Is it normal i can't get over the loss of a pet from childhood?

I got a cat when I was six. Four years later, a friend of the family at the time threw him out of my house. It was the middle of winter, snowing, very cold, and she just threw him out. I used to sneak him food and try to keep him warm until he just stopped showing up. When he did stop showing up, I was crushed. He meant the world to me.
Now I'm in my twenties and I still can't accept the loss. It's not like I don't know loss, so I don't understand why this still hurts so bad. I still cry about him. Every time I think of him I still feel like I just lost him. I still wonder what happened to him after he stopped coming around. I can't let go of him.

is it normal that I'm still grieving? That I can't move on?

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63% Normal
Based on 67 votes (42 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • Rabes87

    Why didn't your family take the cat back inside? My mom would MURDER anyone who tried throw out cat outside.

    I don't blame you for being devastated. That's an awful story.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    We are not all heartless.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    This is going to sound harsh, but your cat is almost certainly dead years ago. You are still among the living.

    Here's the solution...

    Go get another cat!

    They're making new ones every day and maybe you could help rescue another starving kitty and treat it the way you want.

    If you can't have a cat, go help out at the animal shelter, that might make you feel better.

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    • That doesn't sound harsh, it sounds unrealistic. You can't replace love, it's not an object. Anyone who feels they can 'replace' their pet shouldn't ever own one. I certainly wouldn't tarnish his memory by replacing him.

      I have two cats. I'm not upset that my cat died years ago, that's silly. I'm upset with how it happened. I hate the way he was treated and I keep blaming myself.

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      • NotStrangeBird

        So I should just go give up my dog because you feel that my sensitivity towards my past pets is lacking?

        I don't remember filling out anything on the adoption application about replacing a dead/missing pet making me a bad pet owner or heartless bastard. This is a rather common practice actually.

        Besides, nobody is trying to "replace" their cherished pet. people understand the new pet is a different individual. They're trying to replace the vacant space left by the absence and quiet.

        Anyhow, I guess I misread your post. This sounds like more of a family issue, not a pet issue. You really didn't go into much background there, so I can't tell. Sounds like an evil stepfather or something threw kitty out? There's something deeper here...

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  • howaminotmyself

    It's hard to lose a pet. I recently lost my cat and somehow my friend found closure with her own loss in his death. Her cat went missing a few months prior to mine getting sick. She didn't know what happened and had to explain to her child that their cat would never come home. My cat had a heart problem that was very common for his breed. Our cats were the same breed and the same age so she used that as a way to answer unanswerable questions. When mine passed away, he exhibited similar signs that her cat made prior to disappearance. We don't know if it's true, but her cat probably knew he was dying and found a quiet place to do it alone.

    I wish you luck in finding peace with this.

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  • dappled

    For most of us, the loss of a childhood pet is our first time dealing with death and grief. It certainly was for me.

    In your case, though, there was no definite moment of loss and this makes it harder for you, like a parent of a missing child who never comes back.

    Have you ever considered formally recognising that your pet is now gone? Not necessarily a ceremony but maybe picking a date of death so that you can remember it each year? Having something more concrete might make it easier to grieve because the loss is now absolute and real.

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  • Mando

    While it may seem you should feel over the cat because that was a while ago and you don't know what became of it (though in all likelihood it found another home) the circumstances were pretty disturbing.

    I would still have pretty strong feelings about the heartless bitch of a "friend" who threw out a little girl's beloved pet cat in the dead of winter and would not allow it back in. It was vicious and cruel, and surprising that no one stood up to her for you or didn't just toss that cunt out on her ear. Your parents seemed to have failed you on that one and it is little wonder it hurts you still.

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  • iEatZombies_

    If you've ever loved a pet you would be saddened by it's demise, as it isn't there for you to show it that love which is what truly makes one happy.

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  • Moonbow

    Cats do fine outdoors, even in cold weather. The world is full of stray cats that have never even been indoors, how do you think they live? Probably, someone else started feeding the cat and that's why it stopped coming around. But what you need to do is stop acting like a 6-year-old child, grow up and start acting like an ADULT!

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    • You didn't know love as a child, did you? You angry little person.

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      • NorthernStar

        What is your problem? Someone tells you the cat was probably taken in by someone and you get pissed? You're supposed to be at least 18, or it may be 13, to post on this site. Either way, you miss the cutoff age because you are acting like a six-year-old kid!

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        • That is NOT what their comment was about.
          I am so tired of trying to explain to you people in baby steps why you are all so cruel and lack logic! The fastest way to get you people to understand is to throw childish insults out! It's primitive and I'm not dealing with it anymore. You people aren't worth it.

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  • peeweekid

    I know that feel bro. My mother threw my cat (that I've been raising up ever since it was a couple of weeks old) out when I was a child. I still mourn for her today.

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  • jermath35

    I don't know why he did this because I loved both my cat and my step dad

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  • jermath35

    I'm sure since it's cold outside somebody felt bad and let him inside...and then never let him out made him be indoor cat... I feel for ur loss my cat fefe was dropped off in the woods by my stepdad far away...a week later found his way home only for my step dad to take him away again and killed...

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      ThesitcomLover is right that is considered animal abuse in some places.

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