Is it normal i can't help stealing from work?

I'm worried I could get fired, and there are cameras everywhere but I can't stop doing it.
I've taken food, cleaning products, building materials you name it for over 10 years. Different employers (no family businesses)
I have a good career and the value of stolen gear would be only 1% of my wage so its totally not worth the risk.
I know I have to stop before its too late but there are 85 wooden forklift pallets there and I don't know if I can resist them.

Please help me!

Voting Results
24% Normal
Based on 99 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 52 )
  • DrHotdog

    I think I need to know if its normal that I can't stop wondering about whether he took the pallets.

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    • Normal.

      Not yet, they're a logistical nightmare.

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  • spazatikal

    Lol, I'm sorry to be laughing about this. I went through the same phase a few years ago. You're a kleptomaniac, and yes, it's a problem and definitely can get out of control. So if you're truly worried, please see a therapist and just be completely open about everything that you feel from when you get to work to the point where you actually steal an item, whether full of value or just even those wooden pallets.
    I'd say it takes just once time getting caught to really have the urge to change it...good luck though!

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      OH yeah. I tried my hand at shoplifting a few times, got some kicks and a cool zombie cat that was way overpriced. Got caught once, no interest in trying anymore.

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      • RaNdOmPoPcOrN

        What did u steal?

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          Never much or anything really big or valuable. A stuffed zombie cat, assorted bic lighters, a few road signs. Condoms once or twice when my bf and I were really strapped for cash. XD

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          • RaNdOmPoPcOrN

            Well I hope that you would like to know that i'm a cop.

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            • shade_ilmaendu

              Yet your profile says yes to weed. Such a rebel. ;P Surely you can recognise a kindred spirit in me since I have confessed to seeing the error of my ways.

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    • Thanks, I'm going to try on my own as a first step, if I can't do it alone I will see a therapist. Are they a special therapist for kleptos? How did you sort yourself out? For the record they are really nice pallets.

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  • I just found a Floyd 4" brass pressure gauge from the 50s or 60s in the bin at work. I've managed to leave it there at this stage. I'm sweating.

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    • disthing

      If it's in the bin then it's game for the takin'.

      Salvage isn't theft :P

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      • I know right?

        Youre not helping though!

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    office supplies and toilet paper

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  • jucedaguy

    My toaster just blew up. Could you please lift me one? Also see if there's a telly lying around, oh and a sanitary waste disposal... Always wanted one of those, don't know why seeing as though I'm a guy.

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    • There are no TVs but huge computer monitors. There are 3 toasters in my office alone, two of which we don't use and the site would have over 100 sanitary bins.

      You see the problem, it's all there. I just have to reprogram myself to understand it not fro the taking.

      So yes I could get you those things easily.

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      • jucedaguy

        I'll take two tellies and seventy eight sanitary bins. When could you have them by? Also out of paper clips grab a few boxes of those, and a new clock would go nice on my wall.


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        • I'll pm you, not safe to talk here.

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          • jucedaguy

            Fifty bucks for the lot!

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  • DannysUsername

    For over ten years? You're a hell of a good thief!

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    • It was more or less accepted that an employee could make themselves things in their own time, these were refered to as "foreign orders". Anything that was no longer needed or leftover was ours for the taking, scrap copper and stainless steel paid for our beer and Christmas party. People would paint their cars at work. one December the paint shop was loaded to the roof with over 50 rocking horses for Christmas pre zies

      So it didn't begin as brazen theft so much as enjoying a perk of the job. It's just that times and what is acceptable change and all of a sudden I found myself being sneaky and devious.

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    i think you just like the thrill of it. when i was a kid i stole sweets all the time but i've cut down

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    • I hate the thrill, I get super paranoid. I was just poor and wanted lollies.

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  • DrHotdog

    @anonymous poll creator

    You claim to be a girl in this linked post and have a wife up above....which one is it?

    I bet neither. I guess 16 yo boy.

    <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

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    • charli.m is that story related to this?

      You are aware that not every story is written by the same person, right?

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    You could always seek therapy. In the case of petty thievery, the therapist cannot repeat what was told to him/her in confidence.

    If he/she does, the money that you can win in the subsequent lawsuit will make the losing your job sting much less!

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    • Thanks Captain, you always know just what to say.

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      • Captain_Kegstand


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        • SheaDex

          Give me that ass

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  • Dad

    Yes it would be wonderful to steal all these new things from the place you work.
    But we don't do it because its a criminal offense and ultimately can be convicted of and labelled a 'thief'!
    This NOT good for a reference.

    Interviewer: So where have you been working the last year, and why did you leave?
    You: No comment. (best not to give out your previous work phone number either)

    I always say to my kids, 'Don't steal lollies or anything at all. If you want it, ask me and I'll buy it for you. It is not worth going to jail over a few dollars' (or more in your case)

    If you really want something at work, ask your Manager if you can buy it. You never know, tools and even outdated equipment, they may even GIVE it to you for free.

    You work now, for money! No need to steal anymore. You can buy stuff!
    If you both lose your job (guaranteed) or have police come to your work for YOU, you are not going to get over this quickly. It may even affect your entire career.

    Stop it.

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    • I see the logic in what youre saying and I agree with you 100% but I just worry I will slip up. It's a bit like telling an anorexic they aren't fat. It won't necisarily stop them dieting.

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      • Dad

        Its not the same.

        You are just doing a crime of opportunity.
        Seriously, ask if you can buy it.
        Do you know that a Floyd 4" brass pressure gauge can go for about $20?
        Mind you an antique one may be more costly. But like just buy it, or better yet, just leave it in the bin NO ONE WANTS IT.

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        • I disagree, I want it. Unfortunately we can't buy things out of the bin because people were just throwing out everything so that they could buy it and the practice has stopped.

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          • Dad

            You: I just stole a 4" brass pressure gauge!
            Your GF: Seriously, I'm thinking of seeing other men.

            You know if I had that gauge, I'd probably throw it in the lake, I hear they make a good splash.

            Don't steal stuff that is totally utterly useless.
            Oh and only buy stuff that you really need.

            Good luck with stealing a house one day, without a career!

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            • I have a house, and a wife, and she would likely get the Floyd 4" pressure gauge for her birthday.... If I was going to borrow it, which I'm trying very hard not to.

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  • help you? how? its a psych issue you need to seek help from professionals before your career is in ruins

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    • I'm a tightarse, and I'm worried I won't respect the opinion of the shrink and it will be a waste of money. Ironically my work has a free psych service but I wouldn't feel comfortable talking about it to them.

      Strangely I do respect the advice of IIN and if the general consensus is to see a pro then I might consider it.

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  • Darkoil

    I have got the exact same problem. At first I thought I was just having a laugh with my friends but when I was about 12 I was on my own in a shop and I stole a really expensive crystal duck for seemingly no reason at all, I didn't even want it but I got such a rush from it. I still steal now from various jobs I've had, I tell myself I'm not going to do it anymore but in the heat of the moment I get this urge and I do it anyway.

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  • What about patient confidentiality? Can a therapist tell any one about my problem?
    I only need to be caught once and I'll be screwed, so I need to stop before I get caught.
    How did you stop?

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    • VioletTrees

      No, your therapist can't tell anybody about your problem.

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    • spazatikal

      They are not allowed to share ANYTHING with anyone unless they are going to hurt themselves or anyone else, so you should be okay.
      I stopped because a almost got caught and that was enough of a scare for me. I kind of grew out of it. I still have urges, REALLY bad urges, but I tell myself that it's socially unacceptable and that the feeling will pass. I also try to rationally think to myself, saying that "hey, this lip gloss won't even be used" or "i think i'd only wear that shirt once" and reasoning like that kinda just makes me want to even more! So don't ever argue with yourself, LOL.

      I'm not sure if there are specialists for kleptos. you may just have to see a behavioral therapist, who teach and educate on social interactions, media interferences, irrational behaviors, phobias...
      When you say they're really nice pallets, what to you mean? Do you have a special love for perfect-looking items? Why exactly do you want the pallets? If you can answer these questions and not just say "oh, i don't know, just because" then that's the very first beginning to the fix. The items themselves may be the root of the problem, but, so can the "thrill" of stealing in the first place.
      So is it the stealing, or the items?

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      • It's very much the items, I find the stealing stressful and I feel guilty afterwards. Some times I take things back.

        The pallets are 1150 square hardwood and I want to build a deck out of them. I've been devising plans to get them for over a month but being so large I was worried about being caught and that's when I decided I had a problem.

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        • spazatikal

          Oh I see. So you want to steal things to satisfy other needs? For example, pallets for a deck. And what about the Floyd 4" gauge?
          Sorry, I meant COGNITIVE behavioral therapy, btw.
          The guilt is your brain telling you that you recognize that what you're doing is wrong. Your urges and desires are just stronger, so you tend to follow the stronger desire. What you need to do is be even stronger than that. Not "better" stronger, but stronger in a different way.
          Instead of stealing, next time, just draw it. Doodle it. Write a poem about it. Then keep whatever record you have of it, DO NOT DWELL on it, and put it in a binder. If this is only making it worse, it's because you're thinking about it too much. Capture the beauty of the item, write possible uses for it. THEN, if it's just unbearable to even think about it, BUY it. you have a job for a reason. SAVE and BUY. Trust me, you will hate buying things you KNOW you can steal, but it burns the urges out. Soon enough, you won't even want to swipe something as simple as paper. It just makes you feel better about yourself, knowing that you rightfully earned whatever it is you're buying. Items hold greater value when it is respectfully earned, I would know.
          ANOTHER thing, if you do have ADD/ADHD, you tend to be even worse in this situation. If you think you may have that, Adderal and Ritalin could definitely help you out with this problem.

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          • All of my family have ADD but I didn't want to be diagnosed. I have terrible concentration. I don't really have a use for the brass gauge but it would make a great boost gauge on a steam punk turbocharged hot rod. I've managed to not take it by telling myself I'll never use it.

            I had to buy a roll of masking tape once and it nearly killed me. I considered halting the painting of my house for 4 days until I could get some from work.

            So far today I've only stolen time to post on IIN, work on my car and take a nap. Somehow I feel like I'm ripping myself off but I know things have to change.

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            • VioletTrees

              I would talk to somebody about the ADHD too, because people with ADHD are impulsive, and medication can help with that. I know I have way more self control when I'm medicated.

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            • spazatikal

              In all honesty, I'd say don't fight the ADD and get that under control. It really does make a big difference. I have ADD, too, and it made me impulsive and irrational, hence the stealing for no reason.
              BASICALLY you want these things to make other things that you already own better. Nothing wrong with that.
              It's good that all you stole was time. Time is a very important thing, and I wish I could steal some of that! :)

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  • Low life.

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    • jucedaguy

      No life.

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