Is it normal i choose to drive behind slow vehicles?

When I'm driving and I don't need to be anywhere at a certain time or if I know I won't be late for work/an appointment I choose to drive or stay behind slow vehicles. I am a very impatient person. My thinking is, if I driver behind slow people I will learn a little patience.

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57% Normal
Based on 37 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Riddler

    Well that makes sense. I am very impatient myself.

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  • megadriver

    I can't do that. If I sit behind a truck or a bus, I get like an itch that grows. After a few minutes, my brain would scream at me "Overtake you idiot, overtake!!!"
    Even if i'm on a leisure drive. I can drive slow, but I hate being behind slow vehicles.

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  • jellokatt

    not sure if it's normal, but sounds like a not horrible idea..... unless you get so impatient driving behind the slow vehicles that you make up for it in other ways when you reach your destination.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I'm a impatient person who sits in the passengers seat & I know how irritating slow drivers are. Neither I or the driver have learned patience from such a experiences. It may work for you, but I've only managed to get heaps of frustration in return.

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  • Justsomejerk

    I speed by 1km/h everywhere as our alleged speeds are reduced by 2km/h. I use a gps for my speed too.

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  • GuessWho

    No, I use my GPS to accurately monitor my speed so I can keep it just 3 km/h short of the speed traps.

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  • and not not get a ticket, bonus

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