Is it normal i can't stand these?

Is it normal I can't stand jewelery of any sort? I can't touch it with out getting disgusted or hardly even look at it. I don't even want to be near it I just find it so gross an disgusting and disturbing... I don't know why but Iv always been like this. I even hate thinking about it, or the words to say the words or even to type them I can't stand it. But to clarify what items I hate and get grossed out by I'll type them... (earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets)

Can't stand them. find them very disgusting, pretty sure I have some sort of phobia against these, anyways is it normal to hate, feel disgusted, grossed out, creeped out just flat out disturbed by these?

Voting Results
20% Normal
Based on 115 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Sketcher18

    Well, I'm not a fan of jewelery either,
    (What? A girl that doesn't like jewelery?!)
    I am not DISGUSTED by it, I mean, it's a object
    and I will admit, I have found certain diamonds very pretty, but I wouldn't spend money on them.

    So, not normal,but not harmful.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I don't think it's a normal thing to be freaked out about and I happen to wear two rings, two bracelets, a cross necklace and a toe ring all on a regular basis. None of my jewelry is fake and gross but I must admit I hate guys wearing a lot of gold chains and the only thing worse than a lot of chains is a lot of fake chains.

    I am, however, curious as to what to what specifically is disgusting, disturbing or gross about jewelry?

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  • Avant-Garde

    I'm not fond of wearing jewellery either but it doesn't frighten me and I don't mind it on others unless its gaudy or tasteless. It could be a phobia but it could also be a personal quirk.

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  • "Is it normal I can't stand jewelery of any sort? I can't touch it with out getting disgusted or hardly even look at it. I don't even want to be near it I just find it so gross an disgusting and disturbing"

    You really have to ask?

    Just look at it! You sound like a fucking kook!

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  • masoknox

    This is just my guess, not saying I know your life, but if you want to look at it on a deeper level, as a child, you may have been really poor and disgusted by richer people who have it all, or maybe something traumatic happened in which jewelry was involved (family member dying with jewelry on, etc). If not then it's probably some abnormal phobia, not one I've ever heard of. Am I close at all?

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  • suckonthis9

    I also do not like any type of jewelry which encircles me, or touches my skin.

    This is not necessarily a 'phobia', but might just be a behavioural trait, in some people.

    I have for some time, had a fancy for a timepiece on a fob, though.

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  • hello)(there

    I don't find jewelry disgusting, but I certainly dislike it greatly.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Never heard of it.

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  • Then sell it- 1-800-Cash for Gold.

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