Is it normal i can't let towels touch each other?

When I was about 4 years old I used to rub my clothing against my teeth. I have no idea why, it was a horrible feeling - it made me cringe really badly. Anyway, now I can't stand the feeling of anything like that, particularly towels, because I'm worried I'll get that feeling again. I can't let any of the towels in my bathroom touch, because I hate the idea of them rubbing against each other. I also can't hang towels up because I hate the feeling of them rubbing against the dry paint on the walls. In the same way I can't stand my clothes brushing against the walls because I get that horrible, cringey feeling. Oh, and I can't even touch towels that are slightly damp. They are the worst.

Is it normal for me to have these feelings?

Voting Results
28% Normal
Based on 83 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • MysticLane

    Sounds like you have a very unique OCD/phobia. I understand your feel because I have a few myself. But it seems like yours is a bit more extreme than mine. But I do know there are therapists that work specifically with people who have ocds and phobias, if you feel that this is having a strong impact on your life. Luckily mine are not to that point and I have a pretty good control over them.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Woah that seems a bit extreme.

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  • My house is towel-friendly.

    Your aversion is slightly strange, from my viewpoint. Do you feel the same about micro-fibre towels as you do cotton towels, since the material is completely different?

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  • April=)

    i have that feeling, ok this is nothing to do with it, well kinda, when i was little i used to scrape the fork against my teeth. Now i hate it too but i got over it.

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    • We should do the deed.

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  • Eas1206


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