Is it normal i can't stand sensitive people?

I cannot stand people who are over sensitive or get their "feelings" hurt easily. I think this way because they get upset about things that are simply a part of life. If someone cries or gets upset at every little thing how are they going to handle when life gives them bigger problems. It is burdening to be around someone who cannot handle inevitable problems. I've known people who give up easily simply because of criticism. To me that is just pathetic. I cannot even type how I truly feel about this because it would get rejected because I would hurt someone's feelings. Fuck you and your feelings.

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65% Normal
Based on 120 votes (78 yes)
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Comments ( 24 )
  • "Fuck you and your feelings"

    Doesn't get more sensitive than that!

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  • Erik963

    Maybe they were upset because they spend too much time around dickheads such as you. What gives you the right to judge someones feelings especially if you are some drunken fag living in a cavern and stealing electricity from neighbor ?

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  • Unimportant

    Why would you say that?! It's so cruel and inconsiderate... It just hurts, you know.

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    • Is this sarcasm?

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        and these type of people tend to hate me for they say im "Too heartless and should learn to feel sorry for other people".

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  • Paradiddle

    Unfortunately, I'm going to have to disagree with the majority here. Yes, one has to consider how someone was brought up, what they are dealing with at home, financial issues, we just don't know what everyone is dealing with. However, have you ever talked with someone who you're afraid to even talk to because there is a high chance they will get offended and lash out at you or just complain every chance they get? I have and it makes for one SOUR conversation. Yes people can have feelings but you have to TRY to be happy and just maybe, things will be better for you eventually.

    The people who say they are ugly when they are actually attractive and won't take compliments? Those who's status is always something negative? People who listen to sad songs all day and expect to feel happy? I've dealt with it and sorry, I can't stand it either. I love being a good friend and listening but I have limits. I'm not saying people can't ever be sad, I'm there for those people, just don't have a 24/7 365 rain cloud on others and bring them down too.

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    • Thank you for your logical input.

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  • SHAKEStheClown

    You sound pretty sensitive yourself!

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  • Mooohgertje

    Then stop whining about it.

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    • I realize the contradictory nature of my post. I just was seeing what other peoples opinions on my thoughts were.

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  • hail_satin_666

    Some people take the piss out of simple things and are such drama queens.

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  • you nailed it

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  • Caryopteris

    Have you studies personalities? The people who annoy you have the letter F as their second letter. F is for feeling. They can't help it. Figure out what you are. You can take tests.

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  • hairyfairy

    i don`t mind someone being sensitive, as long as they don`t make a big deal out of it & think that their feelings are mor important than anyone elses.

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  • 6007

    I've never experienced anything drastic in my life, yet I am probably the most sensitive person anyone can come across. It is embarrassing. It is something that I can't control. As I've grown, I have learned to cope with my feelings more easily. But I probably cry at the very least once a day. Not always over sad, bad things. I have too much feelings! I'm a crier. Maybe I've been hormonal since birth. Who knows. I am a big baby for life :/

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  • pacinoharmon

    I sort of agree with the majority here. Sometimes people could be going through a lot, you never know. If someone is going through a lot, it's understandable that he/she gets upset easily. Everybody has feelings and it's normal to be angry, sad, worried, etc. about anything, but what matters most is how you deal with it. It's acceptable to vent, but it's not acceptable to throw fits or take your problems out on people who have nothing to do with it. Make sense?

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  • pantyrose

    How would you feel if people didn't give a damn about your feelings? Suck it up.

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    • I really don't. I'm honestly not even sure if I have any. I was recently discussing the difference between emotions and feelings with someone that made me further wonder if I even have them. I seem capable of emotions such as I can laugh or get angry, but what other people describe as "feeling" their emotions, I am having a hard time comprehending. I don't feel emotions, I just think them temporarily.

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  • creations_simpicity


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  • DedicatedToTheTruth

    I have little patience for sensitive people. I don't really dispise them though.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    So much hate in this world.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Furthermore why do sensitive people make you so angry? it sounds like you view sensitivity as a weakness snd it's like you have to prove to yourself and others that you're not weak. This is just an edjucated guess but i'd say you're a fairly sensitive person yourself, if not sensitive then you're probably dealing with or have dealt with something that has hurt you greatly. It's not a weakness you know, it's called being human :)

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    • I didn't get into too much on why I have this opinion in my post so I will go into a bit more detail.
      I have been around people who are over sensitive to where they will get upset over little things in situations where it will ruin other peoples good times. Some people will get offended so easily at criticism, which is sometimes even someone making a joke, that they will overreact and I've even seen some people give up on things because of it. If someone lets someone affect them so easily they will never be able to be happy. It almost seems they cannot accept some people just aren't going to care about their feelings. Its just part of life. There are even people who will make a point out of trying to hurt their feelings and by letting them they set themselves up to lose. I'm personally not out to hurt peoples feelings, but I don't really care much for them either because when I deal with shit I don't let it stop me. If someone keeps letting their feelings get in the way they will never be able to live life. Also it is annoying when someone gets upset over something I say when I'm not even trying to be rude. Happiness should come from within yourself, not from other people.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Ever taken the time to consider that maby the reason why some people are sensitive is because they have had to deal with these "bigger problems" for their lifetime? and I hope your happy you made me use quotation marks which makes me feel old :(

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