Is it normal i could never tell my gf about my foot fetish?

im not with her now but i was for over a year & i was way too embarrassed about it & didn't know how she'd react so i just hid it.

once i brought up that people like feet in an attractive kind of way and she was shocked and said that it's really weird. she's an "innocent" kinda girl so that didn't help.

we're both over 18.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • VsegdaTemnata

    You totally don't have to outright tell her. I see you're not with her anymore, which is fine, but in the future, you can do this - you can give your new girlfriend wonderful foot massages, compliment her shoes, tell her she looks sexy in a certain pair of shoes, kiss her toes and feet and just hold her feet if you're both chilling on a couch or something. I'm sure she'll get the idea but won't be creeped out about it, because it's not like never doing anything to her feet and one day blurting out "I have a foot fetish." She will get the idea without you having to say it. Besides, foot massages feel good, getting compliments on shoes is awesome, and getting foot and toe kisses is cute :)

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Foot massages kick so much ass.

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  • RinTin

    :) My boyfriend didn't tell me he had a hand and foot fetish for at least a year. I laughed when he told me because I always felt like he was looking at my hands..I felt paranoid about it until I realized I wasn't crazy.

    She might have accepted it, but maybe not who knows.

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