Is it normal- i cant stand illegal immigrants

I know im going to get a lot of shit for this but.. Is it normal that I hate illegal immigrants? I always see the at 7-11 and theyre always there soliciting themselves for jobs, and nobody does anything about it, cops dont stop it or anything.. Im to scared to even walk past them because who knows if theyre gonna rob me or not. Im sorry but I just dont want them hanging out at my favorite store. and also theyre always there buying lottery tickets. scratching off scratchoffs and such.. All with there welfare checks probably.

Voting Results
56% Normal
Based on 151 votes (84 yes)
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Comments ( 88 )
  • penpal21

    I'll bet their grammar and spelling are better than yours.

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    • idontcareforthem

      I bet not...probably most dont even know what "grammar" means.

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  • So 7-11 is your favorite store huh? Are you an illegal immigrant yourself or just waiting to start your shift at your minimum wage job? Do you get angry that all these illegal come in and you have to make sandwiches for them?

    Shame on them for snatching up your winning lottery tickets. One day that winner will come in and you can finally move out of the trailer park.

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  • Gardenia

    They don't wanna rob you, they wanna rape you. Don't go to your favorite store anymore. Haha! That's their spot now bitch:)

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    • you know nothing of my work

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    • XxLionxX

      they can go suck my dick... it was my store first :0

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I hate the fact they can get welfare. If I went to, say, Pakistan or Iraq it's not like their taxpayers would want to fund me either.

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  • Faceless

    HEY! They can actually put a taco inside of a taco and that to me is just amazing.

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    • moon1234

      well you're probably a fat dumbass

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      • Faceless

        dont comment on shit thats 2 years old. its not allowed or proper commenter etiquette.

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  • We're all humans. Would you like it if people hated you like that? Imagine yourself as them.

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    • tiffunny5

      No other Country Allows other people from Different Countries to intrude their land like America does.
      It's unsafe, Sick and wrong!

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      • evilfish

        It's neither unsafe, nor sick, nor wrong... quite contrary, ask any economist and politician. It however requires a level of risk and change acceptance beyond what most Americans are capable of, and perhaps for that reason it is perceived as a destructive force.

        The thought process here typically is: "Why should I try to understand immigrants (illegal and otherwise) and why should I change? this is my country". That position is a mere reflection that Americans are **PROVINCIAL** people with no real exposure whatsoever to the outside world.

        Often it's easier to dismiss people's differences as flaws, and that's precisely what happens. We, in America, have definitions of right and wrong.. culturaly we have a specific idea of what a life worth living looks like. Foreigners have perspectives that can be somewhat similar to completely different. Those differences are invariably misconstrued.

        Beyond that, yes, there's cases where you can judge a person and say, that's just human garbage... but guess what, immigrants aren't the only ones who take a slice of that pie. Please remember that! I'm an immigrant, and very succesful by any american's standard, with a few illegal immigrant friends whose decision to come here that way I don't defend, not because it takes away from America, but because it takes away from *them*.

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      • moon1234

        They want to change the demographic of the country because it will be easier to control people that way

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      • cookiesaregreat

        Oh the American ignorance.

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      • dom180

        No other country apart from almost all of Europe and probably just about every Western-style democracy in the world. The US is no exception, and it wouldn't matter if it was. It is okay to dislike that people broke the law to get into your country, but your hate of them is unfounded and your fear irrational. Don't judge them until you know them as individuals.

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        • nunyadam

          Suck a bag of donkey dicks. I can and will hate every last illegal sack of fucking garbage that is in my country. FUCK THEM. They are ILLEGAL INVADERS and that is an act of WAR.

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      • quentari

        Check out Australia please.

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      • You're forgetting about the UK... The country is just TOO multicultural... I bet its worse than the USA.

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  • I can't stand immigrants full stop... smh*

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  • Just because someone is born in a certain area, doesn't mean that others born in other areas can't live in the area you live.

    It's a "human" planet, we go where we want.

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    • moon1234

      That's fine, just do it legally

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    • nunyadam

      Sure they can live where they want if they do it LEGALLY. What fucking p[art of illegal do you not fucking understand ? Maybe you are just as much a piece of fucking trash as they are. Or maybe you are only TRYING to defend them because you fucking are one!

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      • Mate, don't come at me with foam at the mouth rage saying, "fuck this" and "fuck that" as if you have any way of intimidating someone past puberty. It's not impressive, it makes you look like a kid who just learned naughty words, and most importantly wastes my time.

        I also would like for you to do me a favor, k? K. I want you to look at how long ago my comment was. Quite a long time, right? Five years...Mighty fine set of time between then and now...Did it ever cross your mind that maybe, just maybe, my views have changed?

        No? It would be more productive to say fuck over and over again, make assumptions, and ask what my views are?

        Now I agree that illegal immigration is wrong, however if you think you're taking any part in convincing others that illegal immigration is wrong, well...You're not.

        You're not intimidating.
        You're not a hot shot.
        You're not impressive.
        Everyone can say "fuck".

        Ask next time. Ciao, broseph.

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  • nAt2017

    We're all humans.

    That is all.

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  • lc1988

    I could go either way on the topic but i'm leaning more towards it's not a big deal. Few live so close to the border as me. I'm sure they're just spouting stereotypes. As far as stealing jobs...yeah. A mexican totally stole the janitor job I REALLY wanted. The fact is that they take jobs Americans feel they are "too good" for. Also, most just come to make better lives for their families. I drive right by Juarez every couple months on the way to the airport or to shop in the city that is directly across from it in US soil. The living conditions are ridiculous. I'd want to get out as well. They cannot get welfare without a ssn however some of them get one somehow. I worked with a kid in high school at the dry cleaners. He was illegal yet had a social security number. I have no idea how he did it but at least he was working afterall. Another thing...I love their food! I always get sad when I see on the news that a family is torn apart because of being deported. They just want a better life for their family through hard work.

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  • Anime7

    I sort have this mentality as well. However, after hearing a kid in my class argue the prose of immigration I'm sort of alright with immigrants. Granted that xenophobia got the better of me, as it did you, as I made my racist assumptions. However, all immigrants really want is a better life for themselves and their children. My grandfather is actually an immigrant from Cuba. What you have to realize is that immigrants take the jobs that most Americans feel too entitled to have. At the end of the day you have to realize that they are a great representation of how America is the land of the free and the brave.

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    • Alison89

      Thre's a difference in the positive points of having immigrants and the negative points of illegal immigrants.

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      • Anime7

        true, but there goal here is all the same. Besides it takes years for someone to earn a citizenship here. I know that being illegal here is wrong but it's understandable.

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        • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

          When did "it's hard" ever become a legitimate excuse for breaking laws?

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          • Anime7

            Have you ever actually tried to understand the sort of problems that a non-citizen of his country has? It takes years, and I really can't stress that enough, to become a citizen here. Yes, I'll admit illegals undervalue those who actually try to become citizens here but they deserve the right to provide for their families just as much as you and I do. It's like a thief who steals food because he wants to make sure that his family doesn't starve to death. Breaking the law is bad but I think sometimes people do crazy things in order to make sure their loved ones don't die. It would be cruel of this country to sit back and deport innocent people, not that they're all innocent, just because they didn't fill out the pounds of paperwork required.

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            • nunyadam

              What is your address so I can steal everything you have? I am sure you won't mind...

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            • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

              Of course it takes years. It's a 5 year minimum wait.

              You might be able to get around the minimum though if you join the military. But I'm not sure.

              However I know plenty of people who chose to serve as a means to gain legal citizenship.

              I guess some people don't taking the hard road. And some ... seem to expect it to be handed to them because... well it's too hard.

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        • Alison89

          Their goals may be the same, but I can understand someone not liking illegals. Some of them are just good, hard-working people, but even those people have made a choice to break the law just by being here.

          I remember when I was younger, one ran into my dad at a red light in a crappy car. Nothing about the guy was legal. My dad ended up having to pay for his own repairs and the guy who hit him went to jail or got deported. Even if he hadn't gone to jail or whatever, he was never going to pay for the damage.

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          • Anime7

            I can also understand someone not liking illegals. The only reason my paradigm changed was because of an argument that some kid made in my english class. I mean yes they do not make a lot of money but I can guarantee you that nobody wants their jobs. Here in America, we've grown up around a mentality to succeed and still keep our pride. We've developed a sort of entitlement complex where we feel too superior to work for certain things and just expect them to fall on our hands. I'm sorry that your dad ran into an illegal, but really aside from upbringing and finance, what makes them any less different than us.

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            • Alison89

              My dad didn't run into the illegal. He was stopped at a traffic light and one ran into him.

              Aside from upbringing and finance, what are the differences between him and me? They're too numerous to name, but for starters, personal accountability. I'm not going to get behind the wheel of something I can't afford to replace or drive without insurance or without a license.

              I don't think you're going to get very far in your argument comparing this turd to me. It wasn't just his financial position that made him who he was.

              I don't think all of us Americans are too entitled to work. I had my share of minimum wage jobs before I got a decent job.

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        • nunyadam

          No. It is not.

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    • moon1234 probably only agree b/c your grandfather was an immigrant from Cuba

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  • NoraBaker

    Sing along: Mexican Americans love education, so they go to night school and they take spanish and get a B..……

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    • Legion

      Mexican Americans love their Nana's and their Nono's and their
      Nina's and their Nino'sb Nano Nano Nina Nono..........

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      • Jweezee

        Mexican Americans don't like to go to the movies where the
        dude has to wear contact lenses to make his blue eyes brown
        cause don't it make my brown eyes blue.....

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        • Legion

          "and that's all I got. How do you like it?"

          *phone rings* (Picks up phone) "Mexican americans like to answer telephones and say hello to whoever's on the other end."

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          • NoraBaker

            It was lovely singing with you guys at this very successful immigration party!! Tequila!!! ;)

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        • NoraBaker

          Mexican Americans don't like to get up early in the morning, but they have to so they do it real slow.

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  • phoebe8

    well, there's a couple of things wrong here.
    - if they're illegal, how can they even get welfare?
    - why are you angry about them looking for jobs? isn't that better than constantly annoying you by selling drugs, etc. ?
    - how do YOU know they're illegal ?

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    It's OK to dislike people being here illegally.

    I mean sure this is a great place but why do people think we magically can support the entire world? Or that we should.

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  • Nwodafometsys

    What pisses me off is how they come here and never even try to learn our language, and they expect us to speak their language. And they dont follow the american laws. Most illegal immigrants are criminals. They do nothing but leech off our govrenment and make it harder for us americans to get benifits. Not to mention they suck our healthcare dry because they reproduce like rats. The sad thing is our country caters to them to the point of making want to vomit. They walk around in OUR country waving THEIR flag acting like their country is so great. Well if their country is so great why is eveyone fleeing?? I say just build a giant wall on the border and get it over with. Otherwise we are just gonna and up with an "Amero" in our pocket. :/

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  • Neon.s

    It's normally that everyone scared the people they do not know or scared stranger.

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    • moon1234

      um...what you typed doesn't even make sense

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  • tiffunny5

    Its Not like we are getting the well Educated people from other Countries. It's the ones at the bottom of the Fish bowl!
    I think there should be an Island where All of the "Misfit toys" can go, no matter what country you are from :)

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    • NoraBaker

      I think it's a wonderful idea and I suggest Siberia for your little 'Misfit Toys' Project. Now get your pretty little ass there to welcome and support them and don't come back!

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      • tiffunny5

        No thanks, we already do that here :)

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  • moon1234

    Has anyone heard of the phenomenon of Mexicans crossing the border and breaking into people's houses to steal things? That's not it though. Not only do they rob your house, but they take massive dumps on your carpet after helping themselves to breakfast and this is actually commonplace in AZ

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  • stupidmexicansandspics

    Hating mexicans and beaners is normal. Being vile stupid creatures they are the black and whites natural enemy. Spictards come here spouting how great there culture and heritage is. Screaming like little babys how great there country is. Problem is if culture heritage and country is so great than by all means go the fuck back. Truth is these fucks are stupid and STUPID. They come here with dreams of welfare. They vote according to their political beliefs (mostly all spictards come from socialist countries) which is how they fucking vote. Only good thing bout spictards is when I go to baltimore I feel safer cause all robbers and muggers know only spictards carry any cash at all so they get robbed. Other than that fuck em and for all you caring short sighted people think about this spictards ruined there country and will ruin this one. They were able to leave and come here WHERE THE FUCK DO WE GO!!!!!

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    • moon1234

      I honestly don't even know why they are allowed to vote

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      • moon1234

        The government is just freely letting them in because they are trying to CHANGE THE DEMOGRAPHIC OF THE blind are you people

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  • Blackgod

    You had to know this would draw out the racists

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  • Determination

    ...added humour in our pain is that...any woman from you country marries our man here can also become a rightful citizens of our country. tell me how does it feel to see white skin woman with her white skin son or daughter driving expensive cars and starting a business as citizens of this country...and my child cannot even collect Graduation's certificate from the college even if he has scored the highest in his batch!! he looks up in my eyes but i have no few years i will die...and my child who has done masters in "education" does not even have the certificate.

    what are the options!! hah!

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  • Determination

    you are talking about hating illegal immigrants!! my dear let me tell you something. i am born in a country which refuses to accept my child as a citizens.

    i was raped. and i have a child from the incident. i was very young. now our government rule says you need to produce the child's biological father's citizenship to become a lawful citizens of the country. (p.s our country has signed the CEDAW contract too on which they have agreed to give equal rights as fathers)many complications! to cut the story short my child has become Stateless on this earth. there are many people like us. They do not have rights for higher studies, vote, driving license, passport, bank account or in other words say that they are not accepted for their existence even. i am so worried for my child's future.

    try looking up for stateless children in the net.

    you are a lucky person to be born in a country like yours. we have no complaints. but wouldn't world be a better place if a people like you can just feel little compassionate towards less fortunate people? for that you do not have to donate your properties or possessions you have, but just a softer corner for those less fortunate people!!

    Good Luck to you and your favourite store that it might be immigrants free in future!! May god grant you all the luxuries and best things only in this world!!

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  • blackmesa

    This is called racism. Quite normal in short-minded people. They are trying to make a living. I bet you would have done the same in their situation.

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    • moon1234

      well if we could all just be as high and mighty as you...

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  • jiggapooh


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  • Legion

    I actually know of a few immigrants (not just from mexico or south america), who agree with keeping illegals out. I mean seriously, is it THAT hard to get a work visa and then apply for citizenship? If it is then it should be made easier for those who want to become citizens to work and help their families, while strengthening the border to keep illegals out. For every illegal that wants to work, theyres more that want to sell drugs or some other criminal activity.( BTW, Im not being racist, there are a lot of criminals that operate south of the us.)

    I have no problem with immigrants, just illegal immigration.

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    • Determination

      so true! hmm do you know that your government is doing all this! cant you see it for yourself? if they legalize everyone then where will they get their cheap workers from?? dont you think its funny that they are allowed to or some how manage to enter your country, that too in that large numbers and yet not have legal papers? those people are at such large that you bump into them all the time at your fav stores and all the public places and your government haven't noticed that?

      Modern slavery that you smart ass government has been able to work out! Honestly, kick them all out and see where your country's economy goes!!! LMAO!! what you are eating from your plate is probably one of that illegal immigrant's hard work!! (now stop eating!!)

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  • Legion

    If I was looking for a job in another country, Id get a work visa first while I file my citizenship papers, so I could still work in the country Legally while I wait for everything to be finalized.

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  • kitchen.witch

    you are whats wrong with america.

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  • BigScaryRooster

    I can't stand them because growing up as a kid, they would always stand everywhere. There was only one route to get to school and my friends and I had to pass by them. They would shout stuff like "ai mami" to my female friends, make kissing noises, and some even pretended to grab them. This was when my friends and I were 11, 12, years old. It disgusted me.

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    • moon1234

      that's why I just give 'em the middle finger everytime

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I think it's normal not to be able to stand loiterers period. Not all illegal immigrants loiter, so to hate them for something that most of them don't do is abnormal.

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  • NoraBaker

    7-11 is your favorite store? That's sad.

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    • Avant-Garde

      The only nice aspects of 7-11 are the fact that it smells strongly of coffee and seeing the slushes being slushified in the machines.

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  • pala

    How do you know they're here illegally?

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  • GeorgeMcBob

    Them darn [censored] are always stealin' jobs 'n shit from decent white folk. Send 'em all back to Mexico, pardner.

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    • Fozmula

      relevant username

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