Is it normal i can't poop unless i'm home alone or showering
I can't go #2 unless nobody knows that I have done the deed.
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I can't go #2 unless nobody knows that I have done the deed.
So, you shit in the shower? That's not hygienic nor is good for the plumbing.
AG you're not keeping up again, don't you owe me some post comments?
I promise it's not a trap!
Poop when showering? That's not hygienic. Hopefully you leave the shower to go to the toilet. It's normal to not be able to poop when nervous and people can make people nervous.
I dont think this is Abnormal and I have the same problem. I think its stress. Some people can only go if they are not stressed or feel comfortable where they at. You probably hate the idea of other people knowing you went so your body wont let you go.
I'm the same way! I hate for anyone in my house to know I'm pooping Being a female, I think it's embarrsing. I only poop late at night, or before I shower. I turn on the shower and pretend I'm showering, but during that time I'm actually pooping. lol
He doesn't poop on the shower damng it lol He poops on the toilet while showering lol
That's normal When I moved to college that was the only way I could do the #2. It was really embarassing. I no longer care about it though. I know now which one is the least used bathroom and around what time almost no one goes there lol
What's with all the gross troll posts lately? I can believe you don't like pooping when others are around, but not in the shower...
Same here! If I am staying in a friend's house, I will use the time when I shower to do the deed, so there is enough time for odours to disperse! It also helps to flush the second the poop hits the water, to minimise odour possibilities.
I don't have a problem with large and busy public toilets where there are long lines of stalls (excuse the pun!), because the people who see you going in are not the same people you see when you coming out of the cubicle!
Can you refrain from calling it poop? It's like giving a pet name to fecses