Is it normal i can't leave my room.

I can't leave my room. I am afraid of being around people. Last night I woke up around 9PM having to pee badly. My roommate and her family were here and if I went to the bathroom they'd notice me so I held it for 2/3 hours (fell asleep for the last hour) until I thought they were sleeping. I was so afraid of leaving my room that I was thinking about peeing in an empty cup rather than sucking it up and going to the bathroom.

I plan out the times I leave my room to go to class or get something to eat. If I want to make something to eat I either do it in the morning on certain days I know my roommates aren't home or likely to be around or I do it late at night (2AM, 3AM for example). I sneak out of my room to grab a snack and if I hear a door open I run back to my room in fear. I'll stand by the door listening to see if anyone is around before I go to use the bathroom or leave the apartment. Sometimes I'm too afraid to leave because I don't want to be seen so end up skipping class even though I don't want to.

I don't want to be around people. I ignore phone calls from everyone I know. I avoid eye contact with everyone. Being around anyone or having to talk to anyone makes me uncomfortable.

Voting Results
20% Normal
Based on 221 votes (45 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • angelz098

    Sweety you need some help or a friend that you can open up too... This is really bad you need human contact. I used to be the same way, is there anything in your past that traumatized you?

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  • Bloke333

    Don't worry I was like that too but but it's because I judged people too much and I felt I was been judged back so I tried to not pay that much attention to people especially if your in a public place, did I hit the nail on the head sir?

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  • YourHairsOnFire

    Nobody will want to make babies with you. except me but that doesn't count.

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    • Bigdickboy


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  • Avant-Garde

    You have Agoraphobia. It's not that rare but it's not healthy either. I have it and over the years, it's slowly gotten to the point where I can't leave house by myself. I can't go on walks like other people. I'm just so paranoid and my other phobias start kicking in and it's depressive. Curious thing is that my Agoraphobia doesn't occur when I'm cities... I really think that you should go see a therapist.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Woah thats INSANE.

    I hope you get what ever it is you need to finally leave your room.

    Don't you feel your life is like a boring movie?

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    That's definitely not normal. If you truly can not leave your room, you definitely have a problem and I hope you seek counseling.

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  • alexjr823

    It is very normal. People are very selfish, superficial, narcissistic. They will look down on a person who is going through solitude, isolation, human failure, to make themselves feel infinite.

    You saw it when Clinton became president the homeless were on the streets while people in LA were driving around in 100,000 dollar cars and dating supermodels.

    It's kind of the same now.

    People are in tents in LA. I have been through periods of total embarrassment, I have been bullied in the past, controlled by authority.

    I would say your bedroom is a good place.

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  • hiddenhands

    im exactly the same way execpt i feel very angry or nervios around other people just like you i barely leave my bedroom also in public places i avoid people at all costs

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  • baronroderick

    You are clearly agoraphobic and depressive, you need a psychiatrist right now.

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    Some very good posts, so I won't add anything except to say I hope you can talk this out with someone before you get worse. It's just a phase for now, but you may end up disturbed.

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  • RoseIsabella

    It sounds to me like you have a lot of anxiety about interacting with people. What sticks out to me is you comment, "Sometimes I'm too afraid to leave because I don't want to be seen...", as it reminds me of myself. When I talked to my therapist about my experiences with not wanting to be seen she told me I was afraid or concerned about what people think of me. That was sometime last year and I can't say I've changed a lot but the knowledge of my fear is helping me to think differently and thereby start to challenge my thought patterns and start living differently from there.

    I hate the physical sensations I get in my body from anxiety and panic attacks. Those awful sensations actually make my fibromyalgia symptoms worse and I recently had a panic attack that was so bad that I wanted to just run out of a store. Another thing about my behavior that I know is not normal is once I was working on my car and every time the neighbor's garage door would start going up I would go inside because I didn't want to see them or speak to them or have them look at me. Now I just ignore people and let them say hello first. I also feel like I have social anxiety and agoraphobia because I can stay inside for days and prefer to go grocery shopping in the middle of the night among other things. I'm not a professional but in my humble opinion you could greatly benefit from some therapy and maybe even some appropriate medication as determined by your physician. A lot of times with certain types of anxiety and phobias therapy is about exposure to the stressor and developing a tolerance to it. I want to wish you all the best in your struggle.

    Oh, one more thing. Are your roommate's family the kind of people who always have to say something in a loud annoying attempt to be witty instead of a simple hello to you even when your just passing through to go to the bathroom or get something from the kitchen? Cause I can relate and find that very annoying.

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