't to enforce a worldwide 1-Child Limit and supporting one-child families. We can't afford to keep going down the path of self destruction the way we're currently going. Do what's right instead of what's the norm (having multiple birthchildren) atleast for 8 years or more to allow our numbers to decrease. If I ever become a mom, I'll be adopting.

In Conclusion:
Remember everyone. Would you rather see our numbers decrease nicely and safely with 1-Child Policies? Or would you rather see our planet's conditions get much worse by NOT having global 1-Child Limits and for millions more humans to die of Famine, Disease, and War? The choice is yours so choose wisely. We can only set a brighter future for ourselves if we work together and smarter to make a difference. If we don't well, don't expect Homo Sapiens to make it to the 23rd or 24th century (I don't even know if we'd make it to the 22nd century).

Voting Results
38% Normal
Based on 63 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 34 )
  • RomeoDeMontague

    Read the #1 listed thing on your list and realize how fucking stupid you are. Yes you do not choose to come into this world.

    No fucking duh! but if we stop breading completely forever WE ALL FUCKING DIE! I also believe I saw two posts with this same idea. Are you fucking retarded? Yes lets all stop reproducing.

    You know I was not sure I wanted to have kids. Now I am POSITIVE I NEVER WANT TO HAVE THEM. With the current state of the worlds economies as well as people as fucking moronic as you. I might as well let my genes die. So I wont have to make a poor child suffer at the hands of more idiocy.

    Yes! Lets kill off the human race since reproduction is awful! Do you know how fucking irrational that is? Yes I think man kind of should have kids responsibly, should stop making stupid decisions, and pay attention to shit once and awhile but completely obliterating human life since we cant ask permission of a fetus if they are want to be born?

    How fucking brain damaged are you? Did you drink mercury or some shit as a child? Since you have something seriously wrong in there. I don't even think you count as retarded I think you are 20 IQ points below that.

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  • pacinoharmon

    You have SOME points there. I would consider adoption if I ever want kids, because like you said, there are many that need homes. However, people can make their own choices, and you have no say in how others choose to live their lives.

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  • charli.m

    You received a private message from LuigiFanForever

    STFU you bitch. You don't know me so you can't make ANY judgement call on me. And so what if I'm angry and I insult other people? It's not like I actually do that shit IRL. Fuck you Mel. Rage feels good. You know what? I WILL leave this stupid, pointless site. I wasted 10 MONTHS and 3 WEEKS here when I could've done something productive with my life instead of wasting them with gits like you. I don't need you or any other pathetic human being on this site and I'm leaving A-S-A-P. Goodbye.


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    • kelili

      Thought I was the only one to receive such messages.

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      • charli.m

        I got this one for telling her to leave cos she told you to get raped.

        But it's hardly the first. She's been doing this to both of us and more since she got here. Though I get it alternated with begging me to be her friend and how misunderstood she is...

        But WE'RE the horrible ones...

        IP ban, please.

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    • dom180

      "rage feels good"

      At least now we know why she trolls so much :/ I'm with you with the IP ban.

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      • charli.m

        That's the problem...I kinda think she's for real :/ She's not trolling. This makes it all the more disturbing. She's had hundreds of accounts. She spams the site constantly with the same stories and polls over and over again, draining the moderator's time (which already seems stretched...)

        It just...ugh :/ I hate to see anyone forced off here but I fail to see any positives from this person being here. It seems as damaging to her as it is to us.

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        • charli.m

          You received a private message from FUCKMEL

          Thought I'd leave? Not yet but I will after this final (yes FINAL) message to you. I still have alot more rage to dash on you. Here it goes:

          It's all YOUR fault that we even have this issue between each other. If you just left me the FUCK alone and didn't take anyone's side on this site, I never would've said ANYTHING bad to you. You call me a "bad person" and call me "insane" when I'm clearly not (But I bet you're too fucking blind to see it). Well, LOOK at YOURSELF. Two wrongs don't make a right, dimwit. If you think that I was the only one at fault you are SORELY mistaken. I hope that if you have kids, they'll die before birth or very young in childhood because a creep like you DOESN'T deserve kids (you'd just make them into bitches just like you)! Better yet, I hope you're fertile so you can't reproduce at all! Fuck you and fuck your worthless, moronic family. I hope you never get married. You don't deserve love either jackass. I can't be sorry to a bitch who tormented another user (Me) when it was NONE of her business to get involved in the user's conflicts. I hope that if there's a Devil, he'll curse you and you will suffer the rest of your damn life. Worthless sack of human flith. People like you don't deserve to live.

          GOODBYE, SO LONG, ADIOS, FAREWELL. And yes, I really will leave this time. I swear.

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          • GoraIntoDesiGals

            "I hope you're fertile so you can't reproduce at all"


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          • charli.m

            For full disclosure - my butting into her business was to tell her it was despicable to wish miscarriage upon someone purely because they had a different viewpoint to her.

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            • I personally think this fight over the internet is completely stupid. No matter what you say to another user on here they are still going to believe their opinion as superior. I have gotten angry plenty of times at people on this site but I knew I have probably made other people angry as well. I am sorry you let people affect you this much. Maybe you should rethink your internet usage or go to counseling or something. Cheers.

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            • dom180

              She's probably come back already... maybe IIN should take it as a compliment that she can't just leave(!)

              I wish she was more able to realise that just because someone might disagree with her that doesn't mean we are attacking her :/ Don't let anything she says get to you; she's just saying cruel things without any reason.

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  • I want to adopt 18 year old girls.

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  • lufa

    To an extent I agree with you. However if the 'good' people, (by that I mean the rational, sane, intelligent, creative, etc) stopped having kids, then the world would be taken over by evil people, like the muslims.

    Of course at the same time I was born to parents that I didn't much like who I feel should've never been together and had children. However because I'm here, I've been able to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

    Indeed, death is something we all eventually have to face. Not a prospect I look forward to but having nearly died in the past (choking on food), I didn't really find the experience as painful or terrifying as I thought I would've. I think dying from asphyxiation wouldn't be too horrible.

    The problem is not overpopulation-the earth can sustain billions more people, the problem is the kinds of lives that those children have to lead. The vast majority of them will be born into poverty and their lives will be a miserable struggle. I think that is reason enough not to bring children into the world-unless you can give them a great life.

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  • Jakki

    Actually, global warming isn't real. The earth goes thru warming and cooling patterns naturally.

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  • throat_cutter

    I agree with you to the fullest. Agent smith was spot on whilst torturing Morpheous and confessed that human beings are a virus. Indeed they are.

    Perhaps there is that existing rare gem 0.0001% out of the entire populous of beings who are genuinenly benevolent souls and kind to their fellow humans unconditionally for the good and benefit of mankind. The majority are selfish narrow shallow interest seeking people who make this world an ugly place

    Recognizing this reality is normal!

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  • Wow.......................I guess he is a little upset. I blew my load.

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  • Sweetbird

    This belief of yours is not normal, but it is logical. If the population doesn't stop growing or doesn't move off the planet, living conditions would not get better; they will get worse quickly--this is a fact. But the glaring reason this logical plan of yours hasn't been carried out yet is that the actual act of enforcing a one child limit would be so tragic it would also make life very unpleasant for a lot of people. The most agreeable scenario that I have seen yet depicted was some book Dan Brown wrote, believe it or not--though the debate is not the subject of the book; you'd enjoy it. However, if you were born with empathy, you know exactly why this and no other scenario has been carried out yet.

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  • ⓥⓘⓟⓔⓡ!

    But if everyone stopped reproducing, THE HUMAN RACE WOULD DIE OUT.

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  • Yeah.. you do get that if everybody tought the same way about kids like you, you wouldnt be here right?

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    • agreed!

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  • candybee

    I would absolutely adopt someday. But there is something about raising a kid with your own DNA that might actually make life easier for the child. I know a guy who was adopted into a loving family yet had a hard life because he was just so innately different from his brothers and sisters.

    In this post you faulted people who are well off for not adopting...but what about the people who can't care for babies financially yet have babies anyway. You are implying that poor people should carelessly have babies and rich people should take it upon themselves to forgo having their own babies to instead adopt from these poor people who could have chosen to abstain until financially secure. Do you see the flaw in your thinking?

    It would make more sense to want all people to have babies only when they are ready.

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  • q25t

    "You want/you feel/you can't/you think. "

    You're making a lot of assumptions there regarding people considering children.

    Regarding the environmental issues, it is true that our current population is unsustainable at its current consumption. That is not to say that our current population is unsustainable.

    As for your 1 child rule, I have explained in several other posts why this is completely ridiculous. To put it shortly, I don't want kids. Can I donate my child voucher to someone else? Also, you're halving the population with a one child limit, not maintaining a zero growth rate.

    Please stop asking the same question over and over. I'm fine with engaging in conversation, but this is just stupid.

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  • linchpin

    I agree with 13 of those points.

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  • PureLikeSnow

    Fuck off already you worthless scumbag.

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  • LilyAmongTheThorns

    Very few of these apply to good parents, so they're completely moot points. To those they apply to, though... well, a lot of those are bad reasons to have a kid. Not sure how many people reading are actually like that, though. My guess is not a lot.

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