Is it normal i believe this about certain people?
I believe that people having children is the most selfish thing to do. These are my reasons for believing this:
1) You're forcing a person into existance against their will and that will only beget a child suffering and eventually death.
2) You feel as if your genes are superior for breeding.
3) You want that child to take care of you in old age.
4) You want a child to look like you (AKA "Mini Me").
5) 7.2 BILLION people on Earth and rapidly increasing (We're projected to be at 8 Billion in 2015).
6) There's many kids that are already here in need of adoption.
7) You want tax breaks.
8) You want to try saving a relationship.
9) You believe your parents deserve grandbabies and your siblings nieces/nephews.
10) Having children leaves a horrible impact on the environment.
11) You just feel like it.
12) You think that childbearing/rearing is your only purpose in life.
13) You believe the love of a child is unconditional (It's not). Not even close (Want unconditional love? Get a dog).
14) You can't see yourself loving a child not of your DNA.
15) The world has finite resources and the more kids people have, the less resources will be had in the upcoming years.
16) Global Warming, Deforestation, Desertification, Crowded living conditions, More endangered/going extinct species, and Unemployment.
These are the reasons why I find breeding the most selfish thing one can do. Please. If you want more than 1 child, adopt. Don't be part of the overpopulation problem by having 2+ kids and get sterilized after you have a baby if you must have one so badly. Alot more people should support Zero Population Growth and be more willing on getting the gov't to enforce a worldwide 1-Child Limit and supporting one-child families. We can't afford to keep going down the path of self destruction the way we're currently going. Do what's right instead of what's the norm (having multiple birthchildren) atleast for 8 years or more to allow our numbers to decrease. If I ever become a mom, I'll be adopting.
In Conclusion:
Remember everyone. Would you rather see our numbers decrease nicely and safely with 1-Child Policies? Or would you rather see our planet's conditions get much worse by NOT having global 1-Child Limits and for millions more humans to die of Famine, Disease, and War? The choice is yours so choose wisely. We can only set a brighter future for ourselves if we work together and smarter to make a difference. If we don't well, don't expect Homo Sapiens to make it to the 23rd or 24th century (I don't even know if we'd make it to the 22nd century).