Is it normal i count alot
Ok when im like sitting around i have a habit of counting . So recently i was bored and counted to 6059 before i realized what i was doing
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Ok when im like sitting around i have a habit of counting . So recently i was bored and counted to 6059 before i realized what i was doing
When I was a teenager I used to count to 100 in my head, over and over again. It was something I couldn't stop doing for quite a long time. There were also objects in my parents' house I had to continually count. It was so irritating but I've completely lost the habit. Yay!
That's so weird I'm glad I'm not alone, I don't count to 60,000 though lol.
Wow you must be really bored. I used to do this when i was twelve so you're not alone.
I'm obsessed with adding up the prices of stuff. I'll just look at my CD collection and think "That CD cost me £5, that one cost me £6...." blah, blah, blah " I've spent about £834 on CDs". I do it with DVDs and games as well. I quite enjoy it for some odd reason.
You just reminded me of this...
*A LOT!!!!!
Alot is not a word! What is fucking wrong with people these days. Can't even use their own language properly.
How do you know english is OP's own language? They could be from anywhere and I'm sure aliens don't speak english very well.